Quoth Rebel1012
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You make sure BOTH kids are IN the car AND seatbelted into place before turning the key. Every time. And if they're not, you make sure you know exactly why not. (Like, maybe they're staying over with Grandma. That's a good reason to leave Grandma's house without them.

And if you're leaving them in the car, you take the weather into account; and you make sure one of them at least is awake and knows precisely where you'll be, and for how long. (Given their ages, it's safe enough to leave either of them in charge of the car - any younger than Nephew is now, and it'd be an adult or a sensible late-teen in charge.)
Quoth smileyeagle1021
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I'm assuming it's full of switchbacks and hairpin turns and long-drops on the edge of the road, of course. If it's not, then I'm probably wrong.
