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My roomate the SC

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  • My roomate the SC

    Warning: more foul language than usual for quoting purposes anyway.

    In light of the hornlocking my roomate and I are engaged in, I felt I'd make him look like an even bigger ass by exposing one of his really bad flaws....he's an entitlement whore SC just like the worst of them.

    Any of you fellow CSers out there who work for the cable company or customer service for cable, while his actions weren't as stupid as some of Phone Jockey's customers, it sure probably had those employees seeing red.

    What really got the ball rolling on our fight wasn't him living with his was when we started fighting over the bills. It was on the day that he got December's cable bill.......and saw that the cable provider was upping their service charges. The price jumped up a good 20 to 40 bucks. My roomate was livid.

    I was getting ready for work and he angrily alerts me of the situation via text message. Then he calls and tells me, "You're lucky I remembered you, the second I saw that bill I was going to call and cancel, but then I thought you might want to keep it." I said that I did want to keep it. He proceeded to lay into me, with "Well, YOU will be paying the entire cable bill....I don't live there anymore, I don't have to put up with this shit and you ordering those fucking movies off the tv why can't you just go out and buy them or rent them, are you stupid, do you know that those things cost money.....blah blah blah blah blah" then I asked if he called the cable provider.

    He then went on to say that he called them and tore them new buttholes over the situation. Something along the lines of "I've used your cable everywhere I've lived since college and you've never pulled shit like this before you CANNOT up your service charges like that, in the contract it says I would ONLY be paying $xx.xx a month, you cannot go in and change the contract without telling me, how dare you pull this shit, I should just cancel your service RIGHT now and you will have lost a customer, and you're probably going to lose more pulling this shit!" one customer lost. Only 100,000 other customers in the area left to go, right?

    Trying to leave the rest of the stuff we fight about aside, he then told me I had one month to switch the cable bill into my name or he would shut it off. His exact words, "I DON'T live here anymore, I am not responsible for this shit. You pay all these fucking bills. Not my problem anymore!" *he doesn't live here but his random shit is still here......funny eh?*

    But he did do something "nice" for me. His temper tantrum of Hitler proportions managed to get our bill back down to its regular rate. He showed me the new fixed bill, and said, "I called them again, and they agreed to lower the price back to normal. Didn't even fuckin apologize for changing the contract...but yeah it's back to normal. If they EVER pull that shit again, you let me know and I'll MAKE them change it back, I'm not kidding, you let me know."

    Yeah, like he can make them do anything.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    If he says he doesn't live there anymore, tell him to give you his key (or change the locks if you can) and set up a time for him to pickup his stuff. Give him a couple weeks to do it, makes sure you send him a certified letter or something. If he doesn't show up, for his stuff either haul it out to the curb or sell it and get yourself a better roomate.


    • #3
      Definitely make sure your front office knows he's not living there anymore. They'll probably have him sign over his half of the lease to you...
      I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
      "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


      • #4
        I agree with trunks. From that and the other stuff youv'e said about that guy his girlfriend will be kicking his ass out sooner or later then he'll be back in your life.


        • #5
          *chiming in*

          If he's telling people he doesn't live there any more get him the hell out. You don't want repo/debt recovery people coming to take stuff because he decided not to pay other bills.
          ludo ergo sum


          • #6
            *Repeats what everyone said*
            If he doesn't show up, for his stuff either haul it out to the curb or sell it and get yourself a better roomate.
            I say sell the stuff if he doesn't show up, you can make a nice profit. He ain't paying, he ain't living anymore.
            The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


            • #7
              by law, you can't throw it out, sell it or dispose of it unless you want to end up in court with him suing you.

              what you may end up doing is taking him to court to pay his share of the rent (if he's not doing so), which he most likely will have to pay since he's using the place for storage and his name is still on the lease (if that applies).

              get copies, take pictures and take the bum to court; you're owed for his share. his choices are: move his stuff or pay you cash for using the place as a storage site.

              *watches too much judge judy for her own good*
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                *watches too much judge judy for her own good*
                Okay, sorry for the off-topic, but.

                I LOVE JUDGE JUDY.

                I wish it were my job to tell people they were morons.
                Saving the planet and everything on it is certainly a daunting task; but see, push has come to shove...Let's roll.

                - Inga Muscio


                • #9
                  Ok, let's get all this advice organised in the order it should be done.

                  1. He's claiming to not live there anymore, so apprise your landlord of the situation, get all the stuff you need changed over to your name, start shopping for a new roommate immediately, especially if #3 turns out to be a short amount of time.

                  2. Change all bills pertaining to your residence and services to your name.

                  3. Call your local sheriff or police dept. Find out what your local/county/state laws are regarding abandoned property. (In Oregon, if someone doesn't move their crap after having been given 72 hrs notice, it becomes yours and you can do whatever the hell you want to with it. I made quite a nice chunk of change this way. Also, this is why you need to make sure that the residence is in YOUR name, can't really throw a guy's stuff out of a place that's still in his name). Give your ex-roommate notice, if he doesn't come and get his crap out within the legally needed amount of time, have a yard sale (to cover all the transition bills, hehehe )

                  4. Go on living life as you see fit, making sure that you get as much contact info for your ex-roommate as you can, to give to bill collectors or any other people that might need to contact him. Put up with it for a month, to be courteous, then just tell people that no one there lives by that name. (I say "to be courteous" but its really fun to help debt collectors find their debtors).

                  Can you tell I've done this before? I'm also a pro at moving out around a person. LOL
                  Last edited by zzapp the witch; 02-26-2007, 10:28 PM.
         do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                  Chickens are Asexual!


                  • #10
                    Well it looks like zzap summed it up quite nicely... that's pretty much what he should do if he wants this bum outta his life.
                    I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                    "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                    • #11
                      Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                      *watches too much judge judy for her own good*
                      I was thinking the same thing, except my addiction is "People's Court"!
                      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                      • #12
                        I love Judge Judy too! I have a feeling she'd be nicer towards me, I've watched enough of her to know how to answer her ?s lol.

                        I've asked my parents and looked into this before. The only problem is shopping for a new roomate...that's impossible. He already refused to let someone else move in because he isn't totally ready to move the rest of his crap out.....

                        I'm waiting until he's off the lease, key gone, then his gf dumps him and he tries to come back...LOL!

                        But hey guys, this is moving really OT.....there's a roomate thread dedicated to this and the several posts I've made where I complain about roomie. Let's focus on the matter at hand: he was rude to the cable people for no reason.
                        Last edited by blas; 02-27-2007, 02:26 AM.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          I'll be honest if I agreed to pay x amount and then without notice it is raised by even a dollor then I am not happy...I agree to what I can pay not what a company thinks I should pay!


                          • #14
                            If anyone else out there has this cable, or any other cable I guess.....they usually advertise commercials for new packages and upgrades..........with a little asterik at the bottom of the screen like
                            Cable, Internet, Phone $99.00/month
                            *for 6 months

                            My parents' cable charges went up that month as well. Everyone's did. That's because we happened to all get our cable at the same time, it was only promised at that rate for 6 months. I have the contract in my bedroom lol along with a copy of the lease. The lady at the cable place even highlighted it for me when I came in to get the bill in my name, so I knew how long before rates went up.

                            The good news....after my roomate's temper tantrum, we get another 6 months of our old it won't go up again until after I move out yay!
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              Everyone has given you some really good advice here. It sounds like it'd be a good idea to get this guy out of your life ASAP, maybe free up the room to get someone responsible moved in. If you have trouble covering bills, you really might consider canceling the cable, BTW. You can get the 3 at a time package of Netflix for $10/month or something like that, and most TV series get carried there once they're released to DVD. Plus, a lot of shows are being hosted on the internet now. I watch most of the Daily Show and the Colbert report online, plus Heroes. Google Video hosts a number of complete MST3K episodes, and there are a lot of old radio shows from the 40s and 50s hosted on the Internet Archive (better written and acted than modern TV, IMO, plus it freaks old people out when some 20something kid remembers their favorite radio shows!).

                              With all the online content out there, plus Netflix to fill the gaps, there's not much reason to pay for cable TV anymore.

