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We're going to close you down!!

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  • We're going to close you down!!

    OK, before I begin, there is some background infomation you should know. Just finished a long shift, but I need to vent because it was hell. So many complaints, but this one stook out.

    So, the bar I work in has three sets of toilets. One gents, and two ladies. On Friday night, some idiot clogged one of the toilets so bad that it flooded the whole place, and there was no one available over the weekend to come fix it, so we simply turned the second ladies toilets into the gents and put a huge "Out of Order" sign in front of it.

    However, we also have a problem with our ladies toilets. The wooden frames under the sinks have gone mouldy from moisture leaking down, and until someone comes in to rip out all the sinks and replace them, there is nothing we can do except put an air freshener in there.

    So, this is where the SCness begins. A member of staff walks up to me and says that two customers want to see me about the state of the toilets ASAP. Before I go see these customers, I go for a quick look to see what they could be complaining about. In the ladies, there was the smell of mouldy wood, of course, but the former ladies toilets (now the gents) only had the footprints of previous customers, so I walk over to them.

    SM = Sucky Man
    SW = Sucky Woman

    SW: Excuse me, but I'm not going to wait around all day for you to come see us. I would like to complain about the state of the toilets here!
    Me: OK, sure, could I just ask what the problem is?
    SW: Well, I went into the ladies toilets about two hours ago, and it smelled! I went back five minutes ago, and it still smelled!
    Me: Ah well, I understand it's because...

    Sucky Man joins in.

    SM: And I went into the gents and it had a flooded toilet!
    Me: Oh. I just came from there and there was no flood.
    SM: Well you must be blind!
    Me: Can I just ask what toilet you went to?
    SM: That one there!

    He points to the old gents toilets with the huge "OUT OF ORDER" sign on it

    Me: Well they are out of order.
    SM: But that's not the point! They were flooded!
    Me: Which is why it is out of order, you see, last night...

    Woman jumps in.

    SW: This place smells of sewage!
    Me: It's not sewage, its...
    SW: I'm going to call the police! It is hazerdous for anyone to come in here!
    Me: It's not hazerdous, it's because...
    SW: You're going to get closed down!

    The man interupts.

    SM: Let him finish!
    Me: Thank you. Can I just say, it is not sewage. The framework underneath our sinks has gone mouldy from condensation and moisture. We are fully aware of the problem, unfortuantely, there is nothing we can do in the short term. We can only go in there and spray air freshener when we get the chance until head office sends someone in to rip out the sinks and replace them with new ones with better frames.
    SM: And this will happen when? Tomorrow?
    Me: I can't say unfortunately. I have no idea, but we are having a renovation in a matter of weeks...

    Woman jumps in.

    SW: It is not mouldy wood! It is sewage! Do you know what I am going to do? When I get home, I am phoning Environmental Health...TWICE!
    Me: O.....K.....
    SW: Two phone calls! That's all it takes! Two phone calls and this place will be shut down! You are poisoning people with you're toxic waste! We're going to close you down, and get the police involved in this matter!

    They walk out. I am completely stunned.

    I go tell our manager everything that has happened. He laughed his ass off.

  • #2
    Good lord, talk about life imitating art imitating life.
    First thing I thought when I read this was that Onion thing about the bathroom that smelled like shit. Stop the presses. Read on:


    • #3
      Huh, since when did human excrement become "toxic waste"? Last time I checked it was...excreted...out of humans.
      Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.


      • #4
        I swear, who the hell goes into a bathroom that says "Out of order" and then bitches about the fact that it's flooded?
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          I think it would be much easier to just ban all public restrooms from the public period. Problem solved.

          Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


          • #6
            Quoth batmoody View Post
            I think it would be much easier to just ban all public restrooms from the public period. Problem solved.
            Not quite. I've been in places that have a sign on the door stating No Public Restroom very clearly. Sure enough some idiot walks in and asks where the restroom is, then throws a fit when it's for employees only.
            "You are loved" - Plaidman.


            • #7
              I think they need a few whacks with and that might restart their fried brain circuits.


              • #8
                I want our restroom at work to be employees only, but no, that would be bad for business if we done that.
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  You could ban public restrooms but that could make people think they can just go anywhere they feel like.

                  They could have those bags and clean up after themselves like what you do when walking your dog

                  Then again they wouldn't do that would they.

