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My "favorite" SCs of all time

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  • My "favorite" SCs of all time

    Another poster's story sparked memories from my past...

    Many of my retail jobs were worked in a city where there is a small, very expensive private college. At times, I worked with students who attended that college (hereafter referred to as AC). These people were generally decent. However, nearly every other student from AC that I encountered was without exception spoiled, obnoxious, and stuffed to the gills with entitlement attitude.

    I worked for a short while at a chain supermarket. We had very clear-cut check cashing rules (this was in the days before debit cards). Unless you had a check cashing card from the store, you had to present ID. You could only write the check for up to $25 over the total, and you could not write a check for over the amount of purchase after 10 pm, because that was when the cash office closed and the cashiers could not get additional funds from the office.

    Students from AC seemed to have the greatest level of comprehension problems vis-a-vis our check cashing policy. I recall one evening where two tipsy girls in Greek letter T-shirts came in around 11 pm and bought $50 worth of canned whipped cream. I totaled their order, commented quietly, "I don't want to know," to which they giggled. One of them pulled out a single check (no checkbook, no ID) and attempted to write a check for $100.

    I told them why this could not be so. They quickly went from amiably tipsy to Spoiled Sorority Brats and even actually said this: "Do you KNOW where we go to school?!?" The lone check was the only form of payment they had, so much crossing-out and initialing had to ensue, but a manager was needed for final approval and the girls left distinctly not happy.

    At another job, a Mexican restaurant where I waited tables, I waited on a party of about 18 AC brats who'd reserved our private dining room. They were there for three hours, during which time they monopolized me (this was a Saturday night and the restaurant was slammed), kept me running back and forth to the bar, and were generally obnoxious. They complained that I didn't get their drinks fast enough. I was as pleasant and patient as I could be, and told them that the bar was very busy, and the bartender got to their drinks as fast as he could, given that the restaurant was completely full of customers.

    One guy ordered a plate of nachos, LEFT THE RESTAURANT, and then came back 30 minutes later and complained that his nachos were cold. He got a new order, comped.

    After three hours of misery, these enlightened souls tipped me all of $5. They said I wasn't "friendly" enough (read: I didn't kiss their nether cheeks enough). From that point on I flatly refused to wait on parties from AC.
    He loves the world...except for all the people.
    --Men at Work

  • #2
    Quoth Noelegy View Post
    After three hours of misery, these enlightened souls tipped me all of $5. They said I wasn't "friendly" enough (read: I didn't kiss their nether cheeks enough). From that point on I flatly refused to wait on parties from AC.
    Omigod, what bastards. That is just unforgivable.

    But any restaurant that doesn't have 15% gratuity included for parties over 10 people is just asking for their servers to get bent over and screwed. Shame on your bosses for letting that happen.
    But I don't need a vagina. I have a pony.

