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    I am a supervisor at a toy store and I had this lady, I use the term loosely, and her daughter come in to put things on layaway. When I got called up to help one of the people do the layaway that is where the headache started.

    *Background-Basically she wanted to but 4 items on layaway and purchase one car seat. However the items she wanted to buy where big so we could not hold them at the store we had to hold them at the warehouse so we had to do the layaway first and then the items purchased.

    When I got there I had to explain to her that we had to do two separate transactions in order to purchase one product and put everything else on layaway as the system would not allow us to do everything at once. I had to explain that to her 3 times because she could not understand why i could not magically make the system have her order the items for layaway and purchase the items on the same transaction because it costs her money every time she swipes her card. I wish I could put the system would not let me. So I went to ring up her layaway and I asked if she had 3 items to put on layaway and one to purchase she said yes. Ok I rang the layaway through and she could not understand why the 20% down was so that price so I told her that we had the 3 items we had. Oh no we were supposed to have 4. So the option was to do another transaction for the 4 one or cancel this one out (she did not pay for it) and put everything she ordered one one layaway sheet otherwise i would have to do another transaction.

    "No lets just do 3 separate transactions."- (2 seconds ago you did not want to do that as it costs money). "It will be faster as I want to go home."

    So she paid for her 1st order and was ready to leave and I said, "Did you want to pay for your purchase and put the other item on layaway."

    "I just did that."
    "No," I said, "You put the 3 items on layaway and you wanted to do the other item separately because you said that would be faster."
    "So what did I just spend $60 for, I already put everything on layaway."

    -Do not want to bore you with the details put we went back and forth for at least 15 minutes trying to explain to her what she was on layaway and what she did not have on layaway all the time she telling me she does not understand and she kept getting louder and louder. It also did not help that her daughter had to say every 15 seconds how long they have been here and this should not be so hard. I wanted to say, your right it should not have been.

    Finally we get her to understand that part. So I ring up the other thing she wanted to put on layaway. Then I ring up her item she was purchasing. Before she goes she does not understand why everything is on 3 receipts. OMG I just explained that to you. She also does not understand what she has to pay to pick up her layaway and what is one each receipt. I try every which way I can thing of to explain it to her again. She is still yelling at me saying that this is to complicated and I messed her up and it cannot be this much (so far we are in about 45 minutes of this, while the entire process should have taken a minute). I try every which way I can thing of to explain when you spend around $140 for each item with takes the total is going to come to around $500.

    Finally she does not want to talk to me she wants to talk to the store manager (who I would have called up sooner but he was busy), my manager. Fine, I get him and she does not want to talk to him anymore she wants me to talk to him and explain why she is upset. (I wanted to tell him that I did what she told me to and she is an idiot who cannot understand simile math). So he decides that I must of rung her up for another item. So he decides to refund her money for one of the items she ordered. (I didn't but after 1 hour and 1/2 of being yelled at every 15 seconds by either her or her daughter, I did not care anymore, as we closed 45 minutes ago and I want to go home). So I refund one of the items for her. Then she wanted me to explain to her again the receipts.

    What frustrates me now is it is the same total I gave to you over an hour ago before the refund. I did not tell her that she canceled one of the items because my brain can only deal with so much in so little time and I wanted her to leave.

    So I will be yelled at another day, but for right now she is gone. I know I probably should have handled it differently and let her know that she canceled one of the items and my manager was incorrect, but I got to the point where I was ready to quit my job during that transaction and tell her to go away and if she cannot combined addition, that is her probably not mine. I have never in 15 years of retail wanted to strangle a customer as much as I did her, and I have been cursed at, screamed at, and threatened before. But she just would not stop talking so I could explain it to her.

    Thanks for listening.

  • #2
    I don't agree with your manager basically putting you in the wrong right there on the spot, regardless if you were or not. It could have just been fixed and then he could talk to you later when the lady wasn't around. And I believe the lady was trying to confuse you on purpose. I had to deal with layaways too at my store. They'll try to confuse you on purpose just so they can get a discount or not pay for something


    • #3
      Quoth TechieGirl87 View Post
      I don't agree with your manager basically putting you in the wrong right there on the spot, regardless if you were or not. It could have just been fixed and then he could talk to you later when the lady wasn't around. And I believe the lady was trying to confuse you on purpose. I had to deal with layaways too at my store. They'll try to confuse you on purpose just so they can get a discount or not pay for something
      And you notice your manager did tell you to refund her. Fortunately, you were smarter and cancelled the item you refunded or she WOULD have gotten something for free courtesy of your idiot sm

