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The drunks among us.

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  • The drunks among us.

    This one comes from my experience at a Conoco no less than 6 blocks away from one of Oklahomas most popular and best know(nationwide) colleges.

    There were 3 employees this night,it was a game day and things get real interesting when the sun goes down.Anyways 2 nightclerks including myself,and one teeny tiny lady(who was awesome)our AM. About midnight we had only 2 cars in the lot,one was a surfer kinda dude,the other was a decked out mercedes suv,rims stereo,the whole job,well surfer guy comes in to pay for his gas,and starts to leave without incident.But apparently thats where he went wrong.

    About this time the occupants of the mercedes come in,2 females,1 male,the females proceed to get drinks while the male stands outside the front door blocking the path of surfer dude(hereafter SD)well SD tries to go about his merry way to pump his gas but the SC was'nt going to have this,he blocked the door,SD tries to open the door,notices SC says excuse me,SC gets in his face
    SC:Fuck you bitch
    SC you heard me whatcha gonna do <MOD EDIT! SNIP!>
    Well there is no fighting on our property,or anyones for that matter,so i run around the counter and get between them,I tell them in no uncertain terms they need to stop and go their seperate ways...SD quietly walks out pumps his gas and leaves.Does SC?would I have a story if he did?

    SC now starts to threaten me,I'm not big,but neither is he,But co-worker Mike is,about this time Mike takes over for me,he tells this guy to leave now,His female companions are begging him to come on(having paid for their drinks they were waiting in the vehicle during this)The SC is not having it,Hes gonna kick both of our asses,hes gonna fuck us up so bad,now manager lady get involved,Apparently you dont threaten her employees.She physicaly pushes him out the front doors,at witch point he threatens to shoot and stab all 3 of us,physical violence i can deal with,deadly threat?I call the cops,He sees me doing this,and runs to the backseat of his girls vehicle(funny how they always go for the poor dumb ones)all the while they're driving off he is literaly hanging out the window still threating to kill all of us.

    But this is a college town,The response times are amazing in this place 20 seconds,no shit he left the lot we told the cops witch street he was on,20 seconds later we have 2 sheriff and 4 regular police vehicles screaming his way.10 minutes later a police officer comes back with that huge grin we all love to see so much,
    Officer:guess what?
    O:he ran on foot,when we caught up to him he was in possession of a stolen firearm,and intoxicated(FUCKING DUH)But since he threatened you with the weapon present,it is intent,areyou going to press charges?
    Us:what do you think?

    Well His first court date was not too long ago,and unfortounately it was a very snowy day and I could not be present in court,However they did proceed with him trying to offer a plea bargain where nothing would be done against him if he pleaded guilty and did 6 months probation,I would not have this,neither would my coworkers,after the probation was up,the fact that he threatened to kill 3 human beings,would not be on his rcord at all..I agreed to no plea deal,we are now waiting on a trial date,I am going to stick this to his record,he will be follwed by this,its what he deserves,he had a chance to leave before things got out of hand,and as far as any of the employees know he did not even know the guy he originaly started the fight with..I mean come on what was this guy thinking?
    Last edited by NightAngel; 02-28-2007, 08:03 PM.

  • #2
    He was thinking "Must avenge my brother, Ghetto Superstar!"


    • #3
      Quoth acidtrunks View Post
      ..I mean come on what was this guy thinking?
      Doesn't sound like he was very well equiped for that.

      "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."

