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Wherein We Invent The Perfect Holiday Gift

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  • Wherein We Invent The Perfect Holiday Gift

    Same old, same old.... -.-

    Professional Help

    SC: “In your professional opinion, are tickets 1 for $50?"

    Er, why yes. In my professional opinion, they are indeed 1 for $50. In fact, I’m actually quite decorated in this field of research and have verified this theory over countless experiments. It took many years of hard work in a specialized subterranean lab and several government grants, but I have indeed made countless breakthroughs in this field of study. Yet, there is still ever more to discovery! We will never truly know all there is to know about lottery tickets. Not in our lifetime at least. But hopefully my work will leave an undeniable mark on humanity as a whole as we struggle to understand what we are, what our place in the universe is and how much our VISA will be charged for a lottery ticket.

    Sorry About That

    Me: “Are you 19 or older?”
    SC: “OH GOD”

    I sense perhaps that I have just clued you in to the crushing knowledge of your own mortality. Please accept my humble apologies.

    The Lap Of Luxury

    SC: “Well what happens when you page them? Does their phone ring? Does it keep ringing or does it just ring once?”
    Me: “I’m sorry ma’am, I wouldn’t know, it’s up to them how they would have their cell phone configured.”
    SC: “Well, not much is up to you is it? Must be a nice life! <click>”

    Really? That’s the snarky send off you’re going to go with here? You’re going with “Must be a nice life!” towards the guy whose job is to sacrifice a normal life just so he stay up all night just in case idiots such as yourself have an emergency? You must have a most peculiar mental image of what a call centre looks like. I assure you, we have neither luxurious cots to lounge on nor glistening toga clad man servants to feed us grapes between calls.

    Now if you’ll excuse me, it is time for my personal attendants to lather me with warm olive oil while humming the theme from Knight Rider.

    Why Is This Question So Hard

    Me: “And your phone number please, sir?”
    SC: “Oh, um……errr……….uh…”

    Yeah, that one’s kind of a curveball, isn’t it?

    Thanks For That

    Me: “And your email please, ma’am?”
    SC: “”

    ......Well, thank you, ma’am. Here I was just plodding my way through the call, wistfully wondering “Damn, this is so boring. If only there was some way I could make this uncomfortably awkward!”. Then you came racing in to my rescue. Please, allow me to repeat that back to you for confirmation so we can both take an extra moment or two to really revel in the awkwardness.

    Are You Listening, Toy Makers?
    ( Just to quantify the stupidity here, this line sells only one product which is in the greeting phrase. )

    Me: “Are you calling to place an order?”
    SC: “What are you selling?”

    …...Ornate reproductions of 16th century door knockers featuring characters from My Little Pony. They’re all the craze for the holiday season. Would you like one? We even have some that Talk When You Knock™ and one model of Rainbow Dash that dispenses apology candy out of her nostrils if no one answers the door after 60 seconds.

    Tit For Tat

    SC: “Is this a cab?”
    Me: “No, sorry. You have the wrong number.”
    SC: “Oh. Could I get the number to Richmond Cab?”

    I fear I do not understand the question. Well, I understand the question, but not the motivations which propelled it forward from your brain to your mouth. Why, oh why would you ask me that? I gave no indication whatsoever that I would possess such knowledge and you clearly did not listen to the first thing I said when I answered. Which means your thought process must literally be “I have just called a total stranger by accident in the dead of night…….obviously this is the best time to inquire as to whether or not they possess the power of clairvoyance!”

    Tell you what, since you appear perfectly content to foist an impolite burden upon a total stranger in the middle of the night, then you won’t mind if I make a similar request: If you can tell me the phone number of the Build A Bear Workshop off the top of your head, I’ll tell you the phone number of Richmond Cab. Deal? You get a ride home, I get to order the construction of a heartless yet cuddly stuffed minion to carry out my diabolical plans. Or just sit on my desk at home and be hidden in the closet out of embarrassment whenever I have company.

    One Of You Out There Has This Story
    ( This guy is, for some reason, calling the tech support line for a certain major store chain. So some store clerk out there is probably bitching about this exact same story online somewhere. >.> )

    SC: “I was just wondering if it was your company’s policy to have your employees to tell someone to fuck off in your stores.”

    Well......I rather doubt it’s standard operating procedure for any major retailer. But I haven’t been to <store> in a while. So maybe things have changed recently. Tell me, what did this dastardly employee do to you?

    SC: “All I said was: I’ve told what I need to tell you three times, are you on drugs?! Then he told me: I’m cashing out, sir and to get out of his store, then he told me to Fuck off!”

    So….you berated the clerk like an idiot while he was trying to close the store and accused him of drug use, and he *gasp* got upset and threw you out of the store? You don’t say! Why, truly that is completely unexpected isn’t it? I trust you were completely, unfailingly polite the entire time and did nothing else to antagonize him or provoke him either to achieve foul language in response.

    Truly, you have been greatly wronged here.


    SC: “Is this the government?!”

    That depends, which government in specific are you trying to reach? If you were just trying to reach a government, then you have in fact come through to the Prime Minister of MyDeskia, a tiny pacific country which forms and disbands a couple of days a week but only for around 9 hours at a time. If you hurry, you might be able to apply for a work VISA before my great nation disbands once more.

    Alrighty Then

    Me: “Are you calling to place an order?”
    SC: “No!”
    Me: “Pardon?”
    SC: “But the lottery is…..I want too! I just, you…...I can’t order tickets now!”

    Allllright…..If I might make a small request: If you’re going to keep up this odd argument with yourself, do you think you could at least change your voice a little bit when arguing the opposing side? Just so I know which one of you is Gollum and which one is Smeagol? Thanks!

    Down Boy

    Me: “And which credit card would you like to use, sir?”
    SC: “I got a Visa Scotia Align Visa Scotia Bank Scotia Bank Visa.”

    Whoa, easy there, lad. Calm down. Take a deep breath. It’s alright. Everything is going to be ok. You’ll get your pants. You’ll even get them in time for Christmas. Everything is ok. I know, the prospect of an entirely new piece of clothing to shield your groin against the elements in is super exciting, but you’ve gotta pace yourself, man. If you’re this wound up just paying for it, then the next 2 weeks waiting for it to arrive are not going to go particularly well for you. In fact at this point I’d be willing to put money on this ending up in a hostage situation by week 2 if this call is any indication.

    Red October

    Me: “Good evening, <company> tech support.”
    SC: “*PING* Hi, this is <company> *PING* in Ottawa.”
    Me: “Yes?”
    SC: “*PING* Can you check our system *PING* I think something's gone do*PING*”

    This may sound like a rather peculiar question, but are you using your iPhone to hunt submarines? If so, could you kindly turn off the sonar for a couple of minutes until you’re off the phone? That would be great, thanks.

    Perhaps, Some Day

    Me: “And your phone number please, sir?”
    SC: “Um……”

    Curses! Is there none amongst you who can answer this Sphinx’s riddle? Try harder! You know not what treasures lay within! All these, and tech support, could all be yours if only you honed your wits! Also, failing the Sphinx’s riddle usually ends with something in the area of “Pit full of scorpions”. So you might want to brush up for the future. Just in case.

    annnnnd rest

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    Tit For Tat

    SC: “Is this a cab?”
    Me: “No, sorry. You have the wrong number.”
    SC: “Oh. Could I get the number to Richmond Cab?”

    I fear I do not understand the question. Well, I understand the question, but not the motivations which propelled it forward from your brain to your mouth. Why, oh why would you ask me that? I gave no indication whatsoever that I would possess such knowledge and you clearly did not listen to the first thing I said when I answered. Which means your thought process must literally be “I have just called a total stranger by accident in the dead of night…….obviously this is the best time to inquire as to whether or not they possess the power of clairvoyance!”

    Tell you what, since you appear perfectly content to foist an impolite burden upon a total stranger in the middle of the night, then you won’t mind if I make a similar request: If you can tell me the phone number of the Build A Bear Workshop off the top of your head, I’ll tell you the phone number of Richmond Cab. Deal? You get a ride home, I get to order the construction of a heartless yet cuddly stuffed minion to carry out my diabolical plans. Or just sit on my desk at home and be hidden in the closet out of embarrassment whenever I have company.
    I can kind of understand the guy's question though...

    *hangs head in shame*

    The caller may have thought that this is a question you get all the time and just might know where he went wrong... "Our number is xxx-xxxx, you're looking for Smegma Cabs, their number is xxx-xxx(x+1)..." or something.

    I have done that. My home number is one digit off from a local electronics and cell phone store.
    "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021


    • #3
      Quoth El Pollo Guerrera View Post
      The caller may have thought that this is a question you get all the time and just might know where he went wrong... "Our number is xxx-xxxx, you're looking for Smegma Cabs, their number is xxx-xxx(x+1)..." or something.
      I'd excuse that at 3 in afternoon and if he had listened to the first thing I said. But as he hadn't and it was more like 3am, he didn't even verify he hadn't just woken someone up in the middle of the night. -.-


      • #4
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Sorry About That

        Me: “Are you 19 or older?”
        SC: “OH GOD”
        Maybe the customer was getting lucky when they called? >_>

        Are You Listening, Toy Makers?
        We even have some that Talk When You Knock™ and one model of Rainbow Dash that dispenses apology candy out of her nostrils if no one answers the door after 60 seconds.
        Pinkie Pie for me. I want mine to get that patented "back off or I'm going to bite your neck" look after ten seconds or so...
        Tit For Tat

        If you can tell me the phone number of the Build A Bear Workshop off the top of your head, I’ll tell you the phone number of Richmond Cab. Deal? You get a ride home, I get to order the construction of a heartless yet cuddly stuffed minion to carry out my diabolical plans.
        I think we all could use a heartless yet cuddly minion for our desks.

        One Of You Out There Has This Story

        So….you berated the clerk like an idiot while he was trying to close the store and accused him of drug use, and he *gasp* got upset and threw you out of the store? You don’t say! Why, truly that is completely unexpected isn’t it?
        Sadly, to him, it probably WAS completely unexpected...>_<

        Red October
        This may sound like a rather peculiar question, but are you using your iPhone to hunt submarines?
        Just tell him to turn around in a complete circle a few times in order to clear his baffles.
        Last edited by EricKei; 12-05-2011, 06:39 PM. Reason: the "split" quote tags keep coming back on those last two for some reason
        "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
        "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
        "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
        "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
        "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
        "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
        Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
        "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


        • #5
          I get to order the construction of a heartless yet cuddly stuffed minion to carry out my diabolical plans.
          I am now imagning an army of teddy bears invading Nunavut shouting "Down with pants!" I am never going to be able to look at Captain and Big Bear (my teddy bears) the same way again!
          I'm fairly new here (I lurked for a while before joining and then was completely inactive for many months until Rapscallion helped me activate my account) so GKs archive of posts has been helping me survive finals week. The vitriol, snark, and humor has kept me from losing my mind by expressing pretty much what I've been feeling lately. I actually found myself using GKs... creative... insults for the group members in my research project. Who thinks 17 is a valid GPA?! Thanks to GK I merely kept up an inner monologue of doom instead of sporking them for having to run all the analyses over again.
          *Bows to the Master*
          Sometimes the noise in your closet is just a chicken loving cross-dresser ~Lixxle

          When I'm not fair, it's because I'm too busy being fun ~Dana


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            Red October

            Me: “Good evening, <company> tech support.”
            SC: “*PING* Hi, this is <company> *PING* in Ottawa.”
            Me: “Yes?”
            SC: “*PING* Can you check our system *PING* I think something's gone do*PING*”
            Sounds to me more like he's calling from a hospital and they're having trouble with one of their machines.


            The one that goes *PING* that is....

            Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx


            • #7
              Quoth Syriilord View Post
              Sounds to me more like he's calling from a hospital and they're having trouble with one of their machines.


              The one that goes *PING* that is....

              But why would they have trouble with it? It's the most expensive machine in the whole hospital!!

              Originally Posted by edible_hat
              (also, wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?)


              • #8
                …...Ornate reproductions of 16th century door knockers featuring characters from My Little Pony. They’re all the craze for the holiday season. Would you like one? We even have some that Talk When You Knock™ and one model of Rainbow Dash that dispenses apology candy out of her nostrils if no one answers the door after 60 seconds.
                I want the Fluttershy Fade Away model!

                Knock Knock
                Knock Knock
                Knock Knock
                Knock Knock
                knock knock
                "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


                • #9
                  we have neither luxurious cots to lounge on nor glistening toga clad man servants to feed us grapes between calls.
                  I need to know how to get these at home. Purely for research purposes, of course.

                  SC: “I was just wondering if it was your company’s policy to have your employees to tell someone to fuck off in your stores.”
                  No, but it totally should be.
                  When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post


                    SC: “Is this the government?!”

                    That depends, which government in specific are you trying to reach? If you were just trying to reach a government, then you have in fact come through to the Prime Minister of MyDeskia, a tiny pacific country which forms and disbands a couple of days a week but only for around 9 hours at a time. If you hurry, you might be able to apply for a work VISA before my great nation disbands once more.
                    OMG I peed a little.
                    "There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't."


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      Same old, same old.... -.-


                      The Lap Of Luxury

                      SC: “Well what happens when you page them? Does their phone ring? Does it keep ringing or does it just ring once?”
                      Me: “I’m sorry ma’am, I wouldn’t know, it’s up to them how they would have their cell phone configured.”
                      SC: “Well, not much is up to you is it? Must be a nice life! <click>”

                      Really? That’s the snarky send off you’re going to go with here? You’re going with “Must be a nice life!” towards the guy whose job is to sacrifice a normal life just so he stay up all night just in case idiots such as yourself have an emergency? You must have a most peculiar mental image of what a call centre looks like. I assure you, we have neither luxurious cots to lounge on nor glistening toga clad man servants to feed us grapes between calls.

                      Now if you’ll excuse me, it is time for my personal attendants to lather me with warm olive oil while humming the theme from Knight Rider.
                      Okay, I definitely want a job there!!

                      Thanks For That

                      Me: “And your email please, ma’am?”
                      SC: “”

                      ......Well, thank you, ma’am. Here I was just plodding my way through the call, wistfully wondering “Damn, this is so boring. If only there was some way I could make this uncomfortably awkward!”. Then you came racing in to my rescue. Please, allow me to repeat that back to you for confirmation so we can both take an extra moment or two to really revel in the awkwardness.
                      Maybe it's ... a boating term ... ?

                      Are You Listening, Toy Makers?
                      ( Just to quantify the stupidity here, this line sells only one product which is in the greeting phrase. )

                      Me: “Are you calling to place an order?”
                      SC: “What are you selling?”

                      …...Ornate reproductions of 16th century door knockers featuring characters from My Little Pony. They’re all the craze for the holiday season. Would you like one? We even have some that Talk When You Knock™ and one model of Rainbow Dash that dispenses apology candy out of her nostrils if no one answers the door after 60 seconds.
                      Ooh, I want the Rainbow Dash one! With peppermints!


                      • #12
                        Quoth Laund-o-rama Mama View Post
                        OMG I peed a little.
                        I almost did. Annnnd I send yet another GK link to Momma FL's email. (She's a fan, too.)
                        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          Now if you’ll excuse me, it is time for my personal attendants to lather me with warm olive oil while humming the theme from Knight Rider.
                          God Damnit! Now I have to change the ringtone on my cell phone. I'll never be able to listen to it ring the theme to Knight Rider without that mental image.

                          Damn you.
                          I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                          • #14
                            [QUOTE=Gravekeeper;981252]Same old, same old.... -.-

                            Tit For Tat

                            SC: “Is this a cab?”
                            Me: “No, sorry. You have the wrong number.”
                            SC: “Oh. Could I get the number to Richmond Cab?”

                            I fear I do not understand the question. Well, I understand the question, but not the motivations which propelled it forward from your brain to your mouth. Why, oh why would you ask me that? I gave no indication whatsoever that I would possess such knowledge and you clearly did not listen to the first thing I said when I answered. Which means your thought process must literally be “I have just called a total stranger by accident in the dead of night…….obviously this is the best time to inquire as to whether or not they possess the power of clairvoyance!”

                            Tell you what, since you appear perfectly content to foist an impolite burden upon a total stranger in the middle of the night, then you won’t mind if I make a similar request: If you can tell me the phone number of the Build A Bear Workshop off the top of your head, I’ll tell you the phone number of Richmond Cab. Deal? You get a ride home, I get to order the construction of a heartless yet cuddly stuffed minion to carry out my diabolical plans. Or just sit on my desk at home and be hidden in the closet out of embarrassment whenever I have company.

                            GK you are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a call similar to this tonight. <bg> I work for a drugstore on Main St. Guy calls and asks "you're on Main right?"


                            Okay when I'm turning off Main, what's the name of that metal company down on the left?

                            Turning off Main from where sir?

                            You know, down the street! What's the name of that street?

                            You mean Generals Blvd (the street that intersects Main where we are)?

                            No off Hwy 150!!!! (Hwy 150 does NOT intersect Main AT ALL)

                            Ummm, you mean the street that crosses Main where we are?

                            Yea that one! What's the name of that street?

                            Generals Blvd

                            But what's the name of the metal company on the left? (I've lived here 7 years and have yet to see a metal company on that street)

                            I don't know sir, maybe you should call information and ask for metal companies in <my town>

                            But I wanna, youknow, apply for a job there!

                            Okay then, you don't know the name of the company, the street it's on, or its phone number, and you call a random drugstore for this information? Yeah, I'd totally hire you!


                            • #15
                              Quoth Wembley View Post
                              But why would they have trouble with it? It's the most expensive machine in the whole hospital!!

                              Precisely because it's the most expensive machine. The likelyhood of something breaking down in a costly-to-repair way is directly proportional to how expensive it was in the first place.

                              Quoth Dark Psion View Post
                              I want the Fluttershy Fade Away model!

                              Knock Knock
                              Knock Knock
                              Knock Knock
                              Knock Knock
                              knock knock

                              ....Dammit. Now I want one of these as well. But tell me, how long after they get fed up and leave does it take for it to re-appear?
                              Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx

