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Yes, threaten us, that'll get something accomplished . . .

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  • Yes, threaten us, that'll get something accomplished . . .

    . . . What a day. And it's not even my regular weekend to work.

    So we have this sweet older couple waiting on a CII narcotic painkiller to be filled. The man wants to know the price as soon as I do, so I let him know. The woman, who the RX is for, seems a few fries short of a Happy Meal, but she's just sitting there quietly eating the candy bar she just bought. The Cranky Pharmacist™ yells out when the script is done and puts it on the counter for me. Mr. Man waves me back, saying thank you, but that they still need to wait for someone else to come pay for it. No biggie. A few minutes later, Mr Man is coming around the corner with this . . . I guess it was human, in tow, dropping F-bombs every other breath

    Subhuman: " . . . got two fucking kids already, two kids, one of em's thirty two!"

    Ooookay. . . I grab the RX since they're both at the counter, and Mrs Candy Bar has left her seat and is approaching, too. I start to get the prescription scanned out of our computer system, which has to be done before I can ring it up. Oh, but it's a CII drug, which also means that we log an ID number when it is picked up. Reason being this -

    Let's say Mrs. Jones calls me up "Hello, Shiny? I had some percocet filled at your pharmacy, but I never got it!" Uh oh! Well, if I ask for ID on every CII pickup, all we have to do is get the original script and look for the driver's license number on it, and we'll know exactly who picked up that drug.

    /end background

    So I say I'll need to see ID, which was told to Mr. Man and Mrs. Candy Bar when they dropped the script off. Subhuman has is ID out and is waving it all around. You know, that move they do when they think they can get away with 'flashing' you with it, so that you might barely get a glimpse of their picture but not nearly long enough to verify info or get a number.

    Me: "Ok sir, I just need to take the number down."

    SH: "Oh, HELL NO, you're not writing my license number down, no one is! That's a violation of my privacy and my rights. This ain't even for me, this is for her, ain't nobody gonna take down my number!

    Me: "Okay, that's fine, but I do need someone's ID for this type of medication."

    Mr. Man waves the guy down and says I can just use his instead. Fine, right? No biggie, I have a number and we can get this show on the road. Wrong. SH is still ranting and raving about how we're violating his rights as an American and The Cranky Pharmacist (who, by the way, also possesses a LAW license and practiced law for over twenty five years in addition to being a pharmacist) has had enough of it and says "Sir, we NEED an ID. If one of you doesn't give us an ID, you're not picking that up!"

    SH: "Excuse me?! It's a violation of my rights, and I don't like your attitude. Who's your manager?"

    TCP: "His name is ______ ________"

    SH: "Can you get him?"

    TCP: "No!"

    SH: "Why not?!"

    TCP: "He's on vacation."

    SH: "Well who is HIS manager?!"

    TCP: "His name is ____ _____"

    SH: "I want his number!"

    TCP: "I'm not giving you his number."

    SH: "What's YOUR name? Oh, and you're an asshole!"

    TCP: "My name is Charles*, and yeah, well, so are you."

    SH: "Well, Charles, what's your LAST name?"

    TCP: "I'm not giving you my last name, partner!"

    SH: "You will. You're not the only Charles who works in this store!"

    TCP: "No, but I'm the only Charles who works in this pharmacy. You mention my name, everyone will know EXACTLY who you're taking about."

    SH: "Charles . . . YOU watch your back."

    Sh then turns to ME, wanting the store manager.

    Me: "I can try to get him, but I don't think he's in today." (which he wasn't)

    SH: "There IS a manager in the store, and I want one. GET ME A MANAGER!"

    Me *thinking* Holy shit . . . "Hey C, this guy's wanting Julio. We need to do something because he's fucking insane."

    ^ That was said very quietly, by the way. C called a manager to the pharmacy ASAP, but right afterwards she got on the phone with security as well. SH has not stopped his ranting and yelling, is calling us all inbred retards who 'have no right to treat him like this, because he's an American', and by this time, other customers are keeping their distance and some are brave enough to tell him he needs to calm down and STFU.


    Before the manager and security got there, SH has stormed off to the service desk because he thinks he'll have better luck getting a manager there. C ran off with the security guy toot sweet so she could point him out, while Todd, a super awesome guy and one of few managers who is universally liked, is trying to make heads or tails of the situation with us. Oh and he was also grabbed by a lady sitting on the bench who had been waiting for her husband's RX. She also happens to work here, too. She gave him a statement on the spot.

    Before C has gotten to the service desk with Juan in security, they are outpaced by almost every manager in the store, also headed there. It would seem SH got to the desk, was infuriated by the long lines he encountered there, and started ranting away.

    "Those stupid people in the pharmacy tried to write down my driver's license number, they can't do that, that's illegal!"

    Some poor random customer had to pipe up.

    "Uh, no it's not. "

    The two of them got into a screaming match and the slew of managers only got there just in time before things got physical. Police were called and now statements were going to be needed from all four of us who'd been in the pharmacy. Probably from the girls at service desk, too. I wish I could have seen how the guy tried wriggling his way out of showing ID to the POLICE, I bet that was funny as hell. They didn't arrest him, but we did manage to get him trespassed, meaning if he even sets foot in the parking lot now, he'll take a trip to jail. Todd came back after things had settled down and was laughing with us about it. I told him I have NEVER had anyone react like that before, nor seen something escalate so quickly. He said this is no less than the fifth time this same guy has come in the store and made a scene, and everyone who's dealt with him was pretty relieved we finally banned him. I imagine the banhammer coming down had something to do with the idiot screaming at The Cranky Pharmacist to 'watch his back' in front of half a dozen witnesses.

    In other news, we also had to call a doctor to authorize an emergency nitro script on the spot because an elderly preacher was having chest pains in the store and forgot his meds at home and couldn't make it to his regular pharmacy before it was 911 time, and a family with less than two brain cells between them held up C at the drop off window for over half an hour, to the point TCP had to call Needy while she was outside on break and ask her to come back in.

    Just another day in retail.
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

  • #2
    Let me guess, this was your reaction after all was said and done?

    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


    • #3
      Yeah, kinda

      Seriously, he coulda dropped it as soon as the other guy produced ID. It's not like I wrestled it from him and ran an unauthorized background check.

      I think he was just nuts or on drugs. Which brings me to the conclusion that the Cranky Pharmacist drew.

      "You know . . . something wasn't quite right. The lady whose name was actually on that prescription . . . woman was dumb as a post. I doubt if she gets those percocet tablets."

      Either way, Needy just texted me to share that voice command on her phone recognizes and correctly spells "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". She and C are on their second bottle of wine already. I was tempted to grab one at checkout, but I have be back at nine and I don't feel like going in with a hangover, haha.
      Last edited by ShinyGreenApple; 12-31-2012, 02:46 AM.
      The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


      • #4
        I just feel bad for the older couple ... that they have to deal with him on a regular basis. not to mention that he fucked them out of their meds that day.


        • #5
          Quoth ShinyGreenApple View Post
          . . . What a day. And it's not even my regular weekend to work.

          And yes, that escalated quickly.


          • #6
            Quoth ShinyGreenApple View Post
            I think he was just nuts or on drugs. Which brings me to the conclusion that the Cranky Pharmacist drew.

            "You know . . . something wasn't quite right. The lady whose name was actually on that prescription . . . woman was dumb as a post. I doubt if she gets those percocet tablets."
            Quoth PepperElf View Post
            I just feel bad for the older couple ... that they have to deal with him on a regular basis. not to mention that he fucked them out of their meds that day.
            Sounds like they may not have been for the older couple...and this guy sure acted like an addict in withdrawal...
            I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


            • #7
              Sounds like they may not have been for the older couple...and this guy sure acted like an addict in withdrawal...
              I bet you're right. And he didn't want you his license number noted because if someone tries checking to see how many percocet scrips he's signed for, they're going to start asking questions. Addicts have a lot of ways of trying to game the system to get their fix.
              When you start at zero, everything's progress.


              • #8
                It wouldn't be the first time we've seen it. Keep denying someone the pain pills they don't really appear to need, calling the doctor to confirm the script or report doctor shopping, and the scripts stop. Until an elderly relative who is a regular customer is suddenly coming in getting pain pills they never needed before, and there is exchange of money between them. It's sick and sad, really. I guess it's easier to believe an old person saying the are in pain is easier to believe than someone tweaking out and acting like everyone is out to get them. I doubt if anyone in this group actually needed pain pills, but if it was candy bar lady, I feel bad.

                I honestly just think this guy is batshit. Todd seemed really relieved that we could finally put the banhammer on him, because like I said, I don't recall seeing him before, but management and security knew him well enough, and so did the police. This was at least the fifth time he's come into Voldemart and made a huge scene like this. I'd actually be more scared if I found out he wasn't trying to swindle anyone out of percocet, because he exploded pretty quickly and didn't calm down.

                What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. What happens in the pharmacy and leaks out into the service desk . . . travels fast and becomes the stuff of store legend.
                The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                • #9
                  Quoth ThanosIsKing View Post

                  And yes, that escalated quickly.

                  Somebody beat me to it!

