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Tis the season, for whining and forging.

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  • #16
    Quoth Argabarga View Post
    Lets Whine About the Price

    Lets Whine About the Service

    Another thing, we only bring 2 gallons max (the fuel can on the truck doesn’t HOLD any more than that) and even the lousiest, leakiest, thirstiest V8 can make at least 8-10 miles on 2 gallons of dead dinosaur, and that’s more than enough to find an open service station.
    I think I see a sideline buisiness for you here - get an old pickup and fit it with a 55 gallon drum and a transfer pump, then charge $30 + $x/mile + (2 times the going rate/gallon) to bring them a full tank. Payment of deliver and mileage before you even leave the shop, payment of fuel amount after pumping.

    If you want to be really slick, get a second drum and pump for diesel.

    It sounds like you might be able to make a nice bit of extra coin that way!
    Life: Reality TV for deities. - dalesys


    • #17
      Quoth Argabarga View Post
      Lets Whine About the Service

      Another thing, we only bring 2 gallons max (the fuel can on the truck doesn’t HOLD any more than that) and even the lousiest, leakiest, thirstiest V8 can make at least 8-10 miles on 2 gallons of dead dinosaur, and that’s more than enough to find an open service station.
      On the outbound leg of a recent trip, the Peterbilt of Natural Selection (up and down hills, with 45,000+ pounds in the trailer) got 4.9 MPG, which would be near the high end of the range you gave. No excuse for a class 1 vehicle to not be able to make it to the nearest open service station on 2 gallons (assuming the run-dry happened in an urban area, which from your posts appears to be the case).
      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


      • #18
        Argabarga posts, always good for multiple chuckles per bonehead "client"...


        • #19
          Service calls here are 68.90 plus $7 for fuel.
          We had one customer from a motor club abuse his account because he refused to put gas in his motorcycle because his motor club paid for it. 3 times was all he got away with in one week before they cut him off. No more service calls for him until the end of the year (it was April).
          The best part about people who need emergency fuel that I've found is they are always within walking distance (at least around here) to a gas station. Their wait time for us to come out if we are on no other call, plus having to call their motor club (if they have one) ..blah blah considerably longer then if they had walked to the gas station.

          My favorite are private property impounds. These people get so steamed that their car was towed from where it was NOT supposed to be. Most of the time its illegal and the cops were the one that called us. Look buddy! Be mad at yourself not us because we surely didn't park your vehicle illegally.


          • #20
            SC: "You didn't leave me a note!"

            Arga: "I certainly did. It's right under the driver's side wiper..."


            • #21
              Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
              We get people like that coming into the petrol station all the time... who then act enraged cuz we a) don't let them fill up a Coke bottle/bucket/milk bottle/insert other illegal receptacle for fuel; b) have the nerve to charge them for the fuel AND the fuel can which they have to put their fuel in and/or c) don't have a spare fuel can lying around that we can lend them.
              I believe over here it's a legal requirement for the station to make sure it's a safe container, right?



              • #22
                That's right, but some people seem to have a very strange idea as to what a safe container is. O_o
                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                My DeviantArt.

