One part of my hatred for morning shifts is the reduced produce. Hordes of the aged descend on the rack the second it is put out on the floor, trampling one another for bruised pears and demanding additional discounts because it's 'rotten'. All the good stuff (decent tomatoes, cubanelle peppers, potatoes, non-apple fruit I could use for baking) is usually gone completely by 10 AM.
9:15 AM. One of the self-scans summons me over, with the refrain "This order must be completed by the self checkout cashier". There are no known issues with that lane, so no reason why it should be doing that. The customer is an old guy of an ethnicity known around here for trying to pull fast ones with coupons and assorted other shenanigans.
I print out a save-order receipt with the intention of scanning it on a register...but what I didn't realize is that the printer's failing, so the last few line-widths of the barcode are illegible and so are the numbers. Okay, the only thing I can do is rescan the order. This is where it gets weird.
There are three trays of reduced produce in the bag area. The saved-order receipt in my hand has only one.
I start scanning the three trays in again, and he flips out. Starts yelling in very broken English: "I pay! I pay!" He tries (and fails) to grab the receipt out of my hand.
Me: "Sir, this is not a payment receipt. You need to show me a receipt."
OG: "I pay! I pay!" He starts grabbing discarded receipts from the counter (gee, that's not suspect at all
) and thrusting them in my face. "See? I pay! Everything!"
Let's see...there is ONE receipt that might look legit, if it weren't actually for a pastry.
"Cash!" Strike two, that receipt has $20 worth of pasta and pasta sauce, and was paid with a credit card.
Me: "You. Did. Not. Pay. This is not your receipt."
OG: "I pay!"
Me: "No. You did NOT pay any money for this. If you can show me a cash receipt that you did not get off the counter then I will let you have what you paid for."
Lather, rinse, repeat... By this time manager P is lurking nearby and watching OG closely. OG goes to grab the trays back from (I love being tall). Eventually, OG leaves without any produce, and I discover that my hunch was correct; he didn't actually pay for anything.
9:15 AM. One of the self-scans summons me over, with the refrain "This order must be completed by the self checkout cashier". There are no known issues with that lane, so no reason why it should be doing that. The customer is an old guy of an ethnicity known around here for trying to pull fast ones with coupons and assorted other shenanigans.
I print out a save-order receipt with the intention of scanning it on a register...but what I didn't realize is that the printer's failing, so the last few line-widths of the barcode are illegible and so are the numbers. Okay, the only thing I can do is rescan the order. This is where it gets weird.
There are three trays of reduced produce in the bag area. The saved-order receipt in my hand has only one.
I start scanning the three trays in again, and he flips out. Starts yelling in very broken English: "I pay! I pay!" He tries (and fails) to grab the receipt out of my hand.
Me: "Sir, this is not a payment receipt. You need to show me a receipt."
OG: "I pay! I pay!" He starts grabbing discarded receipts from the counter (gee, that's not suspect at all

Let's see...there is ONE receipt that might look legit, if it weren't actually for a pastry.
"Cash!" Strike two, that receipt has $20 worth of pasta and pasta sauce, and was paid with a credit card.
Me: "You. Did. Not. Pay. This is not your receipt."
OG: "I pay!"
Me: "No. You did NOT pay any money for this. If you can show me a cash receipt that you did not get off the counter then I will let you have what you paid for."
Lather, rinse, repeat... By this time manager P is lurking nearby and watching OG closely. OG goes to grab the trays back from (I love being tall). Eventually, OG leaves without any produce, and I discover that my hunch was correct; he didn't actually pay for anything.