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Proof of how unreasonable SC's can really be

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  • Proof of how unreasonable SC's can really be

    Technical support isn't always about internet issues. We also deal with payments and issues with the website. Today, this lady called me, screaming and yelling at the top of her lungs how she wasn't able to pay with her checking account. First, I had to ask her to stop yelling since I could not understand everything she was saying. Then, after that, I could not get her to tell me the issue she was having other than "your site does not work!". Well, I was able to log in to the site just fine, to this customer's disgust, of course. After some prodding, she told me that she kept receiving an error about making a payment with her checking account, yet refused to say what the error was.

    What really made this call interesting was when I offered to take her payment without any extra charges. She told me "I don't have the money in the account right now!" WTF? Could this be why she was having trouble paying her bill? Doesn't the money have to be there first in order to pay with your checking account? I politely told her this is most likely the reason she could not do it, then she changed her tune and said she did have the money to cover it. I again offered to take her payment, which she refused, adamantly proclaiming the website was why she could not make her payment. She then told me quickly she recorded the conversation, and I would be hearing from her attorney. Whatever!

    Then, there was the guy who could not get the internet to work, yet he refused to say what trouble he was having, and furthermore refused to provide his username and password to be sure those weren't the issues. All he would say was "it doesn't work". And, to show how stupid customers can be, he, from the same number he uses to access his dial up internet, attempted a dial up connection to prove to me that he could not log on. I must have told him five times it was not going to work, yet he made the attempt anyway. He hung up after the phone connection clicked, then disconnected.

    As I say, this is conclusive proof of how unreasonable SC's are. They have trouble, but don't want to talk. They'd rather have us pulling their teeth out for them.

  • #2
    Isn't it amazing that someone can drive a car and seem perfectly sensible (stay off the sidewalk, follow the rules) and then you put that same person in front of a computer only to watch all sense and reason leave. Suddenly, left becomes right, up becomes forward, and drooling begins. Handholding should be a better description of tech support since that's mostly what it is. Can't figure out what "Right Click" means? Call Tech Support! Not sure how to decipher the diffrence between an email address and a web site address? Call Tech Support! Can't get to your favorite (porn) site and you think the network is down? Call Tech Support! It's insane. People can't be bothered to think or apply logic. Asking them to do that would be ... illogical.

    BTW, yes, all the above are true.
    Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey


    • #3
      Quoth greensinestro
      She told me "I don't have the money in the account right now!"
      "Ding, ding, ding, ding...we have a winner on our hands Bob! Can you tell us what she's won?"

      "Well Don, its a one way ticket to getting her account canceled! It'll fill her nights with warmth and love...back to you Don!"
      Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


      • #4

        You are so right on the money with this one! Those are just a few examples of customers who always blame their internet provider for issues with their computer. How about this one: "I can't access E-Bay and it's costing me money against my business!" Okay, sir, so you want me to fix that site for you? I don't think so.

        Or this one: "What do you mean I have to have an AOL/MSN/bellsouth address? I use and that's what I want it to be with you guys!"


        • #5
          I have an even better example!

          My brother told me a good one yesterday. He is a service technician with Bellsouth (er, the new AT&T) and was on a trouble call yesterday because of this woman that claimed she could not dial to the next city. It turned out that the city she lives in and the next city over are ten miles away, but are long distance to each other, so she has to dial it as such. Her trouble call was placed because she doesn't like the fact that she has to dial four more numbers in front of the number(s) she wants to dial. On top of that, it turned out this bitchy woman subscribes to unlimited long distance service, but even after that was pointed out to her, she wanted my brother to fix this "problem" and allow her to dial her long distance call like a local one! And, after he told her it was not possible, it turned into him giving it to his supervisor because she demanded it, only to be told they were sorry, but they did not have the time to waste on something like this being all other customers have to dial it the same way.

          I guess this lady has arthritis of the index finger or something of that kind.


          • #6
            Quoth greensinestro View Post
            Her trouble call was placed because she doesn't like the fact that she has to dial four more numbers in front of the number(s) she wants to dial.
            She better get used to area's had 10-digit dialing for several years now. Just a matter of time before everyone does. Guess she better start stretching that finger...NO ! Not that one!
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
              She better get used to area's had 10-digit dialing for several years now. Just a matter of time before everyone does. Guess she better start stretching that finger...NO ! Not that one!
              You probably do not live in Florida. If you don't, come on down here and deal with this. Customers have had to dial this for over ten years now, yet you still listen to the bitching and complaining!


              • #8
                Quoth greensinestro View Post
                You probably do not live in Florida. If you don't, come on down here and deal with this. Customers have had to dial this for over ten years now, yet you still listen to the bitching and complaining!
                Nope, beautiful, sunny New Jersey </sarcasm; actually it was sunny this morning but I have no windows so I can't see out >. It's been a while for us, took some getting used to at first but I've never really heard anyone complain...
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  Quoth greensinestro View Post
                  She then told me quickly she recorded the conversation, and I would be hearing from her attorney.

                  I'd love to witness the contortions on the attorney's face as he tries not to laugh his butt off after hearing that tape.

                  Then he'll realize the check for his fee probably isn't any good...
                  The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                  The stupid is strong with this one.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Dips View Post

                    I'd love to witness the contortions on the attorney's face as he tries not to laugh his butt off after hearing that tape.

                    Then he'll realize the check for his fee probably isn't any good...
                    Yes, me as well after he finds out she doesn't have the money in her checking account for the retainer's fee.


                    • #11
                      Or this one.....

                      I had a woman yesterday who was having e-mail issues. In fact, this bitchy lady calls me at least once a week or every other week with some issue regarding her dial up e-mail, how slow it is, etc. (What does she expect with a dial up?)

                      Anyhow, she was upset with the fact that she is no longer receiving the 400 plus e-mails a day for her business (which she pays residential rates on, by the way), as well as the fact that it takes "hours and hours" for her e-mails to come through. It turned out the more than 400 plus e-mails she was getting.....were mostly spam and junk mail! When the so-called latency issue was resolved, (latency referring to how long the delay for the receipt of e-mails), she was upset because she no longer was getting spam, therefore she was not convinced that the mail problem she had was fixed! "I've had nothing but problems with you people and I don't appreciate a call telling me all is well now!" It got to where I finally had to ask, "Mrs. F***ing Bitch, what would you like me to say that would make you a happy customer?" She had no reply, of course to this (and no, I did not really call her that), but it did shut her up. The only other question she had was is there any other e-mail server she could use without paying extra. I told her sure there was, like yahoo or hotmail. But again, she cut me off at the pass, saying "No! They also are terrible like your company!" I'm hoping she actually does leave us for someone else. She's not a customer worth having....period!


                      • #12
                        Technically an ST (Teacher rather than Customer), but still a nice demonstration of how unreasonable people can be. This happened in the last twenty minutes or so.

                        A teacher comes in to complain that his VGA cable no longer stretches to connect his projector to his tablet. Actually his exact words are that it 'no longer works', but after ten minutes of questioning I manage to squeeze the truth out of him. Now he's already got one of the longest cables we have, plus two extensions, I'm not about to give him any more since he's damaged three already.

                        I ask him to show me exactly what the problem is, and he points out what it is when we get to his room. The problem is that he wants to be able to take his tablet off his desk and carry it around the room, without disconnecting from the interactive whiteboard, so that he can get kids to demonstrate on the screen.

                        The screen is, as I said, an interactive whiteboard. You can use it like a giant touchpad. All he has to do is get kids to stand up. That apparently isn't easy enough, and he's now off to complain to my manager that I won't set up his laptop so that he can walk around the room, waving a VGA cable around the heads of his students, when we've already shelled out to pay for something which makes the whole thing unnecessary.

                        I just heard my manager laughing, so I'm guessing the complaint's resolved.
                        Proactive Karma Engineer


                        • #13
                          Quoth greensinestro View Post
                          Anyhow, she was upset with the fact that she is no longer receiving the 400 plus e-mails a day for her business (which she pays residential rates on, by the way), as well as the fact that it takes "hours and hours" for her e-mails to come through. It turned out the more than 400 plus e-mails she was getting.....were mostly spam and junk mail!
                          Wait wait wait... She *wants* spam?

                          If she wants it, I'm sure I could comply with that I mean, it's not like I don't get roughly 400 per week (including spam) from the various mailing lists I belong to. If she *really* wants spam, I'm sure many people could easily deliver it
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                          • #14
                            Aaaaand I believe it's illegal to record someone without their knowledge, innit?

                            Not that I think she was telling the truth about that.


                            • #15
                              Quoth protege View Post
                              Wait wait wait... She *wants* spam?

                              If she wants it, I'm sure I could comply with that I mean, it's not like I don't get roughly 400 per week (including spam) from the various mailing lists I belong to. If she *really* wants spam, I'm sure many people could easily deliver it
                              Yes! She actually wanted the spam mail to continue in order to be convinced that the issue with her e-mail was resolved! Now, what really makes this story amazing is.....I have not heard back from her today, like she threatened me with yesterday. Can't imagine what's up with that.

