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He can't use a carpet cleaner (long)

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  • He can't use a carpet cleaner (long)

    Okay this is an old story but I still remember it clearly

    I worked at Albies (people who work there know this name) Retail store at the Customer service, where we do lottery, returns, put all the expensive stuff behind the counter, print photos and Rent DVD's and Carpet Cleaners

    This Story is about the Carpet Cleaners
    To Rent one I need your FULL name, Your Driver's License, Phone Number and Address, time of rental
    and/or Credit Card if You are paying with one. This all goes in the big red Carpet Cleaner Book so we can check our records and store the old reciets away.
    It Costs $24 to rent the regular machine $30 for the large track machine BUT
    its a $50 deposit for the machine which you get IF you return the machine on time and its a two day rental. You do not your deposit back it the machine is late, dirty or broken...
    There are also the accesories like the extended hoses
    and the spot removers and such but if you by the spot removers or carpet cleaners which work with ANY carpet cleaning device thats yours to keep
    Keep this in mind please

    I get this guy he comes in, wants to rent a wide track cleaner with the hose extension AND the large bottle of special carpet cleaning soap.
    Thats fine its $50 for the deposit (and I always add this) WHICH you get back if you return it within the two day time period
    I just need this info (tell him all the info I need which I usually fill out but if the customer wants to I set the diverder between the sheets so the customer can fill it out. (he gets the register reciet for the amount he paid plus the copy from the book which has all the policies stated on there)
    M - Me
    SC (customer)

    SC- Why do you need all this info are you gonna scam me?
    M - No sir its for the (carpet cleaner's name) company records and we rent through them. Its in case you have a complain we do not look up any info nor do we share it
    SC - Oh, okay then *continues filling out form that he wanted to do himself, then hands it to me with all the Credit Card Info on there*
    I sign off on it with my name and Store ID number put the book away, ring him up
    The Wide track
    Pluse the Hose extension
    Plus the gallon of carpet cleaner this comes to a hundred something

    Give him the reciet and have him sign the slip and get the keys to get the carpet cleaner
    ALL our carpet cleaners and accessories are under lock and key because people steal them

    This whole transaction is done And its important i did it this way because he comes back THREE days later complaining

    M - Hello! Nice to see you again, done with the rental? (I don't even mention the late fee)
    SC - yeah yeah, I want my refund this machine doesn't work! the suction isn't working.
    M - I'm sorry that it didn't work but I can't give you your deposit back because its a day late
    SC- No, it doesn't work I want a TOTAL Refund *pulls the cleaner up, with the hose, and slams the gallon of cleaner on the counter*
    I look at the machine, which is dirty inside because he did not clean it as the manual that comes with it says to do amoung other things
    M - foreseeing this to be trouble* Sure one moment let me call my supervisor so I can have him sign off on this so we can get this handled *in the nicest tone possible. I pick up the phone and use the secret code for trouble which is Hey (name) I need your help here PLEASE
    basically argues back and forth with the guy, and finally says
    You bought the cleaner its YOURS to Keep, we cannot and WILL not refund you since its a day late which was stated On your receit! But because the machine didn't work I will refund you half of the deposit ($25)
    I just busy myself the whole time this happens

    Next day the rep comes in to check on the machines as he does each week, I tell him about the one machine that has lost suction etc he goes in the back to test it. on carpet and concrete
    comes back and tells me there was nothing wrong with the machine but the hose he used had a hole in it, that was NOT there before he rented it.
    Needless to say the man was banned from renting anything from us again...
    and each time he would come to the counter I'd have the manager waiting for him to deal with him. he was a customer before I was promoted and probably still came in to harass the other manager after I left....I take it he had nothing better to do than scam people...
    glad I left that place

  • #2
    It's like you work in my shop! Everything is the same, even down to the policies!

    There's something about carpet cleaning machines which just cause trouble. I had a lady bring one back recently because it didn't work. We always test the machine in front of the customer before they hire it and give them detailed instructions, and this lady was no exception to that.

    Well, lady came back in because it didn't work, so I told her I had to test it in front of her again to try to work out what was wrong.

    OK, no problems.

    So I plug the machine in and grab a jug of water from the back and take it out to the customer area. I pour the water into the back of the machine into the water bucket.

    Lady grabs my arm:
    Figuring I'd splashed her but with a WTF? look on my face, I asked her what was wrong.

    "You put water in there! You put water on an electrical appliance! No wonder it doesn't work, if you go putting water onto something electrical. That's dangerous! It could kill you!"



    • #3
      Quoth Linda View Post
      Lady grabs my arm:
      Figuring I'd splashed her but with a WTF? look on my face, I asked her what was wrong.

      "You put water in there! You put water on an electrical appliance! No wonder it doesn't work, if you go putting water onto something electrical. That's dangerous! It could kill you!"


      Wow. I don't even know where to begin with how out of touch this lady is. Steam cleaners, water pumps, shop vacs, fountains, freezers, soda dispensers, and HER CAR! Appearently none of these things use liquids in her world. I'd like to be her mechanic, I'd make millions on radiator repairs alone.
      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
      Hoc spatio locantur.


      • #4
        Quoth Linda View Post
        "You put water in there! You put water on an electrical appliance! No wonder it doesn't work, if you go putting water onto something electrical. That's dangerous! It could kill you!"

        I would politely say, its a water based carpet cleaner the steam has to come from somewhere and considering the actual machine is SEPARATED from the water tank. All the time only looking at her like she's an idiot and trying my best not to sound as if I am talking down to her. I cannot be written up or fired based on an expression my supervisor did not see....
        sorry you had to bear through that, but if nothing else it can be a good laugh for later!


        • #5
          Have you seen my previous carpet cleaning story? Still makes me giggle, even to this day.


          • #6
            We moved it to War Stories a few days ago.



            • #7
              OK...I'm a bit slow!


              • #8
                Did I forget to mention I put a information packet that states step by step in the "Rug Cleaners for dummys" version wich each rental?


                • #9
                  I guess he needed the cliff-notes version
                  "Carpet Cleaners for Knuckle-Draggers" perhaps.

