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No, I will not sell you defective items.

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  • No, I will not sell you defective items.

    I had a woman get completely pissed off because I couldn't sell her something that was on recall. She started to damand to know what she would do now because her kid really wanted that toy and all that good stuff.

    I'm very sorry that I couldn't sell you that particular fire/choking/injury hazard. If you want to buy your kid a toy like that, I think you're in the wrong store and I don't know that The Addams Family opened their own retail chain.

    Besides, if she'd bought it and brought it home, thousand to one she'd call back demanding to know why the stupid cashier sold her something that could harm her baby, once she found out from a friend or the 'net that it was on recall.

    Anyone else have anything like this happen to them?

  • #2
    Most customers I've had deal with aren't too bad when it come to recalls and defective merchandise. I've only had to deal with one guy who had a problem with us not selling defective merchandise. It was an older guy that wanted to buy a dresser that was going to be sent to chargeback because it had a couple of water damaged parts and obviously couldn't be sold. He went on about how he had no problem repairing it and selling it at a furniture store that he owned. Just to be a smartass I asked him what store he owned, that way I wouldn't make the mistake of buying anything there. Obviously that pissed him off, as he stormed out he was yelling about how we need to learn the proper way of running a business.
    "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

    When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


    • #3
      Something like a water-stained piece of furniture I wouldn't have a problem selling, if a customer really wanted to fix it up. I would just make sure it's noted clearly on the receipt that they can't return it. But a recalled toy that might injure a child? There's a reason they recalled the thing!

      Don't get that much in a bookstore but we once had a how-to-knit kit recalled cuz it smelled funky
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Personally? It would depend on the recall. We got our daughter an easy bake oven for christmas and recently heard they were being "recalled" because kids were sticking their hands in and getting burned.
        I'm not taking mine back because my daughter knows not to stick her hand inside, nor is she to use it without me.

        "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


        • #5
          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
          Something like a water-stained piece of furniture I wouldn't have a problem selling, if a customer really wanted to fix it up. I would just make sure it's noted clearly on the receipt that they can't return it. But a recalled toy that might injure a child? There's a reason they recalled the thing!

          Don't get that much in a bookstore but we once had a how-to-knit kit recalled cuz it smelled funky
          It was more rotted out on the bottom than stained, it really should've never made it to the sales floor at all.
          "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

          When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


          • #6
            Quoth SuperB View Post
            Personally? It would depend on the recall. We got our daughter an easy bake oven for christmas and recently heard they were being "recalled" because kids were sticking their hands in and getting burned.
            I'm not taking mine back because my daughter knows not to stick her hand inside, nor is she to use it without me.
            Did I read that right? They were recalled b/c kids were sticking their hands INSIDE the damn things?

            Sheesh . . . talk about failure to RTFM. It will tell you that those ovens are not to be used without parental supervision.

            Come to think of it, I never had an EasyBake Oven - I learned on the REAL thing and I turned out fine.
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #7
              Before my oldest son was born there was this wonderful invention of a beanbag chair for newborns. This thing could go in the shopping cart basket seat so the baby could lay there in comfort while you shop, could hold the baby while you are breastfeeding so it was more comfortable for both of you and baby could sit in it while you fed them baby food or a bottle. WONDERFUL INVENTION. OK I digress a little.
              This item was recalled due to babies suffocating in them cause some one would put a baby in it on their stomaches instead of using it like it was intended for, laying baby on his back during eating or shopping, and leave the baby face down in a bean bag chair to sleep and of course suffocate to death because babies cant' lift their heads or roll over at birth.
              When my son was born I had been given this item and used it all the time. We went in to Walmart one day, son 3 weeks old laying there quietly in his beanie chair and us shopping. This lady comes up to me Do you know that thing is recalled, pointing at my sons beanie chair, I answer no, really I did know but it was for stupidity reasons not a defect in the item. This woman then decided she was going to take my beanie chair and return it to Walmart for me. Of course this started my son screaming cause someone was touching him that wasn't mommy, me screaming at the woman to get her hands off my son and stuff and her screaming that I was trying to kill the baby. When my mother stepped in and took my son the woman tried to run off with my beanbag chair which I took back.
              SHE WENT AND CALLED THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!
              Told them I was currently in Walmart trying to kill my baby and they needed to get there as soon as possible. Police show up and she led them to me and mom shopping with a sleeping baby, on his beanie chair. The exchange was short and sweet to the point of if he dies in the seat then I can't sue the company cause I know about the recall and still want to use the chair and the cop told the woman to shut up and leave innocent people alone.
              I really wished I had had that thing when my second son was born but my sister had taken it and lost it by then.


              • #8
                Quoth DGoddess View Post
                Come to think of it, I never had an EasyBake Oven - I learned on the REAL thing and I turned out fine.
                I didn't get an EasyBakeOven until I was in my 20s. (OK, I still AM in my 20s...I got it a few years ago for Christmas. ) Of course, my mommy ensured that I knew how to cook by the time I was a teenager, but sometimes you just need a good child's toy to play with.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                  I didn't get an EasyBakeOven until I was in my 20s. (OK, I still AM in my 20s...I got it a few years ago for Christmas. ) Of course, my mommy ensured that I knew how to cook by the time I was a teenager, but sometimes you just need a good child's toy to play with.
                  Yeah, I also had a "mommybake" oven instead. She was the youngest of 10 kids, and by the time she came along, many of her brothers and sisters were off to college. So grandma taught her all she knew about cooking (they lived on a farm and killed their own chickens. Grandma didn't know the meaning of the word "instant" or "mix" when it came to preparing food).
                  "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                  • #10
                    I had an Easy Bake Oven but mostly I took the little pans and put them in the regular oven (with mommy supervision of course). They baked better that way
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
                      People get pissy when we tell them we are NOT ALLOWED to sell displays of infant furniture. It is state law, and we are not going to break the law so somebody can have their crib or changing table right away.

                      And even if there was no law against it, we probably still wouldn't do it. We tend to just slap the displays together just so we have one on the salesfloor to show customers. If somebody were to buy a display crib, put their child in it, and have the thing collapse with their widdle pweshus inside, we'd be on a one-way trip to Fuckville.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
               <- Thought a few of you might enjoy this since we are talking about Easy Bake ovens. I really wish I had one when I was a kid. But by the time I was of age, they started to make them all pink and girly and such so it wasn't "correct" for a boy to have one.

                        Seriously how the heck can you make 40w light bulb made cupcakes for girls only I ask you!?

