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One plus one equals eleven...

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  • #16
    Quoth Juwl View Post
    10 kinds of people...

    *sticks out tongue*
    Geeky joke:

    Why do CS majors confuse Halloween and Christmas? Because 31Oct = 25 Dec.


    • #17
      Quoth trunks2k View Post
      Geeky joke:

      Why do CS majors confuse Halloween and Christmas? Because 31Oct = 25 Dec.
      LOL...cute. I'm a geek.


      • #18
        Quoth volatile View Post
        LOL...cute. I'm a geek.
        One of my proffessors tought us that joke on the first day of class, before the majority of us had any idea of what the number systems were. As he went on explaining binary, hex, octal, etc, you could hear people groaning one by one as they figured out the joke.


        • #19
          Okay, I admit to being somewhat of a dork.....but at times like these, I am SO glad I was a broadcasting major!

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #20
            Ha. Even over in the chem halls, we hear the 10 people joke, but that was my first time seeing the 31Oct=25Dec. I'm sad to say, I got it right away and I'm sending to my tech friends, in hopes that they will get it.


            • #21
              This reminds me. I had a co-worker in the research lab who had hired a contracter to add a room to his house. The co-worker had purchased his own materials and the contractor was OK with that.

              So the co-worker gets the itemized bill and is furious to see that the contractor is charging him for the materials he bought for himself. His first reaction was that the contractor was trying to scam him.

              He brough the matter to the contractor's attention and after about ten minutes of debate the co-worker realized that the contractor actually didn't understand that he couldn't charge for materials he never provided. He genuinely and honestly didn't get it. The contractor finally agreed to take the charges off the bill, but the co-worker got the vibe that the contractor still felt like he was being cheated.

              So, yeah. Some folks are scammers, some folks have brain farts and some folks are just that dumb.
              The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

              The stupid is strong with this one.

