We have a lady who has been coming into our hotel and taking a cup of ice from our ice machine. She is not, has not and probably won't ever be a guest here. At first we allowed it back when she was only showing up a couple of times and now every freaking day she shows up.
She has never asked us if it was alright nor does she even seem to acknowledge that the hotel even exists. Now we have the choice to either A.) put up a sign "Ice is for guests use only" and then confront her if she chooses to ignore it or B.) Confront her the second we see her doing it. I know it's only a cup of ice but she does this every day and it's pretty annoying.
If I had my way I'd put a fake shrunken head in the ice chest and scare the crap out of her. But that's probably illegal or lawsuit worthy.
She has never asked us if it was alright nor does she even seem to acknowledge that the hotel even exists. Now we have the choice to either A.) put up a sign "Ice is for guests use only" and then confront her if she chooses to ignore it or B.) Confront her the second we see her doing it. I know it's only a cup of ice but she does this every day and it's pretty annoying.
If I had my way I'd put a fake shrunken head in the ice chest and scare the crap out of her. But that's probably illegal or lawsuit worthy.