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March Madness

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  • March Madness

    Here's a few fun quickies from the call center this month. Oh and no, sorry, there's no basketball involved, it couldn't be that much fun...we're talking SC's here...

    Anyhow, I was working as a sorta-supervisor a lot, so many of these were escalated to me.


    ME: Okay, so what is your problem?

    SC: YOU PEOPLE have been posting my payments late every month! And I do NOT want to get another reminder call from YOU PEOPLE again just because you are all too damn incompetent to post my damn payment!

    ME: Okay, when did you send the payment?

    SC: I didn't, my bank did.

    ME: Okay, when did the bank send it.

    SC: Five days before the due date.

    ME: Five business days, or just five days?

    SC: Five days.

    ME: So...the past two months it has had three days to get from [your state] to Texas? It usually takes a week or more.



    Gee, time is a cruel mistress, huh? It's a shame that utility company employees are incapable of bending time and space, how did we even get into this business without powerful superhuman abilities such as telephathy and altering time?


    There's a cast of characters in this one.

    ME = ME
    SSC = Sucky Sister Customer
    SBC = Sucky Brother Customer
    AM = Answering Machine

    SSC: Hi, I need to get service out of my name at an address.

    ME: Okay, well since there's no one to take over service we can only schedule a shut off of gas service, also this account is not under your name so we can't make any changes.

    SSC: FINE! Well you'll just have to call me brother! His number is xxx-xxx-xxxx! [click]

    ME, not wanting to help out any, but also not wanting to be irresponsible, I call the sucky brother: Hi, this is ominousoat from [gas supplier] regarding [address] your sister just called to stop service and I needed your permission to talk to her.

    SBC: Oh, well it's fine to talk with her.

    ME: Okay, well I do have some questions about this account for you. We aren't able to take your name off of the account without shutting the gas off.

    SBC: Well why not? It's winter, we can't shut the gas off, but I'll be damned if I have to keep paying for those bills.'

    ME: Well, someone has to pay for them, otherwise the gas needs to be shut off.

    SBC: Well just call the renter and have him switch it into his name! The number is xxx-xxx-xxxx!

    ME: Well, that's not really my responsibility

    SBC: Like hell it isn't! The number is xxx-xxx-xxxx! And if they don't take responsibility for the bill shut their gas off!


    At this point it was clear that these two were related. They both inherited a penchance of spouting phone numbers and orders, then hanging up. However, once again not wanting to let their poor tenant / buyer / whoever freeze, so once again I begrudgingly do the bidding of these evil people.

    I dial the number, and lo & behold...

    AM: Sorry, I'm not here right now, please leave a message!

    So after all of that I end up with a machine. I have a feeling this madness isn't over.


    A bit of information on this one, we charge a nominal fee to pay with a credit card over the phone, this will come in handy for the next two. Also, for anyone who has never had to pay anything with a credit card, there are three certanties in life: Death, taxes, and additional fees to pay with a credit card.

    SC: I want my [nominal fee] waived.

    ME: I'm sorry, but no one here, including the supervisors can actually waive that fee.

    SC: You guys screwed me over last month, I deserve something in return! I DEMAND you waive that [nominal fee]. (she was referencing a small mistake that applied to all of our customers, we took full responsibility for the mistake and refunded everyone any possible charges that may have been incurred due to the mistake.)

    ME: I apologize that you feel that way, but since that was over a month ago, and not remotely related to your [nominal fee] we really can not waive it for you.

    SC: Well I want to speak to a supervisor.

    ME: I'm the closest there is to a supervisor right now, and they can't do anything for you either.

    SC: Well...I [click]


    Cast of characters:
    ME = Me
    SC1 = Hilda, the squeaky german
    SC2 = Bruno, the gruff, effeminate german...think the Sacha Baron Cohen character of the same name.

    SC1(in high pitched voice, thick german accent): I am needing to pay the bill with credit card!

    ME: Okay, just to let you know, there will be a [nominal fee]

    SC1 We will not pay it!

    ME: Okay, then you will have to mail in your payment.

    SC1: WE MUST USE A CREDIT CARD! (in a sing-song voice)

    ME: Okay, but there will be [nominal fee]

    SC1: Let my get *garbled name* and get his APPROVAL! (high pitched emphesis on approval, seriously think of German women in Bugs Bunny cartoons...)

    SC2: Why do we haaaaave to pay this fee!

    ME: The company that processes the payments charges us, so we charge the customer.

    SC2: Soooo you are saaaaying we can not paaaay with a credit caaaard?

    ME: No, I'm saying you'd have to pay [nominal fee] along with the bill.

    SC2: Well thats nooooooooot acceptable! Did yooooou know that most companies doooooon't charge a fee to pay with a credit caaaaard?

    ME: I'm sorry, this is our system, you will have to mail in your payment then.


    ME: Then you'll have to pay [nominal fee]!

    SC2: This iiiiiisn't faaaaaaair! [click]

    How surreal...

    Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.

  • #2
    I'm still trying to figure out how it's your responsibility to call everyone (and their brother!) to switch the service from one name to another. Why the hell wasn't the "renter" calling to set up their own service? When I rented an apartment, I had to call the electric and phone etc people all by myself like a big girl!
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      I'm curious - how much is 'nominal'?



      • #4
        'nominal' is about four bucks.

        You know...the metric system and what one nominal = 3.95...or not.
        Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.


        • #5
          Hmm, so how many nominals to a gallon?



          • #6
            1 gal = 46.2 nominals / 3.14^e+cos x
            Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.


            • #7
              Quoth ominousoat View Post
              'nominal' is about four bucks.

              You know...the metric system and what one nominal = 3.95...or not.
              $4 is cheap....where I work, it's $5.75 to pay w/credit card or check over the phone and it's the fee charged by the company that accepts the payment for us, it's not a fee that we collect. People bitch and moan about it until I calculate what the late payment fee would be if they mailed it....sometimes it's cheaper to pay that late payment fee, and since we don't report late payments to credit agencies, no big deal. But damn, I get tired of hearing people complain about that's a CONVIENCE FEE YOU IDIOT....if you don't want to pay it, mail in your damn payment!


              • #8
                The electric company here has added a "convenience fee" that you have to pay if you pay the bill by credit card, in person, on the phone, or online. And it is not a flat fee, but 2.5% of the bill due. Seeing no reason to bother with this idiocy, I continue to pay with the cash my roommates give me for bills every month. Naturally, of course, the two other utilities (cable and water) that don't have this "convenience fee" are both close to my residence, while the electric company is on the other side of town. Convenience my asterisk!

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #9
                  Quoth Pinkie View Post
                  $4 is cheap....where I work, it's $5.75 to pay w/credit card or check over the phone
                  What get's me is every now and then I say there's an additional fee to pay over the phone (I like to get people used to the idea before springing the price on them) and the person will say "Oh yeah, it's like $14 $15 right?" then when I quote the 4 dollar fee they say things like "WOW! That's awesome!"

                  What I wonder is...who do these people do business with?
                  Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.


                  • #10
                    Quoth ominousoat View Post
                    the person will say "Oh yeah, it's like $14 $15 right?" then when I quote the 4 dollar fee they say things like "WOW! That's awesome!"
                    I've learned to drop the bad news first too or let them think the worst. When I'm talking to a customer and it becomes obvious that they need to buy an update, I used to just quote them the price (about $200 to $300 in most cases). They always complained.

                    So now I mention that new customers have to pay $600 for the new version, but luckily the caller qualifies for the "update price of $200" and gets the exact same thing. That helps them realize that $200 really is an awesome price.
                    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                    The stupid is strong with this one.


                    • #11
                      ME: Okay, so what is your problem?
                      Damn, where's blas's avater when you need it!?
                      "several million years for a monkey to turn into a man. oh wait thats right. monkeys dont live several million years."


                      • #12
                        Quoth ominousoat View Post
                        What get's me is every now and then I say there's an additional fee to pay over the phone (I like to get people used to the idea before springing the price on them) and the person will say "Oh yeah, it's like $14 $15 right?" then when I quote the 4 dollar fee they say things like "WOW! That's awesome!"

                        What I wonder is...who do these people do business with?

                        My parent's mortgage company charges $35.00 to make a payment over the phone. Their late payment fee is only $25.00, so even in a bind they will mail it.
                        The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.

