Okay, I admit it (and this is a heckuva first post)--I half-suck.
I'm not above sitting for a few hours in the comfy chair in the Borders cafe and going through a stack of manga/graphic novels, or a single novel. And there are a fair number of times that I don't actually buy anything. In my defense, however....
1: Books are ALWAYS placed back on the shelves, in the right places.
2: Books that are not being bought for certain are treated as if they were on loan from a friend with OCD and a chainsaw fetish (ie, clean hands, care taken with binding, pages are not creased or manhandled). If something were to go wrong, I would, indeed, pay for the book.
3: Food/beverage are, indeed, purchased.
4: I do most of my actual book-buying at Borders, largely because of my appreciation for the policies that allow me to do this. While I definitely get more out of it than I would if I only read the books I could reasonably buy on my income, I do give them enough of my business that it's worth my while to have a Borders card.
5: I treat employees with respect and courtesy, and always try to be understanding if there is some reason that my usual routine cannot be followed (such as the store having a local jazz band come in).
Honestly, they aren't 'losing money' on me--these are books that, if the policy was not in place, I probably wouldn't buy, because of my limited budget. If I had more money, I would buy more books. I don't, unfortunately. The policy, as noted in option 4, does cause me to spend all of what I DO have available for book-buying at Borders, however.
I'm not above sitting for a few hours in the comfy chair in the Borders cafe and going through a stack of manga/graphic novels, or a single novel. And there are a fair number of times that I don't actually buy anything. In my defense, however....
1: Books are ALWAYS placed back on the shelves, in the right places.
2: Books that are not being bought for certain are treated as if they were on loan from a friend with OCD and a chainsaw fetish (ie, clean hands, care taken with binding, pages are not creased or manhandled). If something were to go wrong, I would, indeed, pay for the book.
3: Food/beverage are, indeed, purchased.
4: I do most of my actual book-buying at Borders, largely because of my appreciation for the policies that allow me to do this. While I definitely get more out of it than I would if I only read the books I could reasonably buy on my income, I do give them enough of my business that it's worth my while to have a Borders card.
5: I treat employees with respect and courtesy, and always try to be understanding if there is some reason that my usual routine cannot be followed (such as the store having a local jazz band come in).
Honestly, they aren't 'losing money' on me--these are books that, if the policy was not in place, I probably wouldn't buy, because of my limited budget. If I had more money, I would buy more books. I don't, unfortunately. The policy, as noted in option 4, does cause me to spend all of what I DO have available for book-buying at Borders, however.