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No, we are not formally trained on leaving voicemails

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  • No, we are not formally trained on leaving voicemails

    This is a condensed version of an as-of-yet unresolved issue at work. I've been *lucky* enough to deal with it all the way through.

    A little background, for anyone who hasn't read any of my litany of past stories. I work in a tech support/tech dispatch call center. One of the things I do is create dispatch cases to send a tech out to site for my customers. When the case is closed out, we either contact the individual who called it in, or, if the site has them, we follow what are known as Special Considerations, which give a name and number of a manager to call, or other instructions to follow before closing the case.

    The cast of characters:
    Sup: My supervisor, who is also in charge of updating the Special Considerations
    CSM: The Customer Support Manager, who may or may not be an alright kind of guy
    CAT: The Customer Advocacy guy who I want to hug, because he is awesome
    SC: The idiot who is causing all the problems

    Sometime last week I got a call from CSM, who stated that SC was upset. Apparently, when one of our agents (I still don't know who) called to request approval to close a case and left an "unsatisfactory" voicemail, per the SC. He gave some specifics as to what he likes in his voicemail, and requested we make note of this in the Special Considerations. I created a case to have the notes updated, passed it along to my sup, and thought nothing of it until he emailed me. Apparently the CSM was unclear in part of his request, as we did not know if "Time and date of call" meant the time and date that the voicemail was left, or the time and date of the original call, when the case was created.

    This morning, I get the note from my sup, and send an email along to the CSM, assuming he'll just give me a one line response, all set. Nope. He sends back a mildly snarky email, stating that his customer is "loosing patience" on this issue, and attaches a really snarky email from him customer, who just wants things to "go back to the way they were!" I lost my patience and composed an email in response which I'll summarize in a moment, and also walked over to speak with their CAT rep, who was super and called the CSM to follow up.

    (My email basically stated that there is no script or procedure for leaving voicemails, so it is up to the agent to determine what information is pertinent to the person they are leaving the message for. I went on to state that once we update the Special Considerations, I cannot view the old notes, so I cannot see what they used to say, but when I updated them, all I did was add new information. I finished by stating that I needed a "straight answer" to my question in order to resolve the issue)

    In the end, the CSM is apparently as ticked with his customer as I am, as he is being completely unhelpful, and want to get the "issue" resolved without giving us any helpful information. The CAT rep also told me that the CSM thought I was wonderful and had a lovely phone voice ( not sure why that was pertinent, but ok!), and that he appreciated my patience, which is nice. I just don't know how to resolve the issue without the customer ANSWERING MY 1 SIMPLE QUESTION!

    Sidenote: I'm also annoyed because I've been told before that I leave really good voicemails, and to me, it's just common sense (dun dun dun, the dreaded common sense!) to leave certain info (the case number, a quick case summary so they know what we're talking about, and a call back number). Ah well, I guess not everyone is as awesome as I am.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

  • #2
    *looks up at the thumping 'Dun dun dun!', hides*
    Oh, noes! Not the common sense!
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #3
      I just realized that at my office we are, in fact, formally trained on how to leave voicemails... ><


      • #4
        As are we. We are also formally trained on outbound calls, since most of our calls are inbound.
        "You are loved" - Plaidman.


        • #5
          I'm almost starting to think they should give us training or a script for voicemails, as not everyone leaves all the necessary info.
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

