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Ever heard of a line?

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  • #16
    Quoth coldcupofjoe View Post

    The very nice exceptionally beautiful and sweet lady that I had been helping choose this time to interject with "The f**k you were you stupid f**king c**t! This man was helping me when you cut in line. Do you know what a line is you stupid wh**e? I didn't f**king think so you stupid c**t. Now get your s**t together and get to the back of the f**king line and f**king wait like everyone else and get the out of my way before I knock you the f**k over!"



    As profanity-laced as that speech was, it was exactly what the line-cutter needed to hear.

    From the way you described Little Miss Entitled's demeanor and tone, it seems like she was WAY overdue for a lesson in humility.
    Herewith, a nugget of wisdom from the very wise Mike Brady: "Alone, we can only move buckets. But if we work together, we can drain rivers."



    • #17
      I agree that perhaps the way the lady I was helping stepped a little out of line with the cussing, but good lord if I didn't decide right then and there that she was the second most beautiful woman I had seen that day. (Only my fiancee beats her out.)

      I still wasn't sure yet how to respond to the line jumper yet, and I'm very glad it was taken out of my hands before I had to.

      I still don't know how I should respond to that kind of situation though.


      • #18
        Quoth Boozy View Post
        I don't object to her speaking up and saying something.
        I object to the manner in which she did it. Not very classy.
        There is a difference between butting in line and saying "I was first!" (very rude), and going completely ape shit on someone by calling them every name in the book (very rude AND somewhat crazy). It also could have escalated the situation.
        I agree with you, Boozy. Using profanity is sinking to the offender's level, and may make them feel justified in being so rude. We should be rising above these people and then ostracizing them from society.

        HOWEVER...imagine the woman's profanity-laden speech, but spoken in a soft, reasoned voice and punctuated at the end with a bland smile. Especially when the speaker is very cute and innocuous looking. This can be used to TERRIFYING effect. Er...not that I'd know or anything.
        But I don't need a vagina. I have a pony.


        • #19
          Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again: the line jumper probably needed a face full of nasty to get her attention. She was thinking everyone else would be too polite to put her in her place.

          I guess she thought wrong.

          I don't know if the lady who did the cussing was right or wrong, and I'm not arguing that point.

          I'm just saying she was effective.

