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The epic battle of good vs. evil, or my run in with Satan's momma.

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  • The epic battle of good vs. evil, or my run in with Satan's momma.

    (This part of the story was told to me by the CSM who took care of this customer at the desk.)

    We had an older woman (think Yoda type older) come into the store on Friday. Her first stop was customer service, where she tried to return an item she’d had since October and didn’t want. Her reason for not returning it earlier? She was “just too damn lazy to bring it in”. The CSM told her no, she had to keep it now. Well, she didn’t like that and demanded that a member of management come up and give her her own way, but she had to sit down because she was “so tired and couldn’t stand any more”. After management approved the return for a gift card, she went shopping.

    (This is where I come in. Fun stuff right here.)

    When she was done with her shopping, she came up and demanded (not asked, demanded) to know where our impulse department manager was. I told her she was either at the meeting or on break. The woman stared at me as if I were speaking a language I made up, and turned to the other cashier. “Where’s J? She was up here twenty minutes ago.” The cashier told her what I told her, and she stood there, still staring at us as though we were aliens speaking alien speak.

    Finally, I saw that this woman was not going to go away until I paged her, I did so, even though it does no good if someone’s on break. The woman then pulled the “old and feeble” card again and started saying that she needed to sit down, she was going to faint if she didn’t, then she told my coworker that I had told her that she couldn’t take her cart over next to McDonalds with her, which I had NOT said. She never even mentioned McDonalds until that second. Fortunately, my coworker knows me much better than that, and just said that she could take her cart.

    In a few minutes J came to the front and talked to the woman for awhile. The she told her (and I shall never forgive her for this) “this girl will take care of you.” And pointed at me.

    I signed onto my register and waited for her to start unloading her cart when the “feeble, faint and frail” old woman threw her first item down the belt at me with force that would impress a major league pitcher and demanded to know how much it was. After I told her she decided that it was too expensive and she didn’t want it.

    (Fast foreword to the time when I total her items up.)

    Me: *points at self*
    SM: Satan’s mother

    Me: Your total is 29.69

    SM: How did I spend thirty dollars? I did NOT spend thirty dollars!

    Me: *pulls up a slip that tells me the price of every item* “Well, your knife was 13.94, and your phone cord was 7.89 *Starts to hand her the slip*

    SM: I KNOW what I bought, you don’t have to SHOW me what I bought. *Refuses to take the slip and throws a gift card at me*

    Me: *Runs gift card through* Alright, your total is now 9.71

    SM: I’m going to write out a check, but you aren’t going to take my check. Wal-Mart NEVER takes me checks. Why don’t you ever take my checks?

    Me: Do you have another form of payment. Sometimes these machines just don’t like people’s checks, for some reason.

    SM: no, I don’t. This is why I wanted J to come up here. She’s a manager and she can make you take my check. (J is a department manager, she knows little to nothing about the registers.)

    Me: Actually, management can’t even override the system when it turns down a check. I’m sorry, it’s just the rule.

    SM: Well, I only have checks, so I’m just going to waste a check and write it out, just so that you can say that you can’t take it.

    Me: Let’s just see how it goes, alright? I’ll try to run it through, and we can go from there.

    The check went through NO PROBLEM! But was she okay with that? This is Satan’s mother, so we all know the answer to that one.

    SM: Why did my check go through?! My checks never go through! I’ve been with that bank for over three years and you’ve never taken them! When did you change your policy and start taking my checks? You have never taken them before, why are you starting now?

    Yes, she was honestly angry that we were able to take her checks. My theory: she now has nothing she can bitch about while the cashier is trying to do her job.

  • #2
    Fun with cheques.

    We used to have this old geezer who would always come in and try to pay with an out of province cheque (he was from the U.S.). We told him we couldn't accept them on numerous occasions but that still didn't stop him. He also liked to turn down his hearing aid and yell "WHAT"? at us a lot. I think he must of either moved or died because he doesn't come in anymore.


    • #3
      This old lady used to call our store and order her groceries over the phone and we don't even have a home delivery service but they did it for her because she was old and feeble.

      My husband used to take her stuff out to her and she absolutely adored him because his name is in the bible so he must be very holy

      If i delivered the items she would go through each and every item and check the reciept, i'd usually be stuck there for over an hour while she would go through everything and talk my ear off, religion would come up everytime. She would tell me since i'm not very religious then my hubby should find a good catholic girl and i wasn't good enough for him, she was going to tell him to get rid of me fast.

      We've been married for 6 years, just celebrated our anniversary on March 3rd, guess he didn't listen to her


      • #4
        People that act like this really piss me off Just b/c you are ________________ (insert whatever here, old, rich, on food stamps, "know someone", black, brown, purple, whatever ) does not give you the right to demand anything and treat people anyway you want. I make it a point to fire customers from my pharmacy that continually act like this.


        • #5
          Quoth GayleShy View Post
          Me: Your total is 29.69

          SM: How did I spend thirty dollars? I did NOT spend thirty dollars!
          "Ma'am, of course you didn't spend $30. You spent $29.69, which is LESS than $30. Well, you probably DID spend less than that, but there IS sales tax..."
          Last edited by Ree; 04-08-2007, 08:56 AM. Reason: Fixing quote tags
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Her reason for not returning it earlier? She was “just too damn lazy to bring it in”.

            Heh, well, at least she's honest

            When did you change your policy and start taking my checks?

            Yes, I'm sure it was policy to not take her checks...hehe. I'd love to tell someone that.
            "I'm sorry, it's store policy not to take a check from you."
            -But the guy in front of me wrote a check!
            "Yes, but you're a horrible wretch, and he's not. Byebye"
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Poor thing

              I blame it on the management...
              ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
              Quoth Gravekeeper


              • #8
                I blame it on the boogie.



                • #9

                  ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
                  Quoth Gravekeeper


                  • #10
                    Quoth Cesii View Post

                    Or lack there of, maybe? I haven't had much of that lately.

