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My Weekend

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  • My Weekend

    How much fun is Nascar weekend? We're a ways from Vegas but near some casinos so I'm guessing those who don't make it there hit the sports books? Mabey?
    Anyway, busy weekend brings up a truck load of SC's.

    Friday night there was the "I don't want to pay for it" SC's. They want a few coffee cups, napkins, plastic spoons for "how many" (they ask whomever they're with) book of matches and "can we borrow your windex?".

    Saturday was full of the "I can't read signs" SC's. We don't let people park their cars in our lot and walk to where they can sled because then we'd have a parkinglot full of cars and no room for actual customers. And no, a candy bar purchase does not give you the right to hog a space all damn day. Same with the bathroom. It's customers only, there's a reason, read the damn sign. And it's not like you can miss it on the door they walk in on but no, everyone thought they were special.

    It was also a day for hicks. You wouldn't believe how many people would appear not to have a forking family tree. (ok, maybe you would) One family thought it was smart to have a snowball fight out in front of the store. I finally told them no more, that with the sun setting the way it was it could affect the vision of anyone who pulls in not to mention these kids were rough with each other. No way would I let my kids behave that way. They were running all over the parking lot.

    Then there was "flu boy". Flu boy came in with is mom to hurl in the bathroom a few times. My first thought was "carsick?" but no, mom is on her way to catch a plane with flu boy. I was pissed. I take a medication that causes immune deficiency, I expect to deal with germs working with the public, that's a given but I don't expect to deal with a full blown flu. I feel for the passengers of whatever flight they were booked on.

    Now don't anyone take offense at this but I really, really, really don't like the winter people. The snowplay families are messy, leave their garbage in the parking lot, demand free stuff, and take it out on us when the snow hill is full demanding we find them a place to play in the snow. The skiers are rude, obnoxious, they tailgate, they pass on the highway where it isn't safe, they come in with attitudes (the ultimate entitlement whores) they are condescending and they're most likely to throw their money/credit card at you. (not to you, at you) And snowboarders are worse. The snowboarders we get tend to act like little street punks.
    Today it was street punk snowboarder that thought he could get away with pocketing a package of beef jerkey. He and his friends come up to the counter, he puts his gatorade down and I say, "And the beef jerkey".
    To his credit, he pulled it out, managed to look contrite and they proceeded to pay with is credit card - dutifully showing his ID when asked - as his friends snickered at him behind his back. As I'm processing his card I tell him 'don't even think about doing that here ever again'. I said the camera's record, I remember faces (after I spent a good minute checking his ID) and I'm just b*tch enough to put his ass on youtube.

    Sunday there was the 'lets lock the bathroom door and leave' people. Something that shouldn't be easy to do since it's a lock that turns.

    Then there was the 'lets climb all over private property' family. We have a trailer, parked out of the way on the side of the building, and these idiots were letting their kids climb on it and jump into a pile of snow that was still there in the shade of the building.

    I have never been so thankful to see the end of a weekend, a bottle of Xanax and my Scotch bottle at the end of a day.

    "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."

  • #2
    Quoth SuperB View Post

    Then there was "flu boy". Flu boy came in with is mom to hurl in the bathroom a few times. <snip>but I don't expect to deal with a full blown flu.
    "the Flu" or influenza is a respiratory virus, NOT a Digestive tract one-vomiting is usually caused by a stomach virus or more likely food poisoning. There is no such creature as "stomach flu", influenza affects the lungs only.
    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


    • #3
      Quoth SuperB View Post
      The skiers are rude, obnoxious, they tailgate, they pass on the highway where it isn't safe, they come in with attitudes (the ultimate entitlement whores) they are condescending and they're most likely to throw their money/credit card at you. (not to you, at you) And snowboarders are worse. The snowboarders we get tend to act like little street punks.
      Being a veteran resident of several ski towns (I was kind of a ski bum after college), I would refer to these types as "Tourists". You are also a "Tourist" if you move to said ski town for the ski season only, and don't hold a job while you are here, and continue to exhibit the above behavior during your short residence.
      If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


      • #4
        Many are tourist but a lot are from the area. (within 40 or so miles) And every business up here feels the same. So yes, tourist would describe most. The winter people are simply more rude than the summer people and that's just an observation based on over 10 years of experience. I can't explain it, I just have to deal with it. Kind of like artists have a reputation for being tempermental, rednecks have their stigma, up here, the winter people have theirs.
        I really mean no offense because I start every encounter without judging them by the majority but the majority is what it is.

        "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


        • #5
          Ugh, yes. Tourists. Every winter they're clogging the sides of the road and letting their kids sled nearly into a busy highway, throwing their trash and broken sleds everywhere. They drive slowly, too, and won't pull over. Fortunately, most of them are polite enough when they're ordering food.


          • #6
            Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
            "the Flu" or influenza is a respiratory virus, NOT a Digestive tract one-vomiting is usually caused by a stomach virus or more likely food poisoning. There is no such creature as "stomach flu", influenza affects the lungs only.
            We had this debate in another thread a while back. According to stomach symptoms can occur with flu, most often in children. So it's possible with a young kid.... If it was an adult it's less likely. But yeah, a lot of people assume flu when it's really something else.

            /random trivia lesson
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Or likewise you can barf if you have an ear infection...taking codeine for it probably wasn't the best idea...XP
              "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"

