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Broken Record

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  • Broken Record

    For the fourth Sunday in a row, I've had to feel like a broken record at the same time.

    Some background: The casino in which I work was running a promotion on Sundays this month. The terms were that a patron had to earn 200 points on their card between 9am and 4pm. After doing so, they could pick up a gift in our event center between 11am and 5pm. The marketing staff handing out the gifts has to be off the clock by 5:30 pm, so anyone not in line by exactly 5pm is SOL. Also, select patrons (don't ask me selected how, for that is something I am not privy to) got a postcard entitling them to a bonus gift in addition. I swear, this month, I've had the following conversations at least a hundred times each.

    SS,EW,SC: The various special snowflakes/ entitlement whores/ stupid customers I've had to deal with
    Sup: Various supervisors and managers

    I fail at reading!
    Me: Hi! How can I help you?
    SC: Hello, I have been playing for hours but it looks like my card didn't read. Can you add my points so I can get my gift?
    *Note here, when you insert a card in the machine the screen clearly displays either the card holders name or a message that says "reinsert card".*
    Me: I'm sorry sir but without your card reading in the machine, we have no way to track your play. We also have no way to add points to a card.
    SC: What? This is unacceptable! Let me speak to your supervisor!
    Me: *Calls over nearest sup*
    Insert repeat of above tirade
    Sup: I'm sorry sir but without your card reading in the machine, we have no way to track your play. We also have no way to add points to a card.
    *Customer storms off*

    I deserve more!
    Me: *Standard butt kissing greeting*
    EW: Yes, I want to know why I didn't get a postcard for <Bonus Gift>! I spend a bajillion dollars here a month and all of my friends got one but I didn't.
    Me: I'm sorry ma'am, but that is something that our marketing department controls.
    EW: Well then I want to talk to them!
    Me: You'll want to go back around the corner to our event center. Anyone from marketing that would be here on a Sunday would be over there.
    EW: *catbutt face* Fine!!!! *Storms off*

    I can't tell time and am apparently deaf!
    Me: *Greeting patron while calculating how many more minutes until I get to go count out*
    SS: Hi! I have been here all day and I lost track of time and I just went to the event center and they had just closed up and it was like 5:02 and I was wondering if you guys can get me my gift and <bonus gift>?
    *I kid you not, this is nearly always said as one run-on sentence.*
    Me: I'm sorry sir, however we have no access to the gift items. The event center closes promptly at 5pm. They did make several announcements over the past hour.
    SS: *Catbutt face* Well I didn't hear them and I was only 2 minutes late! I want my gifts! I'm a <higher level card holder>!
    Me: There really is nothing I can do. I'm sorry.
    SS: I want to speak to your <department manager title that patrons think will intimidate us>. She will take care of this!
    Me: I'm sorry sir but the <department manager title> isn't in at the moment. But I will be happy to get you a supervisor.
    *I will purposely grab the "takes no crap" supervisor in this situation*
    Sup: *comes over and repeats what I've already told him*
    SS: I want both of your names!
    Sup: My name is <Name>. Her's is Company.
    SS: I want your last names! You will both be fired!
    Sup: I am the only <Name> in the cage. Her's is Company with a "y" at the end. She's the only one here that spells it like that. Have a good day sir.
    **This one was last week. Yes he called and complained his way up to the VP of my location. Who talked to my <department manager title>. Who talked to my Sup. Consensus: the SS is a freaking moron, we all did what was right, and if he screams at the cage one more time (this wasn't his first offense) he will be banned. The VP called him back and told him as much, in what I'm sure was a very diplomatic way.

    Aaaaaaaaaand rest. Thank goodness I have the next two days off or I would probably end up tomorrow.
    And why do they keep the employees in a cage? The same reason they keep lions, tigers and bears in a cage, to keep them from culling the herd. -Dark Psion

  • #2
    5:02? No gift for you!

    Glad you don't hesitate to hand over the SC-EW-SS to your sup, and bonus points for giving the hard cases the spineful one.

    I've always loved the phrase "Give me your last name, I'm going to get you fired." I always try to imagine the scenario in which that would in ANY WAY benefit me.

    "Oh, we were going to fire you on their say-so, but you were cooperative and gave them your last name, so now we won't."

    Said no supervisor. Ever

    Although I guess "We weren't going to fire you about this incident, but then you were uncooperative and wouldn't divulge your last name to the precious cussed-omer, so now we are." is a remote possibility in some businesses. Businesses I want no part of anyway, so that works out too.


    • #3
      Quoth sms001 View Post
      Glad you don't hesitate to hand over the SC-EW-SS to your sup, and bonus points for giving the hard cases the spineful one.
      We aren't supposed to hesitate at all to grab a sup if a patron requests one. Also, the company (as with a lot of ones here locally) never requires us to give out our last names. It's a safety hazard. Take myself for example, I am the only person with my first name/last name combo in the state (according to numerous internet searches) and one of only 3 or 4 in the country (one of whom is my sister-in-law). It wouldn't be hard for a nut job to track me down.
      And why do they keep the employees in a cage? The same reason they keep lions, tigers and bears in a cage, to keep them from culling the herd. -Dark Psion

