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Father's Day

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  • Father's Day

    Last week I had a lady come through my line, who was buying a father's day card and proceeded to tell me how she didn't like her father and had not spoken to "the bum" in 30 some odd years. She told me how he's no good and called him another name, and also told me she didn't want to have anything to do with him. And if you hate your father so much, you're buying him a father's day card why?
    No offense people, but my job is to ring you out and chat with you a little bit, not listen to you tell me why you hate this person or that person. You have family problems, talk to a phsychiatrist or go to family counselling. Is there a particular reason why I need to be hearing this?

  • #2
    Because she knows you can't get away. :P


    • #3
      Actually, I suspect she was hoping you would tell her that she didn't have to send him a card.


      • #4
        Quoth Draco View Post
        Because she knows you can't get away. :P
        Yep. You're a captive audience, LOL.


        • #5
          On the rare occasion I deliver flowers around Father's day, the most common question I get is 'have you gotten you father something nice?'

          For the nice ones, I simply say 'yep, and he appreciated it.'

          For the ones I don't much like or are too prying, I change it to. 'And he appreciates his new urn very much.'


          • #6
            While the woman was unquestionably sucky, there is the chance she was buying the father's day card for someone other than her father. Perhaps her husband, stepfather, friend, brother, uncle, cousin, boyfriend, grandfather, coworker, whatever. We all know fathers beyond our own...I know myself I sent out well over 30 "happy father's day" texts on Sunday.

            No, I didn't text my stepfather, I actually CALLED him, thank you very much. Asked him if his plans for the day included mowing the beer and drinking the lawn. And while those were not his plans, that phrase did give him a laugh.

            I also sent to a bunch of my childfree friends "Happy Not a Father Day" which one replies, "not true," and sent me a picture mail of his wife's newest ultrasound! That was pretty awesome. (And amazing that I only got one text wrong out of all of those sent Okay, two, since I thought another friend actually had grown children, but whatever....)

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Quoth Salted Grump View Post
              the most common question I get is 'have you gotten you father something nice?'
              Both of my parents are deceased, which makes answering this type of question uncomfortable for me. I'm not at all offended by the question, since 99% of people are asking innocently enough, but I find that I usually answer honestly that dad is deceased. At least most people shut up and change the subject, which is actually what I prefer.

              "Are you doing anything for fathers day/mothers day/etc?" Is a much better way to phrase the question. That way I can simply respond in the negative, or I can get excited and gush about my niece and nephews. Or my cat. I love talking about my cat.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                I agree. I knew a girl in college who bought father's day cards for her husband's father, not her own.
                Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                • #9
                  I told my ex girlfriend's dad "Happy Father's Day" and not my own.

                  I have people at work who forget I don't talk to my dad very often. Its not bad, but it can get a bit irritating repeating myself.


                  • #10
                    "Have you done anything nice for your father today?"

                    Well, I haven't visited his grave, no, but to be fair, it's in New Jersey. But I DID buy my stepfather a circular saw!

                    And yet I wonder why some people just don't ask me questions anymore.

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."


                    • #11
                      Actual conversation I had with former CW Vicky the Demo Lady at the wholesale club this weekend:

                      VDL: So are you doing anything for Father's Day?
                      J2K: Yes, we're celebrating it next week.
                      VDL: ...?
                      J2K: The US Open is this weekend, and all Dad wants is to be able to watch it without it being interrupted by dinner.

                      Personally, I find golf boring, but whatever floats his boat. We're going to a restaurant called Ray's The Steaks next week. Can't wait!
                      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                      • #12
                        Strange thing about father's day is, I'm actually adopted, so both my parents have had me since birth. While I met my biological mother and we knew each other for about a year until she passed away, I never did meet my real father.
                        Long story short ladies and gentlemen, my real father is actually a no good bum who knocked up my mother and then ran off. She never heard from him again.
                        But on father's day, I give thanks to the man who has been a terrific father for 38 years Oh and in case anyone was wondering, yes I do the same on mother's day too.


                        • #13
                          Quoth BowserKoopa1 View Post
                          Strange thing about father's day is, I'm actually adopted, so both my parents have had me since birth. While I met my biological mother and we knew each other for about a year until she passed away, I never did meet my real father.
                          Long story short ladies and gentlemen, my real father is actually a no good bum who knocked up my mother and then ran off. She never heard from him again.
                          But on father's day, I give thanks to the man who has been a terrific father for 38 years Oh and in case anyone was wondering, yes I do the same on mother's day too.
                          Sounds to me, BowserKoopa, like you don't acknowledge your father on Father's Day, but you do give thanks to the man who's been your Dad all your life.

                          (Yes, to me, there's a difference.)
                          PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                          There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                            you don't acknowledge your father on Father's Day, but you do give thanks to the man who's been your Dad all your life.

                            (Yes, to me, there's a difference.)
                            Jay, I have to agree 1000% with this statement - I have no relationship with my bio-father, but a great one with my step-dad

                            So for father's day - I made daddy a cherry pie from scratch (sliced and pitted the cherries and made the filling, and the crust - when i say from scratch, i mean it)

                            and didn't even think about the other...
                            I am well versed in the "gentle" art of verbal self-defense

                            Once is an accident; Twice is coincidence; Thrice is a pattern.



                            • #15
                              I took my dad out for dinner on Tuesday night since we like to talk, and places are too busy on Father's Day to feel comfortable taking up a table to talk.
                              The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                              "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                              Hoc spatio locantur.

