Ah, more fake permits from the fake-permit elves! Ah, ya loveable bunch of rogues, how I've missed you! I thought you'd forgotten all about me, but in my heart I knew you'd come crawling back!
Fake 1 - (Warned ya' we'd shoot!)
Temp pass showed up at an apartment that had dates that looked kinda iffy. It may have been a "10" they tried to turn into an "11" on purpose, or it might have been just a hiccup by the secretary who issued it. We encourage them to not try to scribble out their mistakes and just issue a fresh one if they do accidentally cat-ass it. That way any signs at all of writing-over the numbers means it was done by someone with malicious intent versus "It's 4:49 on a Friday and I just wanna go home" intent.
Anyway, I look at it, two other driver's look at it over the course of the night, and we can't reach a consensus on tamper or just an honest mistake. Also, it's been hung at a slight angle on the rearview mirror in a way that makes it a bit tough to see clearly, again, could be they're trying to hide it, could be just a totally innocent thing.
Well, to just show we are doing our due diligence (or being professional pests if you see us that way) we left a warning on the car.
That way, if it's a fake, he hopefully learns a lesson that we're on to him, if it's real, he can swap it at no charge for a clean one when the office opens up.
Well, he disappeared and never came back
Until a week later
With the SAME permit
This time, he very OBVIOUSLY turned the "11" into a "12" with judicious use of white-out
On a GREEN permit
Hey, we put a warning shot across your bow on that one, don't blame us that the next one landed right in the ol' wheelhouse. (He thought so highly of his work, that he didn't check on the car for 2 days, so it not only had the tow, and a ticket for a forget permit, but 2 days of storage, the $195 bill means the ol' beer fund probably took a hit)
Fake 2 - Caught In the Act
If you're going to go to the trouble of scanning in and then printing out a fake temp permit for this lot, consider how easy it would have been to have gone down to the crafts store and gotten some purple construction paper, because that's what this complex feeds their printers with to make the real ones. But no, you had to cheap out and use plain white paper, so that even though it was the right color on the top, it was wrong on the bottom. A bottom I could see because you haphazardly tossed it onto the dash and I guess you didn't notice that when it slid over to the passengers side and hit the windshield glass the one corner curled up and over, showing that this was a fake quite clearly?
And even if you had done a much better job in selecting your materials, how did you neglect to notice that the office who issues these write in the make, model and plate of the vehicle it belongs to on the top line above the expiration date? You know, so that I noticed straight away that the scanned original was for a Nissan Maxima license ABC-123, not a Nissan Murano license XYZ-890, which is what it was in?
Best part was you calling us from your cellphone when you noticed from your buddy's balcony 5 floors up that your car was leaving on a truck and demanded to know why we were taking you because "you had a permit!" That was a first, we all got a good chuckle out of that, nobody has ever called us while we were still towing someone and demanded an explanation. I'll give ya +5 points for sheer moxie on that one kiddo, and you got a good eye, the phone number painted on the fender of the truck is pretty hard to read clearly at what looks to have been about 35 yards and in the dark too. It still is going to cost you $115 to get it back. And for a little extra humiliation, this was that complex that's right across the road from us, we only had to tow him about the length of a soccer pitch to impound him, that's gotta hurt.
Fake 3 - The Trade-Off
Guy gets towed in for having no permit. Guy comes in and says he has one, a temporary pass, in the car. We go out and check and sure enough, it's in the map pocket on the driver's side, facing out, with the dates it's good for legible and in plain view. It should have been hung on the mirror, but, had whoever towed it made even a casual glance inside, they would've seen it, so, we released it for free.
Naturally, not wanting to make the same mistake, and knowing that this fellow has now demonstrated a willingness to be lax with the rules, I commit that particular vehicle to memory (Blue Toyota with a pretty distinct pattern of dents) so that I won't tow it by accident myself.
Well, couple days later, I run across him again, with no apparent permit up. So I get out and go in for a closer look, yup, there it is, just lying on the seat instead of hung up like it should be, why am I not surprised....... wait a sec...... something is decidedly rotten in Denmark here....... he's cut about an inch off the bottom of that thing, glued that OVER the original dates and WROTE new ones on it.
Okay Johnny, strike up the band and play us outta here!
Later that day, the guy comes in (he never called to see if we had it, just walked over and said we had his car again)
The fun part of this? He admitted that he forged the permit when it ran out because he didn't feel like going down to the office to get a new one, but, argued that since we screwed up and mis-towed him earlier in the week, he should get some kind of discount for the 100% legit tow for the fake pass....
Your ideas on how the world should work intrigue me Sir, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter
Fake 1 - (Warned ya' we'd shoot!)
Temp pass showed up at an apartment that had dates that looked kinda iffy. It may have been a "10" they tried to turn into an "11" on purpose, or it might have been just a hiccup by the secretary who issued it. We encourage them to not try to scribble out their mistakes and just issue a fresh one if they do accidentally cat-ass it. That way any signs at all of writing-over the numbers means it was done by someone with malicious intent versus "It's 4:49 on a Friday and I just wanna go home" intent.
Anyway, I look at it, two other driver's look at it over the course of the night, and we can't reach a consensus on tamper or just an honest mistake. Also, it's been hung at a slight angle on the rearview mirror in a way that makes it a bit tough to see clearly, again, could be they're trying to hide it, could be just a totally innocent thing.
Well, to just show we are doing our due diligence (or being professional pests if you see us that way) we left a warning on the car.
That way, if it's a fake, he hopefully learns a lesson that we're on to him, if it's real, he can swap it at no charge for a clean one when the office opens up.
Well, he disappeared and never came back
Until a week later
With the SAME permit
This time, he very OBVIOUSLY turned the "11" into a "12" with judicious use of white-out
On a GREEN permit

Hey, we put a warning shot across your bow on that one, don't blame us that the next one landed right in the ol' wheelhouse. (He thought so highly of his work, that he didn't check on the car for 2 days, so it not only had the tow, and a ticket for a forget permit, but 2 days of storage, the $195 bill means the ol' beer fund probably took a hit)
Fake 2 - Caught In the Act
If you're going to go to the trouble of scanning in and then printing out a fake temp permit for this lot, consider how easy it would have been to have gone down to the crafts store and gotten some purple construction paper, because that's what this complex feeds their printers with to make the real ones. But no, you had to cheap out and use plain white paper, so that even though it was the right color on the top, it was wrong on the bottom. A bottom I could see because you haphazardly tossed it onto the dash and I guess you didn't notice that when it slid over to the passengers side and hit the windshield glass the one corner curled up and over, showing that this was a fake quite clearly?
And even if you had done a much better job in selecting your materials, how did you neglect to notice that the office who issues these write in the make, model and plate of the vehicle it belongs to on the top line above the expiration date? You know, so that I noticed straight away that the scanned original was for a Nissan Maxima license ABC-123, not a Nissan Murano license XYZ-890, which is what it was in?
Best part was you calling us from your cellphone when you noticed from your buddy's balcony 5 floors up that your car was leaving on a truck and demanded to know why we were taking you because "you had a permit!" That was a first, we all got a good chuckle out of that, nobody has ever called us while we were still towing someone and demanded an explanation. I'll give ya +5 points for sheer moxie on that one kiddo, and you got a good eye, the phone number painted on the fender of the truck is pretty hard to read clearly at what looks to have been about 35 yards and in the dark too. It still is going to cost you $115 to get it back. And for a little extra humiliation, this was that complex that's right across the road from us, we only had to tow him about the length of a soccer pitch to impound him, that's gotta hurt.

Fake 3 - The Trade-Off
Guy gets towed in for having no permit. Guy comes in and says he has one, a temporary pass, in the car. We go out and check and sure enough, it's in the map pocket on the driver's side, facing out, with the dates it's good for legible and in plain view. It should have been hung on the mirror, but, had whoever towed it made even a casual glance inside, they would've seen it, so, we released it for free.
Naturally, not wanting to make the same mistake, and knowing that this fellow has now demonstrated a willingness to be lax with the rules, I commit that particular vehicle to memory (Blue Toyota with a pretty distinct pattern of dents) so that I won't tow it by accident myself.
Well, couple days later, I run across him again, with no apparent permit up. So I get out and go in for a closer look, yup, there it is, just lying on the seat instead of hung up like it should be, why am I not surprised....... wait a sec...... something is decidedly rotten in Denmark here....... he's cut about an inch off the bottom of that thing, glued that OVER the original dates and WROTE new ones on it.
Okay Johnny, strike up the band and play us outta here!
Later that day, the guy comes in (he never called to see if we had it, just walked over and said we had his car again)
The fun part of this? He admitted that he forged the permit when it ran out because he didn't feel like going down to the office to get a new one, but, argued that since we screwed up and mis-towed him earlier in the week, he should get some kind of discount for the 100% legit tow for the fake pass....
Your ideas on how the world should work intrigue me Sir, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter