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Rush Orders

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  • #16
    I just get a lot of calls from customers who don't seem to understand the definition of the word "emergency." In order for me to page out an on call tech, something has to be an emergency, i.e. a 911 system down. It does not mean that your mouse is sticky. That can wait til tomorrow. Darnit customer thinking they're always right.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #17
      Oh, RuffledBirdy, I :heart: your manager soooo much! Having been a B&N store employee myself for *cough* years I so know what you go through. I don't miss that part of it one bit!

      People who wanted rush shipping always bugged me. There really is no way to make it come faster. The computer says there is, and it's crazy expensive, and from what I've always been told, it doesn't actually work anyway. (Unless you live in Manhattan where they will do same day delivery.)

      I was calling orders once and the guy's teenage son answered the phone. I asked for the customer, kid said he wasn't there, I asked can I leave a message, and the kid says "Sure." click. I called back and he did it again. I gave it a third try and then had one of my male coworkers call. Damn kid took the message from him. Grr. I happened to be there when Dad came to pick up his book and I should have told him how close he came to not getting the message but I didn't. Grr again.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #18
        Quoth Reyneth View Post
        Not my problem anymore, tyvm.
        That sounds exactly like a call I made for a reserved title at Chesterfield.
        RJ: "Hello, this is Ruby Juwl with *Chesterfield*, may I speak to *lady of the house*?"
        P: "Nope."
        RJ: *blink* "May I leave a message?"
        P: "Nope."
        RJ: "I'm sorry. sir, but she reserved a movie. We make these calls to let you know it's coming out tomorrow."
        P: "Huh?"
        RJ: "Once again, your wife reserved a movie, and I just wanted to let her know it'll be out Tuesday."
        P: "You're not selling something?"
        RJ: "Not over the phone, no. She put $5 on it already."
        "I call murder on that!"

