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Calling Card Fraud Team SC

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  • Calling Card Fraud Team SC

    I was working on the Fraud Team and I had the the Most Clueless SC

    FCCR - Me
    MCSC - Most Clueless SC

    FCCR: This is FCCR, I understand there are calls on your card that you did not make.
    MCSC: Yes, I did not make any of these calls
    FCCR: Have you lent your card to anyone
    MCSC: No, I have not
    I check the numbers called and get some names on reverse lookup. Most have the same last name as the customer
    FCCR: Sir do you know Joe MCSC?
    MCSC: I have never heard of him before
    FCCR: Sir, I need to put you on hold so I can do a little investigation
    MCSC: Sure

    I call the number in question

    Joe MCSC: Hello
    FCCR: Sir, this is FCCR from Big Name Phone Company, do you know MCSC?
    Joe MCSC: Yes, that is my son, he is on the phone in my office right now
    FCCR: Thank you sir, I have him on hold and he is claiming he does not know who you are.
    Joe MCSC: Good, then I will quit paying for his college education

    I disconnect the call and go back to customer

    FCCR: Sir, I checked the most called number and it is you Father, you may want to talk to him about where your money for tuition will be coming from in the future
    (In the background) Joe MCSC: WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW ME
    MCSC: Goodbye <click>

    I noted the account what was found so he could not claim fraud and get all the calls written off.

  • #2
    Oh my gosh! that is beautiful. So beautiful!
    I want to frame this and take it home with me...
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      My, oh my! What a thread! So, this guy is calling people he knows, then claiming he does not know them, and expects you to just take his word without checking up on it? And, this guy is in college?

      Of course you don't know him! What did he expect?


      • #4
        I think the funniest one that I had was the guy that called claiming that he did not make the calls. I put him on hold and called the first number. He answered it. Needless to say he did not get credit for the calls he made.


        • #5
          Quoth FormerCallingCardRep View Post
          I think the funniest one that I had was the guy that called claiming that he did not make the calls. I put him on hold and called the first number. He answered it. Needless to say he did not get credit for the calls he made.
          Similar to an earlier post I had about the Bellsouth Davis Case. Customers got credit even for things they had, knew they had, but claimed were put on their account fraudulently. A good friend of mine had one who had call waiting, claimed up and down she did not know what it was, did not know how to use it, and most importantly, did not authorize it on the account and demanded credit. She had it for over four years. My friend put the customer on hold, then called the phone number. The customer nonchalantly said "Hello?" and my friend told her, "Maam, it's me! You certainly are good at using call waiting for someone claiming not to know what it is or how to use it." She got the credit anyway.


          • #6
            LOL. I love the dad's reaction though! He must be a lot smarter than the son! Good for him for not taking the company's side and acting like a real idiot and SC.


            • #7
              Quoth air914 View Post
              LOL. I love the dad's reaction though! He must be a lot smarter than the son! Good for him for not taking the company's side and acting like a real idiot and SC.
              If only that was the case with all customers! Practically every time I had this scenario, the called to numbers would 99.9% of the time all claim they did not know the person. Sometimes you could fish them out though. For example, I did this once with a guy who had a long distance number called twenty times, denied he knew the number, plus the person on that number denied knowing him, yet, that phone number and name of the person was listed as a contact number on his credit info! Just a coincidence, I guess. I denied him the credit, and of course, it turned into a supervisor call. Thankfully, my supervisor also denied this guy a credit after I told her what had happened and what I had discovered.


              • #8
                Ditto on that one air-His dad is a hoot! That's a classic right there...
                I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                • #9
                  We had a policy that an on line rep could send the customer to us with what ever notes and evidence that they found. We would either 1) if it was a few calls continue review of calls and make determination or 2) if it was a lot of calls set a time to call the customer back to go over calls. If I ever in my life hear "No make calls" again I will pull all of my hair out. We would get foreign students that would make hundreds of calls back to their home country and then call in saying "No make calls"

