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That's just poopy (warning: poopy)

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  • That's just poopy (warning: poopy)

    'Twas a shitty weekend, a bit too literally.

    Well you clogged it...

    Got a call at 8pmish last night, just as I was trying to fall asleep. Some guests who have been with us for nearly two weeks clogged their toilet. CW said she handed them a plunger and it didn't work.

    Now, snakes and I do not get along. I had CW offer to move them to another room, since I don't have any special plumbing powers and can't do much else other than what the guest already tried. Apparently, they weren't happy, and wanted to know if we had some sort of "emergency" person. Yeah, calling a plumber on a weekend night would likely cost us about the same as their company's paying for the stay. Not happening.

    The thing about our toilets is that they have these awesome power-flush systems. You push the lever, and it's all WHOOOOOSH!!! They are awesome! Super awesome toilets! They very seldom clog. It would be TMI to go into how I know this, so just take my word: it takes a lot to clog these bad boys. Since they'd been in that room for almost two weeks, they clearly did something epic to that poor thing.

    Today I was maintenance, and went up there to check it out. It was clear they'd splattered shitty water everywhere in their plunging attempt, and had used our towels and sheets to mop it up. Thanks, guys. Neither Other MOD nor myself were successful in our unclogging attempts. Between us we probably spent almost two hours on that thing.

    Suspiciously, both rolls of TP were completely empty. Hmmm....

    The guests may have not been happy about moving, but I'm not happy about whatever the hell they clogged the toilet with, so I guess that makes us even.

    Determined to be unhappy (figurative shit)

    I did not hear this, as by the time I fell asleep last night I was completely out of it, but CW apparently had to go deal with a noise complaint. SCs came in late at night, on a Saturday night of all nights, with no reservation. SCs wanted lower level because they had a lot of stuff to pack. We were sold out of lower level. SCs took an upstairs room. SCs yelled and bitched so loud as they were packing their stuff up the stairs that other guests called and complained. CW had to go tell them to quiet down.

    If we don't have the type of room you want, why not head up the street and find something else? If you're going to choose to take the room, don't throw a fit about it. It's not like we forced you to rent it or anything.

    What's even more fun: they were upstairs, on the very end of the building with the closed stairwell. Yesterday morning, I found out one of our stairs has just popped off somehow. It needs to be welded back together, and that won't happen until mid-week. I'm sure it just burned these guys even more that there was a stairwell right there, and they had to pack their stuff all the way from the other side of the building.

    The worse toilet in Scotland (as well as the rest of the room)

    Okay, so it wasn't that bad, but it was bad.

    Other MOD called me up to a room and had me bring trashbags, and this is what she had discovered:

    Human shit everywhere. The comforter was absolutely covered, as well as the blanket and pillow. It was as if they not only had an accident, but decided to roll around in it as well. There was spray on the wall next to the bed. Spray. Projectile shit spray. It was the second-worst bed I've ever seen in my tenure at the motel. Amazingly, none of it seeped down to the mattress.

    There were shitty handprints on the furniture and some of the walls.

    The toilet? Oh God, the toilet. It was in the toilet. It was on the outside of the toilet. From the top of the tank to the floor, all over the outside of the toilet. I've seen some bad toilets over the years at the motel, but this one had to have made the top five at least. There was also more spray on the wall next to the toilet. Projectile shit spray!

    The toilet handle was broken off and missing (dunno where the hell it went...was too scared to look through the trash), and since I was maintenance, I had to lean over that nasty toilet to replace it. I did manage to clean up a bit of it for housekeeping, though they didn't see it before I worked on it so I don't think the housekeeper noticed. It looked much better after I sprayed it down and flushed it a few times, but that's not saying a whole lot.

    I mean, I get that shit happens, but holy shit!
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    Oh God.

    Makes me nostalgic of my bathroom cleaning days at my first gas station...aaahhh....


    • #3
      You know, poo usually doesn't gross me out that much, but that's kind of .


      • #4
        Hopefuly the offenders got banned for life, there is just no excuse for that. NONE.


        • #5
          Did my boss rent a room at your motel?
          If anyone breaks the three pint rule, they'll be running all night to the pisser and back.


          • #6
            I can just hear the story at the ER:

            "I was just sitting on the throne, doing my own business when some dudes stuffed the handle up my wazoo."
            I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
            Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
            Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


            • #7
              I suppose I should be grateful that I don't have a weak stomach.... What the hell happened in their insides for something like that?!
              Some people just need a high five...

              In the face with the back of a chair....


              • #8
                That can happen to people who don't usually drink very much, and then (possibly because they're away from home) go out and overdo it, especially on spirits.

                Usually they're sick - but it can happen that, though they may be able to keep it down, they can't keep it in......
                Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


                • #9
                  Quoth Eevie View Post
                  I suppose I should be grateful that I don't have a weak stomach.... What the hell happened in their insides for something like that?!
                  Violently ill comes to mind...also there are certain fetishes that involve 2-quart red bags (or larger) that might have also explained the...spray.
                  I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                  • #10
                    Quoth dalesys View Post
                    I can just hear the story at the ER:

                    "I was just sitting on the throne, doing my own business when some dudes stuffed the handle up my wazoo."
                    omg as gross as this story is and as bad of a day I'm having this made me laugh thanks
                    Great YouTube channel check it out!


                    • #11
                      Yesterday morning, I found out one of our stairs has just popped off somehow.
                      Is it bad that i'm wondering if the SCs did it themselves? in revenge etc?

                      The worse toilet in Scotland (as well as the rest of the room)
                      OH MY GOD.

                      I mean .. hell, I've had some bad moments with my bowels (like when I was sick last) but... I didn't spray an entire fucking room with it.


                      • #12
                        That's just... ugh... you and your clean-up crew should get biohazard pay, really. Of course, most hotel housekeeping staff should. Also, PepperElf, I had the thought of the customers ruining the stairs myself. It makes one wonder.
                        "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                        • #13
                          Quoth PepperElf View Post
                          Is it bad that i'm wondering if the SCs did it themselves? in revenge etc?
                          The stair was popped off and the stairwell closed before those particular SCs arrived. That's why it probably pissed them off even more, that they couldn't use those stairs. (It's been cold lately, and I'm guessing water froze in a crack and forced the weld to crack.)
                          Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


                          • #14
                            I'm the one who always cleans up messes like this at my store because I have the strongest stomach. Almost nothing gets to me too bad. But one recent mess was just, well your story reminded me of it so you know it was bad.

                            A little old man went in there and just---exploded for lack of a better word. That's the only time I've ever seen shit spray. He left without telling anyone and an innocent, unsuspecting person walked in there to use the restroom. SMH. Ever since then, we keep it locked and they have to request the key so if anyone does anything like that again, we know who to ban.
                            I'm sorry, but I've reached my maximum allowable exposure to stupidity limit for the day. I'll have to get back to you tomorrow.

