...won't get your car back any faster. Or cheaper.
So, one of my jobperks duties is to issue warnings for people who are parked in a community without having the proper permit and then tow them if they continue to park there.
One bright guy comes to my office (by taxi) after his ride has been Argabarga'd:
BG: I need to know if someone towed my car or if it was stolen.
Me: Did you call the police? If it was towed, they would be notified.
BG: No. What's their number?
Me: 911
BG: I'm not calling 911 to see if my car was stolen. You guys towed it.
Me: Okay, well if you already know that, why are you here asking me if it was towed instead of at the tow yard picking it up?
BG: You can't tow my car. It's illegal because I live there. (I can't? Your car has already been towed...)
Me: If there isn't a permit on the car, it gets tagged and towed.
BG: I have a permit.
Me: It wasn't on the car.
BG: Yes it was.
Me: Here is the picture taken when your car was tagged. There is no permit visible.
BG: Why did you put a sticker on my window? That's illegal too.
Me: If there is no permit, it gets tagged. Usually, this leads to people correcting the problem or calling us to ask how to avoid getting towed.
BG: Well, I'm not cleaning the sticker off.
Me: Okay.
BG: I want you to clean it up, or pay to clean my car.
Me: We don't pay to clean the cars that we tag for parking without a permit. It comes off with water and is a lot better than the alternative, since very few people ignore a sticker on their window and let their car get towed.
BG: But it's still illegal to put stickers on windows. That's vandalism.
Me: Are you a lawyer?
BG: No, but I know the law! (Really?)
Me: Well, I'll take our lawyer's advice about towing cars, and not from the person giving out free legal advice without a license.
So, one of my job
One bright guy comes to my office (by taxi) after his ride has been Argabarga'd:
BG: I need to know if someone towed my car or if it was stolen.
Me: Did you call the police? If it was towed, they would be notified.
BG: No. What's their number?
Me: 911

BG: I'm not calling 911 to see if my car was stolen. You guys towed it.
Me: Okay, well if you already know that, why are you here asking me if it was towed instead of at the tow yard picking it up?
BG: You can't tow my car. It's illegal because I live there. (I can't? Your car has already been towed...)
Me: If there isn't a permit on the car, it gets tagged and towed.
BG: I have a permit.
Me: It wasn't on the car.
BG: Yes it was.
Me: Here is the picture taken when your car was tagged. There is no permit visible.
BG: Why did you put a sticker on my window? That's illegal too.
Me: If there is no permit, it gets tagged. Usually, this leads to people correcting the problem or calling us to ask how to avoid getting towed.
BG: Well, I'm not cleaning the sticker off.
Me: Okay.
BG: I want you to clean it up, or pay to clean my car.
Me: We don't pay to clean the cars that we tag for parking without a permit. It comes off with water and is a lot better than the alternative, since very few people ignore a sticker on their window and let their car get towed.
BG: But it's still illegal to put stickers on windows. That's vandalism.
Me: Are you a lawyer?
BG: No, but I know the law! (Really?)
Me: Well, I'll take our lawyer's advice about towing cars, and not from the person giving out free legal advice without a license.