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"How old are you?!" (Long, sorry!)

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  • #31
    People often ask me, 'Oh, is school out today?' and I just say, 'Oh, I don't know...*look around* I don't see any students here...'

    A couple times I've gotten middle-school kids hitting on me. One, I swear, said, "I'm in band ." I accidentally laughed in his face.
    "several million years for a monkey to turn into a man. oh wait thats right. monkeys dont live several million years."


    • #32
      I can only think of one time a customer did the "how old are you" trying to be insulting. The exact phrasing was "How old are you? You sound young so you don't have a lot of life experience" IIRC correctly she was also tring to argue her way out of a company policy(regarding bank security) and I guess trying to imply that I was too young to really understand security and "customer service" I was 27 at the time and I told her. She immediately shut up about my age and just did a hurumph and hung up shortly after that.


      • #33
        I would be happy to look younger than I am. Funny how when we're kids all we want to do is be and look older yet when we finally become adults most of us would love to look younger.


        • #34
          There's no way to win that question

          If you're older than the SC, then you're some hoplessly out of date old fart who still thinks gas is 50 cents a gallon and you have no idea what you're doing

          If you're younger than the SC, then you're some miserable slacker punk who's never worked in the "real world" and need some sense batted into you by someone who has

          If you're the exact same age as the SC, then "You should KNOW how hard it is!"
          - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


          • #35
            I used to get that question all the time at work, especially when I'd just started there and a lot of the customers resented me because they'd really liked the person I was replacing. (Second only to: "You can KNIT, right?" spoken in an ugly, scornful tone of voice.) Now I truly -have- replaced her in the sense that people really like me. So I get what's in some ways an even more awkward situation -- women old enough to be my mother acting as if I am the older and wiser one because I'm a more skilled knitter. It's very strange having someone who was knitting when you were in diapers taking this incredibly subservient attitude towards you.

            I look a little younger than I am (people are always asking me what year of college I'm in), and this has led to a few amusing moments, like when women clearly barely in their fourties proudly tell me that they've been knitting since before I was even born, and I point out that I'm 27.


            • #36
              I got this not long ago, and this was the answer they got.

              "Well, let's see...the autism sort of screws that up. Chronologically, I'm 24. Intellectually, I've always been advanced, so I guess I'm about 40 there. I'm slow emotionally so I'd say about 13 or so there. So far as life experience, I guess I'd be about 17 or so since I don't have a bank account yet but I do drive myself averaged all together...I guess I'm still 24."

              I could hear the gears grinding, heh heh.
              "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


              • #37
                Quoth gregmaddux17 View Post
                Funny how when we're kids all we want to do is be and look older yet when we finally become adults most of us would love to look younger.
                Which brings me to say this Chinese Proverb:
                Man is foolish, he prays for a long life but fears an old age.
                The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                • #38
                  Many of my relatives can't believe I'm 30. Do I look it? Well, other than a few grey hairs, not really. Do I feel it? Hell no
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #39
                    Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                    Does anyone else think that Jester is excited about his new relationship?
                    I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

                    On the age thing, frankly, I am more shocked that I am 36 than most people. Seriously. Hell, I have still not gotten over the novelty of being able to order an alcoholic beverage and actually have them bring it to me merely for the asking. And yes, I always have my ID, and even after presenting it, I still have some shock that I am allowed to drink.

                    And yes, I still play with water guns. And if you don't like that,'re likely going to get wet!

                    Also in play is my theory that having kids ages you. I shall remain an Uncle, thank you very much.

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."


                    • #40
                      Quoth BusyBee View Post
                      I've been preparing myself for being mistaken to be 10-15 years older than I am for a while now, so hopefully I won't be too offended when it does happen
                      I was getting into 21 clubs when I was 14! Suprisingly people still think I am younger than my age...
                      ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
                      Quoth Gravekeeper


                      • #41
                        I had some lady come into my department wanting help with buying a computer, so Caboose walks up to her and offers to help. She asks how old he is, he says 18. She says she'll find someone else, finally after about 2 more of our associates stop with her and none being older than 20 she finally agrees to let C help her who is at the ripe old age of 23. She was quite perturbed that apparently my company did hire adults to work.

