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All Hail The Entitlement Queen

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  • All Hail The Entitlement Queen

    We are totally booked up for this weekend, that means no rooms available, nada, better luck next time kid. A lady calls and asks if we have any openings, I say No. She asks the one question I've grown to hate in the year I've worked front desk "Are you sure?

    I tell her it is and then she asks if the owner from last summer is the owner this summer. I confirm it and she then asks when she'll be available by phone. I tell her tommorrow, she then starts bragging about how much time they spent talking last summer and how the owner is sure to remember her. She then says in a real smug voice "I think I'll call her and see what she can do for me"

    What you you want ma'am? An extra room built for you or guests thrown out of theirs? The rooms are booked, I am not lying or playing dumb to con you. You could be our owner's long lost twin and that won't change it. Next time do not call at the last minute on a weekend in the summer
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    Well, yeah, don't you know that the hotel makes more money by denying you a room than by renting you one? Silly!


    Logic, folks, it'll do you good.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      Oh come on. Everyone knows that every motel and hotel always has that exclusive, luxury suite with the scenic/ocean view and private hot tub that is kept open just for the manager's "special friends" (someone with whom the manager may have exchanged a two-word greeting while passing in the hallway during their visit three years ago) and always is rented at a ridiculously low rate or nothing at all.

      You may as well stop trying to fool this woman. She is on to you.
      "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
      .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


      • #4
        Actually, I keep hearing this rumor that makes me go . It goes something like this: "Hotels have to keep a few extra rooms open in case of emergencies and certain specific situations."
        Of course, noone can ever tell me what situations or what kind of emergency would require spare rooms.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          Quoth Broomjockey
          Actually, I keep hearing this rumor that makes me go . It goes something like this: "Hotels have to keep a few extra rooms open in case of emergencies and certain specific situations."
          BS, I have worked in three hotels and the policy is sell every single room if you possibly can. Probably some SC's made up that rumor in order to justify trying to get a room at the last minute. Or it's a hotel conspiracy and I'm lying *looks around furtively and runs off*
          My Horror Blog



          • #6
            Bwah ha ha! AS IF!!

            Okay, so lemme guess:

            Supermarkets must keep at least a dozen loaves of bread on stock in case of emergencies, so they never put the full stock out.

            Petrol stations have an extra customer service desk (and staff member to man it) that's never used - it's for in case of emergencies.

            Taxi companies must have two spare drivers on hand at any time (without fares) just in case of emergencies.

            Ambulance staff sit around in ambulance stations, vehicles ready, just in case of emergencies.

            ... oh wait. That last one might actually be true!


            • #7
              Actually, most hotels will sell more rooms than they actually have. Some even have policies as to how overbooked they're willing to go. We bet on whether or not we think you're gonna show up based on how long ago you made your reservation, flight schedules, etc. Its "The Game" we play. Always freaks out new staff when you have 12 arrivals left and no rooms.
              WWJND - "What Would JAM Not Do?" - Fashion Lad


              • #8
                Quoth One-Fang
                Bwah ha ha! AS IF!!

                Okay, so lemme guess:

                Supermarkets must keep at least a dozen loaves of bread on stock in case of emergencies, so they never put the full stock out.

                Petrol stations have an extra customer service desk (and staff member to man it) that's never used - it's for in case of emergencies.

                Taxi companies must have two spare drivers on hand at any time (without fares) just in case of emergencies.

                Ambulance staff sit around in ambulance stations, vehicles ready, just in case of emergencies.

                ... oh wait. That last one might actually be true!
                Hmmmm.... that must mean we have extra checkers in the back sitting around waiting for an emergency! I knew it! Of course, with all 8 registers going, I don't know how much help they would be......

                Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


                • #9
                  Quoth South Texan
                  Oh come on. Everyone knows that every motel and hotel always has that exclusive, luxury suite with the scenic/ocean view and private hot tub that is kept open just for the manager's "special friends" (someone with whom the manager may have exchanged a two-word greeting while passing in the hallway during their visit three years ago) and always is rented at a ridiculously low rate or nothing at all.

                  You may as well stop trying to fool this woman. She is on to you.
                  The store manager where I work has been there for awhile. So these people always come in and try to scare me with the ol' 'Me and (the manager) go way back.' Oh really! I've worked with the dude 2 and a half years. That still doesn't mean that he's going to give you a refund w/o a receipt. The only reason the manager probably knows who they are is because they complain every time they're in the store.
                  Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


                  • #10
                    Quoth One-Fang
                    Bwah ha ha! AS IF!!

                    Okay, so lemme guess:

                    Supermarkets must keep at least a dozen loaves of bread on stock in case of emergencies, so they never put the full stock out.

                    Petrol stations have an extra customer service desk (and staff member to man it) that's never used - it's for in case of emergencies.

                    Taxi companies must have two spare drivers on hand at any time (without fares) just in case of emergencies.

                    Ambulance staff sit around in ambulance stations, vehicles ready, just in case of emergencies.

                    ... oh wait. That last one might actually be true!
                    Well in the UK a few years back there was a strike that intentionally interfered with petrol deliveries so there was an obvious shortage. The petrol stations were required to keep a reserve stock for 'emergency service vehicles and emergency personnel'
                    Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                    • #11
                      "Well yes ma'am, we could do have some rooms that do not have anyone in them. We could put you up in your choice of the Boiler room, the Laundry room, the Electrical room (a popular choice, the hum of the three-phase system is very soothing I'm led to understand), or we can hang a hammock in the vending machine room over the ice maker."

                      I'm not sure it was ever said, but rumor claims that it has.

                      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                      • #12
                        Entitlement Trends

                        Ever notice how the customers that plan ahead, are very polite and understanding and don't make a big deal out of getting free stuff are usually the ones who end up getting stuff for free?

                        If you have to demand it, you don't deserve it.

                        Hm. I like that. I think I'll have that embossed in solid gold so I can beat customers over the head when they don't get it.
                        "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
                        -- The Meteor Principle

                        Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


                        • #13
                          Quoth batmoody
                          Hmmmm.... that must mean we have extra checkers in the back sitting around waiting for an emergency! I knew it! Of course, with all 8 registers going, I don't know how much help they would be......
                          Didn't you know, management can just wave a magic wand & make more cash registers magically appear?
                          "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
                          ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


                          • #14
                            I live in a tourist area and I have actually heard of hotels that have a room or two left for an emergency basis..if I recall it is usually the most undesirable room..I know I have read about it in the local papers..where the rooms are not booked completely in case there are last minute travelers. I think what they they take reservations for that day..and leave a couple of rooms unreserved. .


                            • #15
                              I can't believe no one brought up this old joke

                              Guy walks up to the desk clerk and asks for a room

                              The clerk tells him the hotel is full

                              The guy says well you'd have a room if the President suddenly showed up wouldn't you?

                              The clerk says well sure I guess so

                              The guy says

                              He ain't coming...gimme his room!

