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"How dare you behave like that outside of work!!"

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  • #76
    This is why when I worked for bars where we had work shirts, our managers requested kindly that we remove our workshirts and put something else on whenever possible when drinking out in public after work because although it was our time, they would get complaints like this on occasion.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #77
      Quoth Sir Spaniard the 12th View Post
      So you could drink for free, as much as you wanted, for free, but couldn't take a table, even though you'd have been a paying customer?
      Getting tanked for free on premises -- okee-fine!

      Paying for a meal at a table -- icky-ba-ba-bad.

      I didn't last long at that establishment.
      One day, this middle-aged semi-human troll came up to the bar and said

      SC: Yo, toots.
      Me: Yeah, sweetheart? <exactly like Mary Wickes did in "Sister Act.">
      SC: Excuse you, ya <bleep>ing <bleep>?
      ME: <smiling sweetly> I'm sorry, but I'll be unable to serve you this evening, sir, as you appear to be intoxicated. Could I interest you in something from the food menu?
      SC: What the <bleep>?
      ME: You appear to be intoxicated. No sober person would begin a conversation with such coarse vulgarities.

      SC storms off. Five minutes later, the floor manager shows up. Turns out I F'ed up, since the the middle-aged semi-human troll was, in fact, the owner's brother. Manager-guy says I have to serve them.

      ME: No, I won't be serving them. Their spokesperson appears to be intoxicated. However, you are free to make their drinks, take them to the table, and collect the money for them, and then I'll be free to call the cops when they leave and turn them in for drunk driving. And when the cops ask me where they got the booze.....
      Manager-guy: You wouldn't.
      ME: Wanna bet?

      I went back to cleaning my bar, and the customers got no booze.
      There was also the issue of liability for the establishment itself, since at that time there were dram shop laws on the books for our state.
      Dram shop laws are the ones where the establishment serving food and/or liquor are held responsible for the customers' actions induced by the food and/or liquor. The SC was none too happy, but we never heard squat about it from the owner afterwards.
      But I didn't last long there. Seems that my having a functioning brain was a detriment of some sort.


      • #78
        We constantly get emails about behaving in hotels downroute and not embarrasing the airline. We can't drink 10 hours before flights (officially) but crew have been suspended over drunken escapades in hotels-not in uniform I must add and outside the 10 hours no drinking before flying rule.
        No longer a flight atttendant!

