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It's Called "Cutting your nose off to spite your face"

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  • It's Called "Cutting your nose off to spite your face"

    At our call center, if a rep promised to call the customer back and they missed this call, whoever got that customer on the phone next had to assume the file automatically.

    So, I get a call transferred to me by our off-shore personnel. The CSR tells me that this customer is complaining because a rep had promised to call her back and did not do so. CSR also advises that the customer is fuming because she has been “waiting and waiting for days” for an answer to her request for financial assistance.

    With a sinking feeling, I check the file: the case was opened the day before and the promised callback is scheduled for two days from now. (Hooray!! I don’t have to assume the file!) Further investigation reveals that this woman has been calling us every 20 minutes over the past 2 hours and hanging up on every rep she speaks to. It is also documented that the customer has been offered her rep’s voicemail and has refused. I ask the transferring CSR if she has advised the customer of the correct callback time in two days, the CSR says yes (Boo!! I still have to talk to the customer. )

    The customer gets on the line and starts ranting about how she needs her problem solved Right Now! I read the notes from the owning CSR and see that they have nearly completed the investigation, and according to what is documented the customer does not qualify for financial assistance (not only that, the issue involved was very minor). However, there is some indication that the owning CSR is looking into an alternative. Unfortunately, he did not indicate what the alternative was or why he thought this customer should receive it. In other words, he was being very generous with her.

    I don’t tell all of this to the customer but I tell the customer that her CSR is doing all that he can and if she has questions she needs to leave a voicemail for him or we can send a message to him via electronic notes. She refuses to let us either transfer her to his voicemail or send him a message. She repeats her desire to have this taken care of Right Now! and goes on to rant over how incompetent we all are and how she doesn’t understand why we don’t have an answer for her already, etc. Okaaay then. I will resolve this issue Right Now.

    Me (for like, the 10th time): I strongly recommend that you continue working with the CSR who is working your file.

    SC: but I don’t want to wait for two daaaays to get an answer. I want an answer right nnnoooowwww!

    Me: All right, but I really encourage you to stay with your rep because from the notes I have here I would have to refuse financial assistance due to
    1. your product is out of warranty,
    2. you don’t do business with the shop you are seeking assistance from
    3. your product shows wear above what is normal for its age
    4. you neglected to fix the problem when it first occurred and let it go for a few months before seeking a repair.
    But, if you continue working with your rep he has noted that he is working on another solution. Unfortunately, he has not indicated what that is. Again, I highly recommend that you allow your original rep to fini--

    SC: (at this point her voice is literally shaking with rage) WELL—I GUESS THAT I’LL JUST HAVE TO TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER THEN *phone crashes down on cradle as SC hangs up on me too*

    Me to self: *Okay, that’s not quite what I said but, whatever*
    My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant

  • #2
    So, did you just close it all out then or is the first rep going to keep working on it?


    • #3
      Since it was his case, he had to be the one to close it. I made sure to document everything thoroughly so he definitely had the option to close if he wanted.
      My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


      • #4
        Oh I can give you an answer RIGHT NOW. It's not going to be the answer your want to hear...but.....
        Well fiddle dee dee!!

