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Wait Your Turn

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  • Wait Your Turn

    It was once again extremely busy. I just helped this nice little old lady who was so excited that she won a big sum. Well, I told her to take her time putting her money away.

    I noticed behind her there was this man looking impatient as hell. He came up beside her and I completely ignored him. I will not help someone if there is still a customer in my window.

    When she was ready to leave he growls this at her:

    SC: Finally you get the hell out of this window!

    Me and the little old lady both had this look:

    I gave the guy the nastiest money I had. What a jerk!

    2. Weird Logic

    This woman came to my window and one of her tickets had .90 at the end while the other had like .30 at the end of it. She gave me ten cents.

    Me: Actually if I take the ten cents I'll just be giving it back to you...

    SC: NO. Look. It says ninety cents. If I put my ten cents on it, it will make it an even dollar.

    Me: But your other ticket has 30 cents on it. I'd end up giving you back the change you gave me...

    SC looked confused as I started to pay her out.

    SC: Had you done it MY way I'd have an even dollar amount.


    No... Either way she did it she'd be getting back the change she gave me.

  • #2
    Quoth Anakah View Post
    SC: Had you done it MY way I'd have an even dollar amount.


    No... Either way she did it she'd be getting back the change she gave me.
    I've learned with those people it's just not not worth arguing...
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

