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Babies Making Babies ...

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  • Babies Making Babies ...

    So I get paged to the photo lab last night. The tech hands me a recently developed roll and asks me to take a look. I know when he asks me to look at something, it's gonna be interesting, to say the least ...

    I'm going through the roll, and it looks like a few high school kids screwing around (at the beach, drinking beer, playing with a combat knife) ... I don't think much of it at first. Until I get to the end of the roll ...

    I won't go into detail, but the same 2 guys and 1 girl that had been appearing throughout the roll (fully, or at least partially clothed) seemed to have misplaced their clothing. In addition, the girl was being very "accomodating" towards the 2 guys ... at the same time. What a great thing to take pictures of, right? That's just the kind of thing you want to photograph and have someone else, namely, a complete stranger working in a photo lab, see.

    I started laughing when I saw that (don't know why it was funny), and one of my cashiers came over to see what was going on. She looked at the last few pictures, and rolled her eyes. Then she looked at the rest ... as it turns out, the girl was in her graduating class (class of 2006), and lives across the street from her. I don't think she's ever gonna look at that girl the same way again.

    I followed standard procedure, which is to shred the questionable photos, and to put a standard note in the envelope explaining why certain pictures weren't developed.

    I think everyone had a good laugh when one of the guys from the roll came in to pick up the pictures ...

    What gets me about this is not what they were doing. Who am I to judge anyone? I don't care what goes on in your bedroom, unless you want me involved . What bothers me is that they photographed it, and not only that, but with a disposable camera that someone else was going to have to develop. I mean, if you want to make homemade porn, at least use a digital camera and print the pictures out at a self-serve kiosk. Jeez. Amateurs!

  • #2
    when I worked at the photo lab at my job we used to get alot of the same stuff....and it was never anyone who should ever ever be photographed nude one of my biggest joys was handing them the photo envelope with the big 3x5 blaze orange sticker on it, that said objectionable material..blah blah. It may have well just said in big letters YOU'RE DUMB


    • #3
      Ha, I just noticed you were from LI, what town did this happen in (the lab, not the shenannigans


      • #4
        this is why im glad i dont work in a photo center


        • #5
          yeah you get to see all kinds of stuff, especially when the police precinct is up the road, and they need stuff done right away


          • #6
            I mean, it's nothing new. I could go on and on with some of the stuff I've seen. In my first store, we had a very voyeuristic biker couple ... lot's of interesting stuff there.

            I guess what bothered me most is that:

            a) they were 17 year old kids
            b) that they used a disposable camera

            But whatever. I was kind of hoping the guy who picked up the pictures would come back to complain. I would have loved to have heard what he had to say.

            Oh, and apparantly, everyone that works in my store is pissed that I didn't either save copies of the photos, or at least show them to everyone before shredding them. I promised the next time we got free porn, I'd share


            • #7
              I want some of these orange stickers!
              I've seen some like that as well. We have a guy who comes in quite often with a penchant for ladies underwear.

              Worn on his head...


              • #8
                Quoth DrugSlinger
                Oh, and apparantly, everyone that works in my store is pissed that I didn't either save copies of the photos, or at least show them to everyone before shredding them. I promised the next time we got free porn, I'd share
                Better not. Since they were 17, you could have gotten arrested for kiddie porn.
                "Boy, you sure must be in pretty bad shape. You ought to go home."
                "They won't let me," Yossarian answered with averted eyes, and crept away.

                -Joseph Heller, Catch-22


                • #9
                  Quoth Yossarian
                  Better not. Since they were 17, you could have gotten arrested for kiddie porn.
                  That's what I was thinking as well.

                  Just out of curiosity -- does your store have a policy of not printing nudity, or is it only if it's sexual?

                  The reason I asked is because I'm pretty sure that at one time, none of these places would print any kind of nudity, but that apparently changed somewhere along the line. This story goes back to my college days...

                  Some girls that I was friends with were having a birthday party for their one roommate. They asked her what she wanted for her birthday, and she jokinly said, "A male stripper." Shouldn't have done that, since one of her male friends (me) was a smartass and had no qualms about doing something like that.

                  Her roommates knew this too, and when they invited me to the party, they asked me to oblige. None of the other guests were in on it, and it was hard to keep a straight face the whole time. At some point, one of them gave me the signal, and I quietly got up, went into the bathroom, and came out wearing nothing but a towel. I smiled, and said "Happy Birthday" as I dropped the towel. At that same instant, one of the girls took a picture. I wasn't expecting it, but I didn't mind. It was all in fun. Everyone's eyes got as big as saucers, and then they all started laughing.

                  After it was over with, I was talking to the girl who took the picture, and I told her I couldn't believe she did that. She didn't think it was a big deal, since she had snapped it just before I dropped the towel. I was pretty sure she snapped it after I dropped the towel. She said no, she was sure she got it before, and even if she didn't, they wouldn't print it anyway.

                  Well, when she got the pictures back, it turned out she was wrong on both counts. There I was in my naked glory, a huge grin on my face, holding the towel open. The birthday girl had her hand over her mouth, and her eyes were practically popping out of her head. The guy who was sitting on the couch next to her hadn't seen yet, and he was looking at her like, "What?"

                  She gave me one of the pictures and kept the other one. Not sure where mine ended up, it got lost years ago one of the times I was moving. I might be on the internet somewhere, who knows?
                  Sometimes life is altered.
                  Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                  Uneasy with confrontation.
                  Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                  • #10
                    Quoth DrugSlinger
                    What bothers me is that they photographed it, and not only that, but with a disposable camera that someone else was going to have to develop. I mean, if you want to make homemade porn, at least use a digital camera and print the pictures out at a self-serve kiosk. Jeez. Amateurs!
                    Perhaps they didn't mean to exhibitionists and were simply ignorant of the developing process.

                    Tee hee hee...I vividly remember nearly giving an acquaintance cardiac arrest a few years back. Young lady was telling me how she and her boyfriend took some sexy pictures on a disposable. The look at her face when I informed her that some guy/chick in the photo lab would be witness to their activites was priceless.


                    • #11
                      Oh yes, my joyous days of working at the one hour photo lab. We actually had a guy who worked in the grocery section of the store bring in photos of his underage girlfriend. I went to the same highschool, knew he was 18 and knew she was a freshman(like 14). So me and A promptly took him to the back and chewed him a new one for the likes of 30 minutes or so. I honestly believe that alot of people don't realize we have to check the photos for things like these. *sigh*


                      • #12
                        I used to have this roomate who was dumb as a sack of hammers and a habitual drunk. Yeah, that was fun. This was when I worked at a film lab (no I don't jump jobs every three months. I'm probably way older than most of you.)

                        Anyway, this little fool let her equally charming boyfriend take questionable picture of her and sent them off to a labl. Then she asks me "You all don't actually LOOK at this stuff, do you?"

                        I said, yeah, we look at it. How could we print it if we didn't look at it (this was in the days before digital).I said not only do we look at it, but if it's particularly good we show it around the lab and to the counter guys and everyone gets a good laugh. I'm dead serious.

                        What was she thinking we did?


                        • #13
                          If you can't afford a digital camera, how about getting the old Polaroid out of the attic/basement?

                          Photo lab workers, could this stuff fall under kiddie porn laws? I mean, by people over 18 looking at nekkid pictures of jailbait? Even if you HAVE to, because of your job?
                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • #14
                            Seriously, buy a digital camera if you're going to do that stuff. That way if they ever become famous, you have the pictures and will make a shload of money! We went down to FL on spring break and had some 'Girls Gone Wild'-esque pictures. Walmart slapped the ol' orange tag on it, so we took the negatives to friend at CVS and got the pics developed no problem.
                            Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


                            • #15
                              Quoth BeckySunshine
                              If you can't afford a digital camera, how about getting the old Polaroid out of the attic/basement?
                              With the cost of Polaroid film? Just save up a bit; it's not like they're terribly expensive any more.

