Yesterday at self check I had a lady trying to use a $30 coupon, so I go over to assist her. She tells me she's using 2 of them on 2 electric razors, which she says are $27
Ok something's obviously not on the up and up here. Nobody is going to issue a coupon for an expensive item like this that gives them the whole thing off, and then $3 to boot. Sorry folks, but that's just not how it works. Turns out that the coupons were $30 off for a $70 or $80 razor. Way to read the coupon and.... Oh I forgot, they are customers, they either can't read or don't want to read.
I call a sup and he was about to just go ahead and give it to her, to which I quickly inform him that we were told by higher ups to not accept a coupon that is worth more than the product, as its obvious that when this happens, the customer is trying to scam us. He goes and checks with someone else, and they tell him to tell her that he cannot accept it. It is then that I inform him that she is most likely a scam artist. Those of you who might say that its just an honest mistake, no it is not. She knows the price of the razors and how much the coupon is and that she's trying to get them not only for free, but get some cash as well. This lady is most definitely a scam artist in my book.
Well she insists that she had the right razors
but she goes back to look at them again and says she'll be back. Yeah right, she never did come back, and I made sure to let the sup know that she might try to check out at another register and possibly catch another cashier off guard.
Ok customers, plain and simple, DO NOT try to use a coupon like that. There's no way that you people should be getting stuff like that for free, especially in this economy where most businesses are struggling to make a sale. No I don't give a rat's ass if I work for the "Big bad evil corporation that puts mom and pop businesses out of business" and that we have billions and billions of dollars and can just give it to you for free, and then some cash on top of that. Stop being fucking cheapskates and pay for the things you want to buy, like everyone else.

I call a sup and he was about to just go ahead and give it to her, to which I quickly inform him that we were told by higher ups to not accept a coupon that is worth more than the product, as its obvious that when this happens, the customer is trying to scam us. He goes and checks with someone else, and they tell him to tell her that he cannot accept it. It is then that I inform him that she is most likely a scam artist. Those of you who might say that its just an honest mistake, no it is not. She knows the price of the razors and how much the coupon is and that she's trying to get them not only for free, but get some cash as well. This lady is most definitely a scam artist in my book.
Well she insists that she had the right razors

Ok customers, plain and simple, DO NOT try to use a coupon like that. There's no way that you people should be getting stuff like that for free, especially in this economy where most businesses are struggling to make a sale. No I don't give a rat's ass if I work for the "Big bad evil corporation that puts mom and pop businesses out of business" and that we have billions and billions of dollars and can just give it to you for free, and then some cash on top of that. Stop being fucking cheapskates and pay for the things you want to buy, like everyone else.