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Like Moths to a Porchlight

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  • Like Moths to a Porchlight

    It's seems to be on hot summer days, and full moons, we get the crazy SC's.

    Tonight we had one lady argue us up and down about Buy 1 Get 1 free. Appearently she read it as Buy one for half price. I'm sorry that's not how corporate works. I don't make the B1G1 rules. I know it makes perfect sense, but the computer would show it as shrink, and we wouldn't get reimbursed. But this lady wasn't willing to accept a free item. What a b*tch.

    After her we had people come up and argue about the price of Ice Cream. They said that they were overcharged. Then my manager showed them it was the correct price, but they claimed that it should be on sale b/c it's in the same freezer as the sale items. Hmm...I want that $20 frozen lasagana, but since it's in the same freezer as the $1 TV dinners, I'm only paying a dollar for it. READ THE FREAKING SIGN!

    Then we had a crazy lady who came to pick up her pictures. We have a company that picks up film, sends it to Chicago, and there they print the picks and slap a price on it. Nothing to do with us. So this lady comes in, bitching up a storm b/c the pictures hadn't been delivered. Complaining about wasting gas. Then she calls and bitches me out about how long it took for her pictures to come in. Then she comes in and bitches about the price. I was being stubborn and not marking them down. She was complaining b/c she claimed that they were each the same thing. But they were priced differently, probably b/c she's a dumb ass and filled out the form wrong. Instead my manager gives her a refund...WTF????

    Then we had a shload of people tonight who think we're a freaking bank. They walk in wanting to cash checks that we don't accept. One guy wanted to pay for his order with rolled coins!!! No dude, we're not a bank here. When we don't accept checks, they say..."Where who will accept it?" A BANK...that's what they're there for. We offer it as a 'service' it's a privelege, I don't have to accept your check or change, it's not a right.

    All right that's my stories for today, and when I thought I had ran out of stuff to post on here.
    Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store