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Dear Stupid Pregnant Woman

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  • Dear Stupid Pregnant Woman

    Dear Idiot,

    While our store is doing a sale, we cannot do Refunds and/or exchanges. Why? Because as one of the most popular clothes stores in the frickin' UK, our store gets jam PACKED and we cannot do anything other than serve people and get them the hell out before we all die of claustrophobia and/or lack of air. We replaced all our promotional signs with signs displaying that fact.* Just because YOU are pregnant doesn't mean you can get around the rules. And if it hadn't been for your stupid little 'omg well obviously YOU don't know how hard it is to get by when you're 6 months pregnant!' guilt trip, that stupid, RANCID yellow skirt would still be in your posession. (Of course I bloody don't, for one, I'M ONLY 17 AND I HAVE NOT EVER BEEN PREGNANT, you IDIOT) For gods sake, you ONLY have to wait until MONDAY to return it, its not like your baby is going to be born the sunday before and, HOMG, the little hellspawn will be stuck with a stupid skirt! The rest of the people we told seemed to get the message, so why couldn't you? For one thing, they actually read the effing signs. Learn to read. Now.

    With sincerest 'up yours',


    Last edited by biscuitchan; 07-22-2006, 04:22 PM.

  • #2
    I love the picture!!

    I never thought I should get special treatment when I was pregnant. If I received it I was grateful, but it was not something I demanded. When I hear complaints like that from pregnant women it makes me want to say, "Why are you yelling at me because you can't get around? Go bitch at the guy who knocked you up."


    • #3
      Well, some pregnant women get a little nuts. And some women are regularly nuts and just use that as an excuse.

      Had one come in at Kinko's when I was running register and refuse to sign for a job we'd done for a business. It was to be billed to their account, and had to be signed for. This chick flat out refused to sign the invoice, saying "I'm not qualified to sign that! I just came to pick up the job!"

      I had to tell her if she wasn't qualified to sign the slip, then she wasn't qualified to pick up the job. I mean, really. I can just see the business calling us wanting to know where their job was and who picked it up. No thank you.

      I kind of felt like maybe her pregnancy hormones were making her a little nuts, but I still didn't give her the job. I can't imagine what she was thinking we would do.


      • #4
        pregnancy entitlement, yet another form of 'i'm special' that we all dread.

        six months, eh? i was up, working full time and around up until the day before i delivered; take this 'i'm six months along and can't *insert action/inaction here*' crap and shove it, *bleep.*

        pregnancy doesn't mean special; it means you reproduced, something almost all species can do. sorry dear, but you're definitely NOT a unique snowflake.
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          Its so annoying when they act like they are the only ones who have ever been pregnant. Give me a break. You are not special. Everyone does it!

          Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


          • #6
            Oh for God's sakes... if she's whining at 6 months, I feel bad for the people who are going to have to deal with her when she's 9 months!!! 6 months is a cake walk compared to it.

            I'm currently less than two weeks to my due date and even though everything is difficult for me right now, I have never expected people to kiss my ever-expanding ass just because I happen to be "with child".

            I truely, truely dread what she's going to turn into in the next 3 months....


            • #7
              If she is that precious with her pregnancy, what is she doing in an over crowded store in the first place? Her return can surely wait a day or 2.


              • #8
                All it takes to get pregnant (for most) is to insert Tab A into Slot B.

                My best friend has a theory why there are so many stupid people on the planet: Smart people know how to prevent pregnancies!
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #9
                  I've a sneaking suspicion I know what shop you work in and I can only express my sympathies to you. I walked past one yesterday, saw the hideous melee of heaving SC's giving the staff near the door attitude and could only imagine the horror of what it was like at the sales desks! To be honest, I'm suprised no other stories have turned up yet since their sales always result in a full on scramble for a bargain!

                  Good strong...arm yourself with a coat hangar if necessary!


                  • #10
                    Oooh, I have one to add to this thread. I think it was my second week at work, and my name tag still had 'trainee' on it even though, technically, my training was over.

                    There was a manger, M, serving at the register next to me. It's fairly busy, but most registers were open so lines were moving quickly. SC is in that "might be pregnant, don't want to ask and be wrong" stage of pregnancy. She gives her order to M, he gives it to her, she pays. Then talks.

                    SC: Um, I know people have to be trained, but why do you have a trainee working at such a busy time?
                    [I'm serving another customer while she talks, but I can hear everything.]
                    M: Well, sarahj's been working a few weeks. She's finished her training and is just as fast as other employees.
                    SC: Well I'm pregnant and I have to eat at certain times. And I can't if you have a trainee working.
                    Me: ... [I stop what I'm doing and listen.]
                    SC: [Huffs, takes her food and leaves.]

                    Later after I come back from a break, M sees me.

                    M: Don't worry about what that lady was saying. You're doing really well.
                    Me: Thanks.
                    M: Give me your name badge.
                    Me: ... [I hand it over.]

                    He pulled off my 'trainee' sticker! Most people I served up until then were like, "no problem, take your time," when I was a little slow with their orders. This took away that excuse. Of course, now it's two months later and other people who started at the same time as me still have their 'trainee' stickers. lol.
                    Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
                    Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
                    <3 Arrested Development


                    • #11
                      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid
                      Well, some pregnant women get a little nuts. And some women are regularly nuts and just use that as an excuse.

                      Had one come in at Kinko's when I was running register and refuse to sign for a job we'd done for a business. It was to be billed to their account, and had to be signed for. This chick flat out refused to sign the invoice, saying "I'm not qualified to sign that! I just came to pick up the job!"

                      I had to tell her if she wasn't qualified to sign the slip, then she wasn't qualified to pick up the job. I mean, really. I can just see the business calling us wanting to know where their job was and who picked it up. No thank you.

                      I kind of felt like maybe her pregnancy hormones were making her a little nuts, but I still didn't give her the job. I can't imagine what she was thinking we would do.
                      Probably one of those paranoia nuts who think that if they sign a piece of paper, they will later find out that somewhere in the fine print, they agreed to give you their identity, life savings, home, kids, dog, internal organs, etc.

                      It's kind of like how you have to sign when the FedEx guy comes to your door. You don't refuse your mail just because you have to sign for it, do you?
                      "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
                      -- The Meteor Principle

                      Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


                      • #12
                        I would have responded, "Do you know how hard it is to deal with you angry blobs of raging hormones day in and day out?!"

                        Sorry, extremely rude, but I don't believe that pregnant women are exempt from rules and policies.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          Her husband was standing behind her, just sorta...spaced out. And thats a brilliant question; why WAS she out at 6 months pregnant? oooh surely it must be so hard for her. Oooh.

                          And Lulu; if you guess right, you win...uh...the Internet! Yes.


                          • #14
                            Quoth sarahj
                            SC: Well I'm pregnant and I have to eat at certain times. And I can't if you have a trainee working.
                            And just why CAN'T she eat if a trainee is working?

                            Oh yeah, because she is a complete blithering idiot that the rest of the world must serve in the way she deems necessary.

                            This actually reminds me of something that was an ongoing thing at a restaurant I used to work at. In this tourist town I live in, we have people from....EVERYWHERE. Which means that we had staff from.....EVERYWHERE. And we so often had customers go out of their way to ask for "an American server."

                            1. If they are waiting tables, they speak English. It may not be perfect English, but having heard they way many Americans speak, it seems perfect English is a rare breed.

                            2. We have great American servers. We have great foreign servers, too. We have lousy foreign servers. We have lousy American servers, too.

                            3. If you want to dine here, you will be served by one of our servers, and unless you ask for a specific one (because you like their work) or to not be sat with a particular one (because you don't), it is luck of the draw.

                            One time, I was told by the hostess that the table I had just been sat had asked specifically for an American server. With that in mind, I walked up to the table and introduced myself and went through my opening a perfect Irish brogue.

                            Sadly, they didn't get the joke.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."

