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Stupiest Question of the Year

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  • #46
    Quoth Canadian In Maine
    Best one yet: Which beach is closer to the ocean?
    Tell people they're tide.
    I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


    • #47
      Quoth Greenday
      Um, one of my co-workers got asked the other day if the beer in the ice was cold. When he was informed it was indeed cold, he asked if he could have one of the beers from her stock, that was warm. He didn't want a cold beer. Ew...
      Blegh! Cold drink...

      I quite enjoy a nice room temperature soda more often than not.

      I only drink cold sodas when they come out of the school vending machine (There are two soda machines at school, but one of them is more apt to get your soda stuck than to get your soda...)

      Oh, wait... beer?

      I don't drink often, but, I'd bet the reasoning behind not wanting a beer with ice is similar to my reasons for not wanting a soda with ice: you never get the watered down taste, you get a bit more soda, and I read somewhere that the germ count in restaurant ice is usually higher than the germ count in their toilets... I might have to go looking for that article...
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #48
        Quoth Juwl

        I don't drink often, but, I'd bet the reasoning behind not wanting a beer with ice is similar to my reasons for not wanting a soda with ice: you never get the watered down taste, you get a bit more soda, and I read somewhere that the germ count in restaurant ice is usually higher than the germ count in their toilets... I might have to go looking for that article...

        The ice wasn't IN the beer, the beer cans were submerged in totes full of ice.

        Ugh...warm beer...that's just nasty.


        • #49
          My little sister used to have this bad habit (she may still have it, for all I know): at night, she would be sipping on a Diet Coke, and would go to sleep with it out. And in the morning, she would drink it. A coke.

          The thought of which still makes me run screaming from the room in abject terror. (Of course, the taste of fresh cold bubbly diet coke does that to me anyway...but still...)

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #50
            Me, standing at the service desk about 10 feet from the entrance and exit doors. Customer walks up to me, totally frazzled and says "How in the world do I get out of this store?"


            • #51
              Quoth SandwichMaven
              Me: "So-And-So Pediatrics. This is SandwichMaven. How can I help you?"
              SC: "Is this the dentist's office?"
              I used to get a variation of this when I worked in the Biology Dept at NMSU:

              Me: Biology Dept, how can I help you?
              Clueless Wonder: Is this the English Dept?
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


              • #52
                sc: "are you open?"
                me: thinking, "no i'm standing at an empty lane with my light on because i like to screw with people like yourself."


                • #53
                  Quoth Dark Psion
                  I started this topic about two crashes ago, tracking the stupidest questions for each month to see exactly what was the Stupidest Question of 2006.

                  I had not restarted it since I had not gotten any really stupid questions........till today.

                  Today, July 21st, a day that was 106 degrees.

                  A lady called to ask if we had any Christmas lights in stock.

                  I used christmas lights to decorate for my wedding last August. There was quite a few boxes left over from the Christmas before in the backroom, though.


                  • #54
                    Quoth Canadian In Maine
                    Best one yet: Which beach is closer to the ocean?
                    Quoth Mixed Bag
                    Tell people they're tide.
                    Now thats funnys.
                    Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'

                    Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.


                    • #55
                      I think I have had one to give yours a run for it's money.

                      I had someone come nto Books and ask me for a book. They said they did not remember what it was called, who the author was, what it was about or what the cover looked like, but they saw on "on the telly". Then they said "do you have it in stock"?


                      Also had 2 more people that same week ask for books that they did not know the name of, author of, what it looked like or what it was about at all. All of these people actually were suprised that I could not help them! How can someone expect me to find the book they are looking for with that information?
                      "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                      • #56
                        March confidently over three rows away, bend your knees, scan the shelf at your waist-level for several seconds, slide a nonselling £15-20 tome out and slap it into their hands.
                        I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.

