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  • READ...THE...LABEL...*headdesk*

    I swear, I had a week off and apparently all the SC's and weirdo's saved up their book buying experience just so I could serve them when I came back!

    So today's been busy, not over run busy, but ya know, kept occupied nicely in the till area busy. I'm happily serving a lovely deaf lady and her kids, she has been the subject of my posts before I think because she's very sweet but needs a lil extra time taken when putting her books through for obvious reasons.

    In the background, I can hear these two old dears pottering about the shop, you know the sort "ooo doris, look at that, isn't that a lovely picture on that book!" "Oh yes hilda that's a LOVELY jacket isn't it!" kinda deal.

    I'm choosing to ignore the constant commentary as they trail about the place because I'm dealing with the lady at the counter who's ordering a book, this is tricky obviously because it involves lots of communication being written down since she can't hear me.

    My peripheral hearing keeps picking up chunks of their conversation as they're complaining about the labling system we use, it's too complicated, why does it need to be so complicated, it was so much better when we didn't use it, they don't understand it, how much would it be do you think doris if I brought these two books because I don't understand the prices etc.

    I kid you not, this went on for a GOOD 15 minutes LONG after the deaf lady left and I'd moved on to fast sales and the small queue (3 people).

    Not a ONCE did they even LOOK at me or approach the counter to do the sensible thing and ask. Presumably that was too simple a solution when low level whinging in the background is so much more satisfying.

    What is this massively complicated pricing structure we employ I hear you ask? We label the books on the front cover. Yes, that's it. Is it SO difficult to read a label?!


  • #2
    I keep picturing Terry Jones (Monty Python) in drag.
    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
    HR believes the first person in the door
    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
    Document everything
    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


    • #3
      Quoth wagegoth View Post
      I keep picturing Terry Jones (Monty Python) in drag.
      Pepperpot Ladies!
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!

