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  • Customers

    I have to say this is the first time that I have posted on this site. I am in a customer service line of work. And I totally don't understand them. I mean I am one of them from time to time. But, dealing with the general public on a regular basis makes you much more understanding to the person on the other side of the desk when you are the customer. I always make it apoint to thank them or bring to mgmt. attention a positive in my experience with their store.

    However on a day to day basis i encounter all walks of life. Everything from wonderful to deal and see it turns into seeing daily all the way to grind my teeth and smile and hope that they don't notice. I had a customer the other day that just totally flew off the handle. She wasn't even in the store and the situation wouldn't allow me to do what she wanted me to do. She wanted me to do something our registers totally wouldn't let me do. Yet, somehow I was wasting her time and I know this will be turned around on me somehow. I know that customers are what drives the business and i am totally not in the business of losing business but, there is a limit.

    I can tolerate allot but, I have my limits. And i think I reached it. I am always the one that tries to go above and beyond for anyone that walks into the store but, somehow that is never good enough for some. they feel you should do more or you are beneath them. And the best is when they want to tell you how to do your job. I am always thinking do i come into your job and tell u how to do your job. Or tell you that you are doing something that I feel is incorrect. When the reality of it is most have no clue what the day to day is like but, they think they do. everyone has their own policies and procedures. everyone has their own systems and how things work. Even if you worked in a related feild what works in one place doesn't always work in another. I just wish people were little nicer to one another. Life is way to short for this stuff.

  • #2
    Welcome to CS. Congrats on the first post. And here's to many more.
    "I call murder on that!"

