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Long One This Time

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  • Long One This Time

    I haven't had the internet for a while. Sorry

    Phone Card

    I had a woman come in and buy a phone card for her daughter. She didn't know which one she needed so I laid them all out. The conversation is as follows:

    Me: These are your only options.
    SC: Well what do I do if it doesn't work out.
    Me: You would have to talk to the manager tomorrow morning.
    SC: Oh...hmm okay.

    She buys one and then leaves. 30 minutes later the daughter is in. The phone card is not working. Whenever she types in the PIN she gets an error saying that it is invalid. She wants us to fix it. I tell her that we merely sell them, we do not service them. She gets irate. She wants her money back despite the words "This card is not returnable or refundable." right on the print-out itself. She doesn't have the money for another phone card and she has to have the money right this damn instant because she needs to get another card RIGHT NOW and she doesn't have time to talk to the manager in the morning.

    ...what. did. I. say? I said that you would have to speak to the manager in the morning. Your mother was FINE with that. Soon the mother comes STORMING in and starts raising holy hell.


    Finally I slap my hand down on the thing, don't say a word to them, walk into the office and call the manager. As I'm trying to get this taken care of she's SCREAMING at my CW who has nothing to do with this. As soon as she catches wind that she might actually get what she wants, she starts telling us that she "doesn't mean to be like this" and "it's not your faults."

    I simply stare at her with a death glare until she realizes just what an asshole she's made of herself.

    When I finally get the thing to work and it's all taken care of she says this:

    SC: If that hadn't worked I would have had the manager coming in here!
    Me: That wouldn't have happened.
    SC: Oh yes it would have.
    Me: (having found the verge of insanity long ago I do not let much stop me anymore) My manager wouldn't have come in for 27 dollars. If it got to the point where he would have had to come in, it had better be an emergency.

    That shut her up. The emergency I was thinking of was her demise at my hands... Later my CW would say, "If he had to come in here, she'd be rolling out of here..."

    Slushy Madness

    We have a repeat offender. She complains about things that don't exist. One day she comes up and there's a line to the back of the store.

    SC: You have to do something about that slushy over there. I made a mess. It's everywhere. Just everywhere. It's all over the drain, it's down the wall, it's all over the floor, the carpet is STICKY.
    Me: Okay? Thanks for letting me know.
    Me: No. There is a line and I'm tied to the register. I'll have CW do it when the line is down.
    SC: *stares at me while she leaves*

    We get a complaint later that I didn't leave all the customers to go attend to it. The best part is that it's written in the third person as if someone observed it. That would be impossible since....(get ready)

    There was no mess. She made it all up.


    Someone put a milkshake in my milkshake machine with the lid still on. It exploded everywhere. He decided not to tell me about it (he didn't have to, the entire store heard a loud bang) but hide the busted cup behind something. I've never seen that machine so thoroughly destroyed. Next time I'm just shutting it off and forgetting about it.

    Power Outage

    Lightning struck the electrical pole outside the store. It was bright. The power went out. A man had to be walking in right as a gust of wind came through the door and it blew tons of stuff off of shelves and threw the entire store into disarray. I lost several outside trashcans across the parking lot.

    When power goes out you must take control of the situation so I yelled that everyone had 15 minutes to get all their stuff and get out. A man comes up to the register:

    SC: Oh...and I need a milk.
    Me: *siiiiigh* I need to SCAN that.

    This is a common problem. Not everything is on the register. In your rush to get to the counter you forgot to grab a milk. Get out and get your milk elsewhere. The wind is still gushing in here and all of my stuff is flying away. Including my receipts. A woman comes up:

    Stupid Woman: I think I need to go to the hospital!
    CW: Why?
    CW: did we.

    After the power came back on a few minutes later a man came in who looked a little off. He told my CW that he had been hit in the face with a concrete block and he couldn't see out of one of his eyes. He hit his shoulder on the door on the way out. He was on his way to the hospital. Why did he stop at the gas station? To get a single packet of smarties.

    Now I understand how all my customers got to be how they are.

    Normal Lives

    A man came up to the register and started asking me about where we all lived, what we did in our spare time, if we had swimming pools and malls. When I answered all of these questions he replied:

    "Oh so you all live like normal lives. Like normal people. Like in Baltimore. That is good."

    I plug in. In the back room.

  • #2
    Oh... wow. How do you get up in the morning?! That's a whole lotta, err, special right there
    Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum! - Don't you dare erase my hard disk!

    This is Tech Support, not Customer Service.
    What's the difference?
    We're allowed to tell you "no".


    • #3
      Ye gods. If you tried to make a television show out of this, people would say it was "too unrealistic."


      • #4
        Quoth rose_metal_nz View Post
        Oh... wow. How do you get up in the morning?! That's a whole lotta, err, special right there
        She unplugs and reboots. Didn't you read the last line?

        That some serious special there, I agree.
        "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


        • #5
          Quoth Gaki

          Normal Lives

          A man came up to the register and started asking me about where we all lived, what we did in our spare time, if we had swimming pools and malls. When I answered all of these questions he replied:

          "Oh so you all live like normal lives. Like normal people. Like in Baltimore. That is good."

          I plug in. In the back room.
          I'm so sorry for this interesting individual from my former city. There are quite a few people from Baltimore that are... kinda special (not all thankfully). I guess he'd never been outside the city. *shrugs*
          Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
          Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


          • #6
            Quoth Gaki View Post

            After the power came back on a few minutes later a man came in who looked a little off. He told my CW that he had been hit in the face with a concrete block and he couldn't see out of one of his eyes. He hit his shoulder on the door on the way out. He was on his way to the hospital. Why did he stop at the gas station? To get a single packet of smarties.

            Now I understand how all my customers got to be how they are.
            I can too. And all the smarties in the world won't make 'em any smarter either.
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #7
              Quoth dragon_wings View Post
              There are quite a few people from Baltimore that are... kinda special



              • #8
                Quoth Lachrymose

                Shoulda known, shoulda know. ^_^
                Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


                • #9
                  Quoth Gaki View Post

                  After the power came back on a few minutes later a man came in who looked a little off. He told my CW that he had been hit in the face with a concrete block and he couldn't see out of one of his eyes. He hit his shoulder on the door on the way out. He was on his way to the hospital. Why did he stop at the gas station? To get a single packet of smarties.
                  ...... wait... smarties... like the candy?? or is there some other, far more addicting or desperately helpful thing that I'm unaware of?
                  Tell a man there are 300 Billion stars in the universe and he’ll believe you.
                  Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he’ll have to touch to be sure.
                  -Unknown Author


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gaki View Post
                    "Oh so you all live like normal lives. Like normal people. Like in Baltimore. That is good."
                    And here we have the root of all our problems...
                    This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
                    I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


                    • #11
                      Quoth Opalin View Post
                      ...... wait... smarties... like the candy?? or is there some other, far more addicting or desperately helpful thing that I'm unaware of?
                      Well, remember what the OP mentioned - the customer complained he'd been struck in the noggin with a hunk of concrete, and also complained he couldn't see out of one eye; there was also the observation that he appeared a bit 'off'.

                      Blunt trauma to the brain bucket can definitely cause these things, as well as confusion and inhibition of rational thinking (aka loss of judgement).

                      Like prioritizing candy over medical care, for instance.

                      I hope the poor guy's all right. Head trauma can cause even more unpleasant things.


                      • #12
                        Hey, when you get a craving, you gotta deal with it!

                        (Seriously though - he may have well been in shock and potentially dazed.)
                        Violets are blue,
                        Roses are red,
                        I bequeath to thee...
                        A boot to the head >_>

