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one customer - many sucky cliches (kinda long)

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  • one customer - many sucky cliches (kinda long)

    Ok, my first post (drumroll):

    I work for a call center for a company that sells day planners and organizers. I actually telecommute from home and one of the very few disadvantages of working at home is that I have no co-workers with whom I can discuss the daily onslaught of SC's, so I'm very happy to have discovered this site! Having said that though, I will add that my direct supervisor is really great and I can just give her a call and vent when I've had a particularly sucky call. I even told her about this site but I'm not sure if she's checked it out yet. Anyway, back to the story - on Monday I took a call from a lady who managed to embody a number of sucky cliches.

    First of all she didn't have her customer number. What is so hard about this? Still, recognizing the fact that many callers won't, it's nice when in response to my query of "May I please have your customer number?", a caller says something to the effect of "Sorry I don't have it, what info do you need to find my account?" instead of simply "No", as this SC did. Ok, so I look up "Jane Doe" and find her account. I tell her that for security purposes I need her to verify the address, phone #, etc. and she gets all huffy, snapping at me that "nothing has changed!" You know these SC's - they act like your efforts to do your job are just wasting their very important time! Besides, how many times have they said "nothing has changed" and you find that some of the info if not all of it has changed? I just sweetly apologize and tell her that I am required to do this verification each time and she backs off a bit.

    We go through the call and of course it's one where she doesn't know what she wants, so I have her go the website and look at various items, etc. We spend a good 10 minutes like this and every few minutes she asks me the very same questions about the very same items. Now I've had people who tell me that they have a brain injury or something similar and need to go over things several times or whatever and I have no problem with that, but this woman just made it seem like she thought I really didn't know what I was talking about. Sheesh!

    Now we're in the homestretch of the call. I ask for her credit card # and she gives it. Bearing in mind that I found her account by looking up her name, and have been addressing her as "Ms. Doe" throughout the call, the kicker comes when, after giving me her credit card info, she says "Do you have my name?" I'm so taken aback by this I can only stammer "Well, you told me it was Jane Doe", to which she simply replies "Ok".

    This definitely isn't the worst SC I've had and certainly doesn't compare to so many of your posts, but it was my most recent and I wanted to get my feet wet with my first post. Thanks for "listening"!
    "Full price for gum?! That dog won't hunt, monsignor." - Philip J. Fry

  • #2
    First of all welcome to CS!

    Next. I feel your pain on that one. We offer free tech support to licensed and registered customers. So we ask for their serial number when they call. We mention that they will need their serial number in all the places where they can find our phone number.

    If that's not enough, the need for a serial number is also mentioned in the voice greeting when our phones pick up.

    And nobody ever has it ready. And they act surprised when I ask for it. Even the ones who call us multiple times.

    Caller: Hi. This Jane Doe? [Expectant pause]

    Me: Yes?

    Caller: From the Sillyville School Sytem in Boring, Mass.? [Expectant pause]

    Me: Yes?

    Caller: I need to talk to Carl about tech support.

    Me: May I have your serial number, please?

    Caller: I knew you'd ask that.

    Then they make a huge passive-agressive show of the effort it takes to look it up. [I'm impervious to passive-aggression; I find it amusing to watch them bash themselves senseless trying to make me take a hint]

    It's like that almost every time. They willingly give me their name, their organization, their city and their state (everything EXCEPT what I need to know) with that annoying questioning tone and then wait expectantly.

    And then there are the ones who do this multiple times expecting that maybe doing the same thing they same way will bring different results this time.

    We can also look people up by name, IF they've registered their serial number. If they haven't there's nothing in the database for me to look up. They never believe me either. That's another rant, though.
    Last edited by Dips; 03-01-2007, 01:13 PM. Reason: typo
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.


    • #3
      Dips, thanks for the welcome and for feeling my pain! I hate the passive-aggressive thing too. I deal with it like you do - I refuse to take their hints and make them say what they mean and ask for what they want.
      "Full price for gum?! That dog won't hunt, monsignor." - Philip J. Fry

