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Extra Tasty Crispy Bitter

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  • #16
    Do you know for sure he was driving? Maybe he was only a passenger. If he was driving, then I agree with the "Dumbass" assessment.
    Haha, its cute the way you still have enough faith in humanity left to suggest that.

    My ISP moved my phoneline.....but not my ADSL. >< When I asked them about it, they weren't sure why but basically told me they'd get to it at some unknown point in the next two days. ><



    • #17
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Automatic Fail
      ( Guy's calling a local glass replacement company at 3am... )

      SC: "The thing is I'm here in Texas-"

      Ok, time out. You've already disqualified yourself. No need to go any further. Stop the press, put down the phone, pull up your pants and go do something constructive. Seeing as you're in Texas I'd wager there's something within a one block radius of you that needs to either be shot or deliciously BBQ'd. Perhaps both.

      ( With apologies to Texas )
      Being semi-from Texas, I assure you, 99% of people would not be offended. Most would actually suggest you wouldn't even need to go as far as a block away to find something to shoot. My dad frequently uses shrubbery.
      "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


      • #18
        Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
        Being semi-from Texas, I assure you, 99% of people would not be offended. Most would actually suggest you wouldn't even need to go as far as a block away to find something to shoot. My dad frequently uses shrubbery.

        Yes, but I figured I'd better be safe. I don't want to get shot after all.


        • #19
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          At least until I either A) Get arrested or B) Locate and violently incapacitate you with whatever is within arm's reach. Which would be……ah, yes, the old standby: the stapler.
          I hear red Swinglines are awesome for beating the crap out of people....
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

