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Best Parents Ever! [sarcasm off]

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  • Best Parents Ever! [sarcasm off]

    Tonight, just saw the worst parents in the whole world enter the supermarket. The woman (well, really a girl; she couldn't have been more than 17 years old) had 2 kids in tow, plus a guy a couple of years older. She and him were acting very suspiciously, plus the girl was seen by a member of staff slipping something into her bag. So, the police were called, cuz the guy looked to be a bit too much for the security guard to handle on his own.

    Now, the police arrive in record time and a policewoman grabs hold of the girl. The guy, showing a complete lack of loyalty, legs it thru the door. The 2 kids are terrified and are screaming and crying. The girl then starts screeching abuse at the policewoman, and at the duty manager who of course has to be there, along with the staff member who saw her nicking. Cashiers up the other end of the store heard this girl screaming curses, it was that loud.

    I really felt sorry for the poor kids; they were only 5 and 6 and must have been really scared. The girl was taken upstairs by the manager and the police; she's going to be prosecuted fully for shoplifting.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    WARNING! Extreme sarcasm ahead!!

    Well, it's nice to see a family going on a shopping trip together. And people complain these days that families never do anything as a family.

    Extreme sarcasm off.
    I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

    Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


    • #3
      The family that shoplifts together, sucks together. <_<
      Saving the planet and everything on it is certainly a daunting task; but see, push has come to shove...Let's roll.

      - Inga Muscio


      • #4
        Or sucks apart, in this case.


        • #5
          Believe it or not, this isn't all that uncommon.

          It's happened at my store a couple of times. It's happened at other stores in town too.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            At least the police came. With us, when we phone they ask if the suspect is still in the store. If the answer is 'yes' the police won't come out as nothing has been stolen yet. If we answer 'they have just left' the police won't do any thing because theres no proof (even if its clear on the cctv!)

            We even had money taken from the till (the short version, I saw him going for the charity box and jumped on him, he ran out the store with me on his back and his accomplice left before I realised they were together.) when we realised we were £100 down, the police came out and said me and S must have taked the money. I have no confidence in the police now
            "...and you've got people. Billions of people walking about like happy meals with legs...." Spike


            • #7
              I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but we have a large family of gypsies in town and when I worked retail, it was always hell when they came in. I didn't dislike them because of their beliefs, I disliked them because they were dishonest and teach their kids to be dishonest as soon as they learn to walk. Basically, I don't hate people based on race, creed, religion, or anything like that. I only hate people if they're just legitimately bad human beings.

              They would bring the whole family in the store when I was at Circuit City (not just mom, dad, and the 10 kids, but brothers, sisters, grandparents, Balki and cousin Larry, the entire family tree). It was a real nightmare because the adults would try to haggle the price on everything in the store (the prices were set. They knew that, they knew we didn't negotiate at all, but that didn't stop them), while the kids would be pocketing anything that wasn't bolted down. The smallest children, the 3-5 year olds, would be trained to scream and cry to distract nearby employees so the older kids (and some of the adults) could nick whatever was available. It was impossible to keep track of so many people at one time, and even though they almost never actually bought anything, they never left empty-handed.

              They do this all over town. A lot of you probably deal with them at your jobs, so you know what I mean. As soon as their 5 SUV's pull up, whole stores go on alert. They know everyone knows what they're up to, but they also know it's impossible to beat them. If anyone tried banning them from the store, they could probably sue for discrimination. This is their way of life. It makes me want to cry for the children.
              "You are loved" - Plaidman.


              • #8
                Quoth hawkchick11
                Back on topic, is the guy getting in trouble too or just the girl?
                Don't know yet, but with any luck when she saw her man leaving her to face the music alone, she sang like Tweety Pie.
                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                My DeviantArt.

