We just started doing a suggestion box here at Kroger, and here's one of the responses:
Complaints about customers: They are the ones that pay us; without them, we're nothing.
This could also be a varation of those customers who say to us, the associates, something along the lines of, "I bet you're just thrilled to see the store so busy!" Well, the big corporate offices and stock holders certainly will be (bigger profits/dividends). Management, yes most likely (incentive bonuses). But the rank and file associates? Nope, we still get the same low hourly wage (only $7.05 in my case) no matter how many customers we get. We don't get commisions and techincally we can't accept tips (though I did see one customer tip a dollar to a bagger, and since they are on the lowest rung of seniority according to union rules, I wasn't about to say anything
). In fact, our GM was trying to tell me that if we do enough business and avoid enough shrink, they could afford more full time positions. Well, considering we have checkers that have been here as much as ten years and are still stuck on part time status, you can see why I'm very skeptical of that claim.
The point is that the customers' money really goes to the big corporate offices, who then give themselves the vast majority of it, give management the vast majority of the rest, and then we just get whatever bread crumbs are leftover. :P
Complaints about customers: They are the ones that pay us; without them, we're nothing.
This could also be a varation of those customers who say to us, the associates, something along the lines of, "I bet you're just thrilled to see the store so busy!" Well, the big corporate offices and stock holders certainly will be (bigger profits/dividends). Management, yes most likely (incentive bonuses). But the rank and file associates? Nope, we still get the same low hourly wage (only $7.05 in my case) no matter how many customers we get. We don't get commisions and techincally we can't accept tips (though I did see one customer tip a dollar to a bagger, and since they are on the lowest rung of seniority according to union rules, I wasn't about to say anything

The point is that the customers' money really goes to the big corporate offices, who then give themselves the vast majority of it, give management the vast majority of the rest, and then we just get whatever bread crumbs are leftover. :P