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Sig Capture pad crazy

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  • Sig Capture pad crazy

    To be fair I probably wasn't at my most graceful when this happened as I was waiting for my turn to go to lunch (the girl before me was late coming back) and my mood was starting to turn for the worse. It was also STUPID busy and the coupon redundancy was to the point of idiotic this weekend. I work for Company that Sounds like the name of a Coin, if anyone else does, you know what I mean. Also in which I learn about a function on the machine I was never told about.

    Transaction goes fine, until we get to the signature part.
    I had her the stylus and ask her to please sign the sig. capture pad.
    She says, "No, I don't sign that. I want paper."
    Shocked, I go, "No, these machines don't do that anymore." (In at least five years of working at places with sig cap pads this is the first person that has wanted otherwise.)
    She says, "Yes they do. They do it for me all the time."
    At that point someone reaches around me and taps the screen and the machine spits out a sig paper.
    Befuddled, I had her the paper, however I have no pen. She says, "Oh I have a pen."
    As she's signing, I ask her, because I just have to know, "So why do you prefer to sign paper?"
    To which she replies, "That way nobody steals my signature."
    I wonder if she knows it's easier for someone to steal her signature from a piece of paper than it is electronically?

    She later complained to a manager that I was mean to her. That same manager also told me that no-one had told her about that function on the machine and she found out quite by accident.

    Another woman came up to me later and tried to buy something with just the number cut from her card. It was a co-worker that had be helping her and got confused while trying to explain to the woman what the coupons were this weekend. Apparently people typed it in for her before. The woman's daughter in law finally got frustrated with her too and told her to just use her bankcard.
    It didn't occur to me later, but if she cut up her store card and kept the number, why didn't she do the same with her bank card?

  • #2
    I had the same thing happen to me back during the summer. An older lady wanted a piece of paper to sign because her hands weren't steady enough to sign the pad. Which I'm thinking, in all honestly, it seems like the banks don't ever actually check people's signatures. I don't know how many times I've seen people just scribble something on there or let their kids sign or just put a line across.

    Anyways, I told the lady I wasn't sure that I could do that and even if we could, I didn't know how. She said they did it for her all the time so I asked one of the other cashiers near by how to do it, and she said the same thing I did, that she wasn't sure we could do that. Finally got a floor supervisor over and she showed me how to do it. Sometime during all of this, maybe after, the lady was complaining about me not being trained properly and they should do a better job of training people. The entire time I've worked at this store, she's the ONLY person who's actually wanted to sign a piece of paper. I've had to get people sign paper at SCO, but that's normally because they're trying to go back and either add something to the order or scan their loyalty card, and they end up making it print the paper to sign. Once it gets to that signature screen you can't go back.


    • #3
      The lady that had the cut up card - could it be a case where she is using someone else's card and that way it prevents you from checking if she had cut around the name and the signature part? I don't know how she cut it though so I could be wrong. I just honestly can't think of a GOOD reason to cut up your card like that. Unless her husband cut it up to make her quit using it and this was how she was getting around that? This baffles me so much! I don't even care about the suck right now. I wanna know why she would have a cut up card!


      • #4
        Her son and daughter in law were there with her. They said she did it because she was afraid of someone stealing her information. They were acting like she always did crazy stuff like that. But her bank card was intact. I was curious, so I ran card to see the name that popped up, but it never even got to that point, it was declined. So she used her bank card instead. She was pretty old and seemed to be feeble, probably 80 something.


        • #5
          Quoth pltkcelestial18 View Post
          I had the same thing happen to me back during the summer. An older lady wanted a piece of paper to sign because her hands weren't steady enough to sign the pad. Which I'm thinking, in all honestly, it seems like the banks don't ever actually check people's signatures. I don't know how many times I've seen people just scribble something on there or let their kids sign or just put a line across.
          Bank doesn't even get the signatures from the stores. All they get is a little code that tells them the card was physically present and that it should have been a signature-based transaction. If the transaction is disputed, then the store could potentially deny the dispute with a valid signature on the charge... or with camera footage showing the card-holder at the store counter at the time of the transaction. But unless there's a dispute, the signature doesn't matter in the least.


          • #6
            The cut up card reminds me of a cousin-by-marriage's elderly parents. They were getting on in years and both had developed Parkinson's. The father had a habit of just giving his whole wallet to cashiers/waiters/valets or just leaving it lying places. So cousin made his father another wallet with fake credit cards in it, so when they went out he could let his father do what he wanted without making him upset, and he just paid on the sly afterwards.
            "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


            • #7
              Yeesh. Signatures. Half of the gamblers I get at the booth sign their tickets by placing them in a vertical line and drawing the pen down the center. They don't care. They want their fix.
              Go for the eyes!


              • #8
                Sometimes, customers can be persuaded if you create a sense of urgency. When I worked at Guitar Center, they wanted us to use this. For instance, after demo-ing a piece of equipment, we would have to say something like, "ok, so what card will be using to put that on?" or something like that.

                In saying that, I would have like to have replied, "M'am, if you don't sign it this way, I'm just going to void off the whole transaction. I understand the other place does it your way, but this isn't that place. Also, if you're worried about people stealing your identity, then why didn't you just use cash instead?" With the last part, at least you're giving them another option to pay that, in this case, puts their identity theft worries at ease somewhat.

