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The Fight! (Sorta long)

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  • The Fight! (Sorta long)

    A note, I recently discovered my co-worker decided to join these forums, and his name is Shmuggly. This happened when he was working and I was in the mall looking for Christmas consumerism to leech upon. We saw everything.

    I have no idea where this came from. It was out of the blue, and I'm still scratching my head over it.

    Da shmugs was working the till with my boss and the AM when some guys started shouting. And shouting. and shouting some more. Security was called to diffuse the situation.

    Just as the officer shows up, the punches start flying. The fight lasts all of a few seconds, in which a rack of tees on a nearby clothes booth is knocked over.

    And get this: Somewhere in the melee, a child was unlucky enough to get hit by a wayward punch! The mother was livid, as she should be, but the kid was ok. Thank goodness. Seriously, this isn't why you fight in a crowded public place.

    Now, one of the men was a perfect picture for a wifebeater mugshot. The other, a teenager in a sweatshirt. Apparently the instigator was the WifeBeater, but only because the teenager had "wealthy parents" and was "Flaunting it in front of people who had to work for their money."

    Seriously? I can understand the annoyance of someone waving money around (Which he wasn't) and bragging about his big daddy-D's six figure annual to his main squeeze. (Which he wasn't either) That's not something to throw a punch over, even if when you confront him he's saying "Bring it, bro!" Even if the teen's being an arrogant buttmunch, you still keep your head and don't start a fight!

    How do I know this? After the wifebeater was escorted out and the guard departed, he comes and buys cigarettes from Shmugs! And he spouts the above nonsense to us as if it's not his fault the fight was started!

    And the best part about this? The wifebeater actually did punch a child! And apart from a screaming from the mother, nothing happened! I don't know what security did, but today it wasn't their jobs. Maybe it was too busy for them.
    Go for the eyes!

  • #2
    If somebody hit my kid, they'd be going to jail . . . after they visited the hospital
    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


    • #3
      If that guy ever came back in, I would be rightfully fired for saying, "hey everybody, the wife-beater who punched a kid is back!!!"


      • #4
        Quoth emax4 View Post
        If that guy ever came back in, I would be rightfully fired for saying, "hey everybody, the wife-beater who punched a kid is back!!!"
        Fired for a truthful statement? I'd say no, but you know those spineless management types that are lurking out there

        The wifebeater kid puncher should be banned. Period. No excuses, no exceptions. He attacked the poor teenager and hit a KID! Grrrrrrr!


        • #5
          Taking wifebeater's story at face value: This teen was a jerk, but still not worth it. I've avoided a lot of fights with the line: You're not worth it... don't flatter yourself.
          I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

          Who is John Galt?
          -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


          • #6
            Quoth Panacea View Post
            If somebody hit my kid, they'd be going to jail . . . after they visited the hospital
            Same. In fact, they'd be very lucky to be getting back up off the ground. Never mess with a mans young spawn.
            Getting offended is a great way to avoid answering questions that make you sound dumb. - exmocaptainmoroni


            • #7
              For a bit of background, we are a little kiosk that sells everything a convenience store would. The fight was in the main hallway, next to a T-shirt kiosk that is right across from us. Luckily the mall security showed up promptly to put out the fight.

              And yes, before the fight broke out I sold the teen cigarettes, and after the fight I sold the wifebeater cigarettes, somewhat hesitantly I admit.


              • #8
                I only saw one fight at my old job. I was working my aisle, when I heard some commotion at the front of the store. I ran over to see what was going on, and there were two teenagers who had obviously been fighting with someone else, and one of my coworkers had the one in a wrestling hold. I later found out that they had come in trying to start trouble. The one looked at my one coworker and called him a "racist motherfucker" for no reason (kids were black, coworker was white, but he got along with everyone including the two black employees.) Then the one took a swing at another customer, completely unprovoked.

                After we chased them out of the store, the manager called the cops. That's when we noticed they were sitting on the bench by the exit doors. My coworker -- the one who had the accusations of racism hurled at him -- went out and told them, "You better get out of here! They already called the cops!" The one just said, "Aw man, fuck the cops!"

                They stupidly stayed where they were until the cops rolled in and took them away.
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  I remember in my store cashier days and witnessing two women fighting. I was never into the whole catfight thing though. Management was breaking them up and the cops were on there way. i took a line from night Court and told a nearby manager, "I guess I should have told them to oil up first.."


                  • #10
                    Quoth MadMike View Post
                    I only saw one fight at my old job. I was working my aisle, when I heard some commotion at the front of the store. I ran over to see what was going on, and there were two teenagers who had obviously been fighting with someone else, and one of my coworkers had the one in a wrestling hold. I later found out that they had come in trying to start trouble. The one looked at my one coworker and called him a "racist motherfucker" for no reason (kids were black, coworker was white, but he got along with everyone including the two black employees.) Then the one took a swing at another customer, completely unprovoked.

                    After we chased them out of the store, the manager called the cops. That's when we noticed they were sitting on the bench by the exit doors. My coworker -- the one who had the accusations of racism hurled at him -- went out and told them, "You better get out of here! They already called the cops!" The one just said, "Aw man, fuck the cops!"

                    They stupidly stayed where they were until the cops rolled in and took them away.
                    They may have been related to the group that came into the store one day (years ago back at the little WD near the house) while the DM from Hell was there.

                    Let's just say (best of my recollection) DM and store manager told them to leave. Guys started mouthing off, manager went to call cops. DM repeatedly told them to leave and they went and hung out near the exit outside on the sidewalk.

                    Cops came and took 'em away.

                    And at another store, there was an incident where two women got into a a real fistfight . . . .over a potted plant. One of our AM's was caught in the crossfire while trying to separate the two brawlin' babes. Cops had to come to get the situation under control.

                    Never ceases to amaze me how petty and stupid humanity can be . . . .
                    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                    • #11
                      i agree... ban the jerk.

                      and ... Shmuggly ! welcome to the nut house!
                      *hands over plates of cookies*

