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A typical day for a telemarketer

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  • #46
    Aye, but that's targetting businesses who would be likely to need your products at some point, not a shotgun effect that most large telesales companies use.



    • #47

      The major difference here is that you are calling businesses- not homes. I think most people's beef is having their personal lives interuppted by sales calls they really don't want. Business phones should receive business calls. Home phones should receive calls from friends and family.

      Additional MOD note to all:

      We're all going seriously off topic here. The topic of this thread should be the SC's behavior on the phone. I don't think there is anything wrong with discussing the legalities either since it was brought up by the OP.

      Let's remember the Site Rules. If this goes any farther south we'll be closing the thread.

      Thank- You.
      "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

      ~TechSmith 314
      HellGate: London


      • #48
        Nightangel (hopefully this is considered ontopic, i'm trying

        I get a ton of telemarketing calls at work but I try and maintain a simple policy of my own - I do a 2 refusal rule (basicaly I will politly tell them twice that "No, not today, I'm not interested, please remove us from your list".

        I have found that there are basically 2 groups of telemarketers, the overly nice ones who I feel sorry for (very polite/nice/don't try and keep pushing you/etc) they also end the call very politly and you hang up not feeling the urge to smash something.

        Then theres the group that won't take no for an answer, they push, they try and intimidate, etc. These are the ones who will rub you the wrong way, or even just hang up on you as soon as you say no (for some reason being hung up, even by one of the jerkiest ones, really chaps my hide).

        A word of advice though, stay away from the surveys. I did a phone survey a couple of months back on investments and investment type stuff. ever since I've been recieving a shiton of calls from boiler room brokers trying to get me to invest in some deal or another. Lately they have been deals where you have to be worth over a million $$$ (between both liquid and non liquid). The worse was one older sounding guy who, when I was trying to be polite by saying that I would keep his advice in mind, said, don't keep it in mind, you're talking to a multimillionare right now. How I didn't think to answer him with, well if you're a multimillionaire, then why are you telemarketing????
        My Karma ran over your dogma.


        • #49
          And yet he's kept the daytime job. How charming.


          • #50
            Quoth Tria View Post
            Oh HELL no.... You don't fuck with the Irish.... Pretty accent, don't make the pretty accent cry....
            If you were there you wouldn't be the one saying that. She used to cry at times 10 times a night, and throw up three(once in the first hour and twice later on in the evening, every day). I felt more like shit taking that than taking the lip from the customers(and that's saying something). Because I'm a friend of hers I felt like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

            Also, I didn't say we're Irish. If you look at this post in the top right corner, you will see we are in Newfoundland Canada. Newfoundlanders have an Irish accent only because of our ancestry.
            Last edited by UkyoKuonji2004; 03-27-2007, 04:05 PM.


            • #51
              Actually, when I worked in TMing, and I'm fairly certain that this was a federal law, if a customer ever said the words "please remove me from your list", we had to immediately make that so. Although in our case, that required us to ring a bell we had at our desk twice, to call a supervisor over. ((Once was for a sale.))
              Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


              • #52
                For those interested in the "No Rebuttal State" laws and the like in the US, a quick search found me this site:

                Looks like a good site. If you go down about half way down the page it lists all the relevant consumer organisations in each state and what their basic laws are.



                • #53
                  Quoth Arcade Man D View Post
                  Actually, when I worked in TMing, and I'm fairly certain that this was a federal law, if a customer ever said the words "please remove me from your list", we had to immediately make that so. Although in our case, that required us to ring a bell we had at our desk twice, to call a supervisor over. ((Once was for a sale.))
                  It's like that here too. It doesn't matter what state it is, if the person on the other line(Doesn't matter if it's the customer or not) says "take me off the list" we have to do so without hesitation. We had to say this small paragraph saying how long it will take(30 days, etc.) and such first, and then we put the call down for DNC. We never actually had to get a supervisor unless the SC was irate.


                  • #54
                    Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
                    Speak french, speak english, speak klingon, but not all 3 at the same time while gargling battery acid throught Botoxed lips.
                    This made me LOL (very L!) and my husband is staring at me as I giggle insanely. May I please swipe it?

                    I sometimes get what I assume are telemarketing calls on my cell phone, but as I don't speak Thai I'm not really sure. What annoys me are the advertising sms messages I get- also in Thai. They're generally huge and fill up the memory in my phone, so I get annoyed with them. They're easy to delete, but I have no way of asking not to receive them.
                    Arsenic is 'natural'. Hemlock is 'organic'.

