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  • #16
    I had a friend who was a barista (thankfully not for StarSchmucks). Got tired of some guy complaining that his coffee was too weak.

    A double Mocha no less.

    My friend gets tired of it and decides to pull a good one on the idiot. Next day he makes the guy's double mocha with the caffinated water they sell for joggers.

    Never complained again.

    The side effect was the creation of a new drink that was very popular with the geek community...the Quad-Damage Mocha.

    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #17
      Caramel People

      At my Starbucks, we trained our caramel-lovers to order it very clearly. They were never disappointed.

      CL - Caramel Lovers

      CL: I'd like a Venti Caramel Macchiato. With Ice. And skim milk. And LOTS AND LOTS OF CARAMEL.
      Me: About double the amount of caramel? Or more.
      CL: Like triple the caramel you normally put in. Bottom, sides, and top.
      Me: Okay, so I have an Iced Venti Nonfat Three-times-the-caramel Caramel Macchiato. It will be .xx cents for the extra caramel. Did you want an English Toffee bar with it?
      CL: Uh, no. Just the coffee.
      Me: Okay, that will be $x.xx.

      We worked in a Seattle store, so words like "skim milk" were absolutely forbidden for us to say. Plus, our managers were super anal about us repeating the orders back PERFECTLY. What's funny, is the ones who ordered lots of caramel eventually caught on, and ordered "three times the caramel" or "twice the caramel" or whatever the heck it was they wanted.

      For those who said they didn't want a lot of coffee taste, I always suggested downgrading the coffee. For instance, an Iced Venti has 4 shots. If someone doesn't know what they are talking about, I always would suggest going down to a double to decrease the coffee to extra-stuff ratio. It's funny, because usually when I suggested that, they were all, "No! I don't want MORE coffee, I want less. Only one shot." And I would pleasantly respond with, "Okay. But for future reference, this size comes with four shots of coffee. If you'd like a single, make sure to let your barista know!" I never got yelled at for it. The SCs were actually usually grateful.

      You can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts.

      "I hope you get hit by a bus and beaten by hockey-stick-wieldling pygmies." - IMA


      • #18
        actually, counterjockey, i do like people who are consistent; if we're not busy, we can have it ready when we see you, or within a very short amount of time, since most will know the who/what/when/how/where to deal with.

        changing one's mind doesn't bother me; it's when the change wasn't stated by the customer that i get po'd. i cannot make the change or include something unless i'm aware of it, but sc's being what they are...
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #19
          Y'all made me want a frappuccino already.

          *runs from thread into her local Starbucks*
          "several million years for a monkey to turn into a man. oh wait thats right. monkeys dont live several million years."


          • #20
            Coffee people

            Quoth counterjockey View Post
            Would you say I'm a relief to the baristas because I have one simple order that doesn't take hardly any prep work (I put in two packets of sugar and a little half-n-half myself) or do you think they'd rather have me get one of the fancy double-mocha-big dollop of whipped cream jobs at $3 or $4?
            It never bothered me either way. The one time a drip-coffee customer bothered me was this one guy who ALWAYS came in right as we were changing the coffees, and then got mad because he had to wait. Now, I don't know about other stores, but Starbucks has very specific times they have to change the coffee. They set a timer, and if it isn't changed EXACTLY when it beeps (no matter how busy we were), corporate would be up our butts. Especially working in the store I did (24-hour drive through, walk in, and retail store in the heart of Seattle). Here's a thought for the guy... come in 10 minutes earlier, and get hour-old coffee, or come in 10 minutes later, and get fresh new coffee without having to wait...

            You can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts.

            "I hope you get hit by a bus and beaten by hockey-stick-wieldling pygmies." - IMA


            • #21
              Quoth Juwl View Post
              Okay, I admit to being a slave to Grenadine. Few restaurants here in Texas know how to make a proper Roy Roger. They'll use mostly coke and add a dash of grenadine at the end. You can hardly taste the grenadine that way.
              It isn't a proper Roy Roger if the bottom half of the glass isn't red.
              Last edited by Kusanagi; 03-08-2007, 07:06 PM.
              "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


              • #22
                If I order something like a caramel mocha and wanted to taste the caramel, I would have to request extra caramel. I have trouble smelling/tasting things unless they're strong scented/flavored.

                Several years ago, I went to the doctor and found out that I had sinusitis. I think that's what caused me to lose quite a bit of my sense of taste and smell.
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                • #23
                  Sugar addicts

                  All that grief for a little bit of sugar you can buy yourself...

                  To purplecat Sorry OT
                  There are ways to clear up sinusitis. You should see a good holistic doctor for advice on what would work for you. But mostly if you cut out salt and sugar(so salty/sweet food either) and take Pau d'arco it should clear it up.
                  ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
                  Quoth Gravekeeper

