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Wherein We Receive Misplaced Holiday Cheer

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  • Wherein We Receive Misplaced Holiday Cheer

    Hello, America! It is me, your friendly northern neighbour. ( Yes, that's right, with a U ). If I could just have a quick word for a moment? Great, thanks. See, I know you love your turkey and your pilgrims with their funny hats and what not. But please stop wishing me Happy Thanksgiving. I know you mean well, but strangely enough, American holidays don't actually exist outside of America. -.-

    I can forgive you if you thought I was in the States, but the worst offending lines this week have been ones with "Canada", "Canadian" or "International" in the greeting phrase.

    <cough> Had to get that off my chest, sorry. Moving along~

    Again With This

    Me: “Alright, and the item number please?”
    SC: “It’s xxx…..then the thing…..then xx”

    I believe that puzzling arcane glyph you are referring to is known as a “hyphen”. Though “Dash” is an equally acceptable answer if you are not capable of more than one syllable.

    Me: “Alright, I only have that in stock in Red, Orange and Purple.”
    SC: “Can I get Blue?”
    Me: “I don’t have blue in stock. The only colours I have are Red, Orange or Purplel.”
    SC: “Oh. Can I get it in Navy then?”

    This shouldn’t be this hard. I am not asking you to write a thesis here. I am not even asking you to answer in the form of a sentence. This is a multiple choice question. You need only direct your mental pencil towards one of three checkboxes to indicate your choice in the matter. Even if said pencil has not been sharpened in some time, you should at least be able to make an ill coordinated smudge on the appropriate box.

    You, however, have taken the test, doodled a picture of a penis on the back and are now parading it back and forth on your teacher’s desk going “HIS NAME IS WALLY AND HE LIVES IN MY PANTS. HE LIKES CANDY.”.


    Hello, Nunavut. It’s me, your friendly neighbourhood CSR. Wait, you come back here Alberta, you need to hear this too. Don’t think you’re innocent. Now, just let me say first of all that we do very much appreciate your business and in no way are we trying to discourage you from calling. But, really, let’s talk about this. I really think the time has come to stage an intervention:

    Don’t you think you have enough hats? I mean, sure, hats are awesome. They keep your head warm, they look….cool(?) and if you ever need to pick up and carry a large volume of Doritos you’ve got a bowl ready to go. But, see, you can only wear one hat at a time. Or at least, you’re only suppose to wear one hat at a time. Hats are not additive, contrary to TF2 they do not gain in power and prestige if you stack several on top of each other on your skull. They gain only in absurdity and neck strain.

    So, really, maybe it’s time to step back and look at yourself ( If indeed there is enough room left in your house for you to take a step back without falling backwards over a pile of baseball caps. ). You know, just re-examine your priorities. Maybe ease off on the hats just a little bit. Like maybe only ordering 1 or 2 every time you call instead of 5 or 6. You know, start out small. See if you can handle it. Don’t just go all cold turkey all of a sudden. You’ll probably only make it a couple of days before you wake up in a ditch laying on top a pile of strange toques you’ve never seen before. So pace yourself.

    You can do this. We know you can.

    Roadside Wisdom

    There appears to be a panhandler a block from here that is providing crossword puzzle hints in exchange for spare change. At least, I assume that’s what he’s doing. He asked me for change when I walked by, and when I didn’t say anything, he yelled “FOUR ACROSS IS CLEVELAND!” at me. Which would be more helpful if he specified what crossword puzzle in which paper he was referring too. But I guess I need to pay up for that part.


    Me: “And the item number please, ma’am?”
    SC: “31.”

    31? That seems to be just a tad too short. At least 3 numbers too short. Are you sure you’re reading the right number in the catalog? I’m referring to the little number code by every item in the catalog. Kind of hard to miss. Unless…..wait, did you count every item in the catalog and are tragically misunderstanding the question? Is that the 31st item in the catalog? That’s….kind of impressive. Horribly misguided, but impressive.

    Please Don't

    Hello, local charity organization! I see you have added a funky and rather elaborate clothing donation bin to my neighbourhood. As I was passing by it, I noticed the warning “UNDER VIDEO SURVEILLANCE” on the bin and the accompanying little camera lens. In which case, while I do not have any clothing to donate, I do hope you will accept the humour of my misfortune in lieu of a donation. Seeing as I was in full view of your camera when I turned my head to read the bin and walked straight into a tree.

    P.S. Please resist the temptation to upload me to Youtube.

    I Think You Misunderstood

    Me: “Are you calling to place an order?”
    SC: “Um, I was wondering if I could have a VISA?

    If you could….have a VISA? Like….just….have mine? As if I would just randomly part with it because you asked nicely? Sure! Why not. I mean, it’s not like you could do irreparable financial harm to me if I handed over my credit card. Although, I’m assuming you would immediately then ask me to place an order using my own card 10 seconds later.

    Me: “I think you may have the wrong number, ma’am”
    SC: “But on the back of the catalog it says Now Accepting Prepaid VISA Cards.”

    Yes…..yes it does….which is why I’m struggling to understand how you read that and walked away with “If I call them they’ll give me a VISA card”. As that sentence would indicate we accept VISA as a form of payment. Not that we accept requests for VISA cards. As that would be an entirely different sentence from the one you just professed to reading. But, I am nothing if not helpful. So let me see if I can offer something for you here. If only a few pieces of advice.

    Seeing as you insist on trying to transverse the waters of telecommunication whilst clinging to a piece of debris and hoping the current takes you towards land, perhaps I can be of some help. Allow me to teach you a simple, easy to remember phrase for your future endeavours. Something you can use at the start of every conversation that will immediately allow any CSR in the world to tailor their services specifically for you and your consumer needs. Ready? Alright, here we go. Repeat after me:

    “I have the reading comprehension of toast.”

    Ha Ha

    SC: “So you’ll let me known when I win?”

    Of course, sir! Though in exchange, we do ask that you contact us immediately if you come across any originality.

    I Hate People That Do This
    ( This happens all the time, drives me nuts. )

    SC: “I'm calling from Sakah Boutique”
    Me: “From what store, sorry?”
    SC: “Sakah.”
    Me: “I still didn’t understand, sorry. Could you spell it for me, please?”
    SC: “Sakah.”
    Me: “Can you spell the name of the store, please?”
    SC: “Sakah.”
    Me: “Yes, but can you spell it please, sir?”
    SC: “Sakah”

    Contrary to the popular belief of half of North America, you cannot learn the spelling of a word through osmosis. You’re going to have to work with me a bit here.


    Ah ha! I see that you, as a fellow CSR, have the same protocols as we do, and thus are attempting to out friendly me over the course of the conversation. But whether you be brother in arms or no, I will not be out-sir’d! Which….admittedly leads to somewhat silly conversations where be both circle each other like rabid lions, calling each other sir at the end of every sentence with an increasing level of fake sincerity.

    The Realm of Possibilities

    Me: “And your name please, sir?”
    SC: “Timothy.”
    Me: “Can you spell that please?”
    SC: “T-I-M-.....R? No, T-I-M-O-S-.....T-I-M....”
    Me: “T-I-M-O-T-H-Y?”
    SC: “Frank.”
    Me: “Sorry, Frank?”
    SC: “Douglas.”
    Me: “Can you spell that please, sir?”
    SC: “D-O.....R.....L?”

    Right, maybe you should take a time out and figure out who you actually are before we continue here. Might I suggest checking your wallet and seeing if you have an official documentation as to your identity? It could also assist you in the correct spelling of your own moniker.

    Me: “And your postal code, please?”
    SC: “R0B 1S4”
    Me: “R0B 1S4?”
    SC: “L0P 4A0.”
    Me: “L0P 4A0?”
    SC: “G0C 3C1.”

    I see that you speak not in answers, but only in possibilities. While this is all very enlightened of you, it doesn’t actually help you get pants any faster. You may wish to close your mind off to the higher planes of consciousness and come back down to the material world for a few minutes so we can get this over with.

    annnnd rest ( Bit of a slow week with you and your silly pilgrim hats. -.- )
    Last edited by Gravekeeper; 11-28-2011, 03:37 PM. Reason: Missed a couple. -.-

  • #2
    Happy Thanksgiving! *runs and hides*

    This is why I was always jealous of my dual-citizenship friends. They got two Thanksgivings every year!

    And according to my husband, you cannot have too many hats. He has a giant collection. I tell him it's ridiculous, and he retorts by commenting on my purse and shoe collections. He just doesn't get it.
    Last edited by bhskittykatt; 11-28-2011, 03:48 PM.
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


    • #3
      You and CRML really need spellcheck. It's Neighbor and Favor. *runs*
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #4
        I would love to see that video of GK and the tree.


        • #5
          Though I'm not in America...
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          Me: “I don’t have blue in stock. The only colours I have are Red, Orange or Purplel.”
          Just what sort of colour is purplel?
          I still miss my ex.
          But my aim is getting better.


          • #6
            Quoth Midnight_Angel View Post
            Just what sort of colour is purplel?
            It's a shade of typo. Not too common but you see it every now and then during the fall fashion season.


            • #7
              Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
              And according to my husband, Bartholomew Cubbins, you cannot have too many hats.
              Ask him about the Oobleck.
              I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
              Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
              Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


              • #8
                Could it be that the Visa lady was attempting to apply for a visa to enter another country and simply dialled the wrong number?
                Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx


                • #9

                  That was fun to read. Go Canada! And our hats!
                  Go for the eyes!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Syriilord View Post
                    Could it be that the Visa lady was attempting to apply for a visa to enter another country and simply dialled the wrong number?
                    Not even remotely, no. She was reading the back of a cloths catalog remember. >.>

                    Never mind calling from the barren north lands.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper
                      Again With This

                      Me: &ldquo;Alright, and the item number please?&rdquo;
                      SC: &ldquo;It&rsquo;s xxx&hellip;..then the thing&hellip;..then xx&rdquo;

                      I believe that puzzling arcane glyph you are referring to is known as a &ldquo;hyphen&rdquo;. Though &ldquo;Dash&rdquo; is an equally acceptable answer if you are not capable of more than one syllable.

                      Me: &ldquo;Alright, I only have that in stock in Red, Orange and Purple.&rdquo;
                      SC: &ldquo;Can I get Blue?&rdquo;
                      Me: &ldquo;I don&rsquo;t have blue in stock. The only colours I have are Red, Orange or Purplel.&rdquo;
                      SC: &ldquo;Oh. Can I get it in Navy then?&rdquo;

                      This shouldn&rsquo;t be this hard. I am not asking you to write a thesis here. I am not even asking you to answer in the form of a sentence. This is a multiple choice question. You need only direct your mental pencil towards one of three checkboxes to indicate your choice in the matter. Even if said pencil has not been sharpened in some time, you should at least be able to make an ill coordinated smudge on the appropriate box.

                      You, however, have taken the test, doodled a picture of a penis on the back and are now parading it back and forth on your teacher&rsquo;s desk going &ldquo;HIS NAME IS WALLY AND HE LIVES IN MY PANTS. HE LIKES CANDY.&rdquo;.
                      This part made me giggle.

                      By the way: I had a regular customer come in today wearing.... Purple camo. And honestly, my first thought was 'Damn, I wonder if he's one of Gravekeeper's customers.' Though idk if you get people from Maryland/Washington DC calling... If you do he might have ordered it from you.
                      Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                      Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


                      • #12
                        Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                        You and CRML really need spellcheck. It's Neighbor and Favor. *runs*
                        And it's color, not colour . . .


                        I am a bit surprised, though. I figured if GK was going to have a "chat" with Nunavut, it would be about the pants, not the hats.

                        At least you CAN wear more than one hat at a time. Pants get a bit harder after 2 pair.
                        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                        • #13
                          Ha ha! This is a personal best! People who call because they WANT a Visa card and idiots who can't even spell their own names!!!

                          Who in the hell can't spell their own name? Education is certainly wasted on them!


                          • #14
                            You, however, have taken the test, doodled a picture of a penis on the back and are now parading it back and forth on your teacher’s desk going “HIS NAME IS WALLY AND HE LIVES IN MY PANTS. HE LIKES CANDY.”.
                            So glad I put my coffee down before reading this.

                            Judging by some of the stories I see on Not Always Right, a lot of people don't realize Canada is not part of the U.S. So I'm not surprised some of these idiots are wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.
                            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Me: “Alright, I only have that in stock in Red, Orange and Purple.”
                              SC: “Can I get Blue?”
                              I had one of these geniuses in my bar today.

                              SC: "Can I get a couple of Mountain Dews to go?"
                              ME: "Sorry, can't do that, as we don't have Mountain Dew."
                              SC: "What sodas do you have?"
                              ME: "We have Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, and ginger ale."
                              SC: "You don't have Dr. Pepper, do you?"
                              ME: [pause as I just LOOK at him meaningfully] "We ONLY have the ones I said."

                              Yeah, we actually have Dr. Pepper, but since we're in the business of selling stuff, I thought I'd leave out that option in case you actually wanted it. Duh.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              “HIS NAME IS WALLY AND HE LIVES IN MY PANTS. HE LIKES CANDY.”
                              I like Candy too. I hear she's working tonight....

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Don’t you think you have enough hats?
                              I'm pretty much guilty of this, as I have a LOT of hats. Plenty of ballcaps, of course, but also a whole bunch of goofy hats. Naturally a plethora of jester hats (duh), but plenty of other silly and weird headgear. Why? Because hats are, as you said, awesome.

                              That being said, even I, Mr. Goofy Hat, don't order FIVE OR SIX AT A TIME. What's WRONG with these people?!?!?!?!

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Hello, local charity organization! I see you have added a funky and rather elaborate clothing donation bin to my neighbourhood. As I was passing by it, I noticed the warning “UNDER VIDEO SURVEILLANCE” on the bin and the accompanying little camera lens.
                              Anyone else see the irony in this? A charity dedicated to getting donated clothing to those who need it but can't afford it using video surveillance to deter and/or catch anyone who steals clothing from that bin. Now, call me crazy, but chances are good that most people stealing clothing from a clothing donation bin would be doing so because they need it but can't afford it. Basically, the organization is threatening people who don't want to wait.

                              Quoth MoonCat View Post
                              Judging by some of the stories I see on Not Always Right, a lot of people don't realize Canada is not part of the U.S.
                              Oh, stop. Everyone knows that Canada is the 51st State!

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

